I've been asked "what're your goals" in job interviews and by my friends and family. I'm honest and I talk about making a fuck ton of cash and reaching financial independence, so I can live my life without worrying about money. I get the worst reactions from people cause being so focused on money is perceived as bad or not a good goal i just dont get it. What do I do Veeky Forums?? Am I missing something? What are good "goals"?
2 femanine penises at once
just make up some feelgood shit to tell people, idiot. everyone wants to make a shit ton of money but it's not socially acceptable to say that. say you want to sail across the atlantic someday or something.
Just tell them you want to make a lot of money and live a happy life.
Money and physical appearance are the most important things in life since you could have anything if you're rich and look hot. These two ideals are on everybody's minds but a great part of people don't try actively to achieve them.
Those normies are just oblivious conformists who always daydream about becoming rich and waste their money on the lottery but end up wageslaving their mediocre life away.
Truth is, if you want greatness you've gotta strive for it (if you don't have rich parents) so absolutely, you have a good goal.
Maybe some people have more romantic goals but isn't it easier to fish the love of your life if you're good looking and rich?
the big 4
gain financial security
raise a family
see the world
experience some activities
people want to hear about how you want to help the world and follow your passions and shit. being outwardly money hungry is a faux-pas even though everyone worships billionaires.
Good Goal setting is based on psychology
The first two steps are interchangable:
You either start thinking about your core personal values or what Goals you have and set SMART Goals making them so small that you can work on your goals on a daily basis.
3. Good Goals are Goals that you generally work towards in the set T-ime (smarT) that you set yourself. If not make them smartER - Evaluate and Retweak!
For anything more send me some DGB and I shall start posting actual relevant psych knowledge on biz
in short: Lie cuz society doesn´t appreciate any form of honesty ever.
You have to give them what they want. "i want to be the best "xyz" employee at this company and prove myself, etc etc etc"
become king
Ok OP, I run a small company, and when you say "I want to make shittons of money so I don't need to work anymore", all I'm hearing is "I'll leave as soon as I can because I don't care about what I do". It displays lack of commitment that is at odds with the company's interest in hiring you, why would they bear the cost of training you (all jobs worth doing involve on the job training) if they can lose their "investment" as easily as a competitor offering you 2% extra?
Why do you care what other people think?
Focus on whatever you can learn in that position. If you care about your career and care about this job, there is something about it that will improve you as a person.
So your current job is lacking in XYZ, but new job gives you a chance to learn the shit out of XYZ.
If you don't care about learning things and improving yourself, nobody will hire you.
If you think making a fuckton of money will just appear, nobody will pay you.
Develop and build your career on skills that people will pay for. It's really not that difficult.
Dont be a faggot, OP. Caring about making shittons of tons of "fuck-you money" is smart, but it's dumb to go advertising that to people. What did you think was gonna happen?
Not everyone is a NEET.
just don't say the "lots of money" part
talk about how you want to live your live without ever being enslaved to your debts or beholden to others, etc.
My goal is to take over my parent's house someday, but scrap the house and rebuild one of my own design. The land is beautiful and perfectly located. I've got solid ideas for ways to improve it. But the current issue is that my parents are mostly underwater with the house. My dad got it appraised in 2006 or so, and my dad was planning for some sizable home improvement projects. So the appraiser was like "oh you're adding a walk-in closet here? neat!" and tallied all of that future planning stuff into the value of the house. Then the 2008 recession hit, my parent's couldn't afford the upkeep on the house let alone home improvements, and the house has fallen into disrepair. They're slowly climbing their way out of debt, but I don't think they'll ever make substantial payments towards their house.
I'm just getting into finance myself, so I'm wondering the best approach to take. It's a long road, but it'll be worth it.
"I'm honest" you're just being a faggot.
The point of a job interview it to figure out what the company wants you to answer and tell them exactly that.
It will make them happy and give you a job.
Is that so fucking hard to figure out?
This. It's like heroin on heroin. You'll die even thinking about giving it up. Pure heaven
>what do you mean you want to be financially independent goy? this interview is over.
if you're too autistic to lie about something relatively minor like that, or, more importantly understand that you're supposed to lie about it and why, things might be tough for you senpai
to me if you can think of more then 2 goals on the spot youre just a dreamer and never accomplish anything, better to just take things one step at a time