>Hur, its what continent your ancestors came from. Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. There are only 4 races.
American concept of race
It's hilarious when 100% mongrels like Americans call upon racial purity
For Americans, its really more like, all Africans are one race, all middle-easterners (Arabs, Persians, Armenians) are a race. All Europeans are one race somehow. Asians are all one race. Native Americans are a single race or maybe divided into North and south races.
Spanish speaking Americans (who are not full native) are their own race (They are all a single specifically not-'white' race), no exceptions. Brazilians (who are not full native) are all mulatto (if not full black), no exceptions.
I live in the south and can confirm this is how 99% of people think about race
alternatively everything can be simplified down to "immigrants" or "niggers"
Kiss my ass you smug Eurofag
Nah asians are divided into east asians and indian asians.
I never hear Indians referred to as Asians here.
There is nothing terribly unique about American concepts of race. Wherever there is a large amount of races interacting with one another the same dynamic arises.
Who are you quoting?
which colour is it?
While I certainly think that's humorous when a mutt talks about a specific country his forefathers came from when he's made up people from MadrĂd to Moscow, I'd also point to the development of the latin-american "race" as a semi-distinct entity. While in actuality their rise is from interbreeding between Spanish/Portuguese Europeans and native Americans and encompasses a fairly large genepool, the group is recognizable enough that a racial identity has developed, complete with subgroups (blancos, mestizos, indios, negros). It's not unbelievable that a "White American" race could develop as a group as well, relating to Americans with mixed but exclusive European descent.
Whoa yeah, it's almost like as information proliferates peoples' conception of their 'in-group' gets wider and wider. /pol/ btfo
>/pol/ btfo
I can't tell if you are being serious or sarcastic.
yeah welcome to the fucking internet grandpa
That doesn't even come close to Americans conception of race. OP is a retarded confirmed.
>two pure race aryans have a baby in Africa
> he is not white because of it
I'm not even kidding, I always see this shit
Americans think India is in the middle east somewhere
Can confirm
> Oh you're Brazilian user?
> I just thought you were white!
This image is not a joke because Argentinians are some of the whitest South Americans. This image is a joke because Argentinians are not white by white peoples standard. As in...
And its not ironic.
ITT: Bullshit passed between non-Americans as fact out of pure envy and hatred
I'd be offended by that if I was middle eastern.
Historically how were Slavs like Poles and Russians considered in the USA?
I know in mid 19th to mid 20th century Europe they were largely viewed as not only a separate race, but a very much inferior race.
Source: your ass
It's retarded, friendly reminder that this would be considered white in the US.
Poles were definitely looked down upon, mostly because they were Catholics until the mid 20th century. Russians not as much until after the Revolution. After the Revolution, they were seen either as commie agitators or defectors fleeing communism.
Yeah he's 100% black.
Not that user, but in the past people saw race as in, the Germanic race, and the Italian race, and the Japanese race, etc. 'White' as a race was a new world concept.
And even then,an Irish-American dating an Italian-American was considered an interracial relationship.
Who says this.
Races do correlate with geography though.
>Irish-American dating an Italian-American was considered an interracial relationship
This is a complete horseshit meme propagated by Jewish hacks like Noel Ignatiev in order to "deconstruct whiteness". European races were never considered "not white" in the US other than one retarded essay by Ben Franklin, legally pretty much ALL European immigrants were considered white and thus eligible for naturalization. The only ones whose whiteness was disputed were the Finns, who took it to court that ruled they are indeed white.
>Poles were definitely looked down upon, mostly because they were Catholics until the mid 20th century.
But what about racially? Was the obsession with the Germanic race, Italian race, Slavic race, Irish race, etc. as prominent in the USA as in Europe?
Would, for example, a US Army unit made of people of Polish, English, German, Italian, and Irish descent be considered "mixed race"?
Why was it such a big thing in parts of Europe but not the USA?
The largest genocide in history was committed over the belief that Slavs were an inferior race to Germanics.
>Would, for example, a US Army unit made of people of Polish, English, German, Italian, and Irish descent be considered "mixed race"?
No, but certain European ethnicities were purposely excluded from society. The Irish are the biggest exclusion, but you also saw Italians, Poles, and Jews excluded for various reasons.
No it does not. Chinese people have spontaneously been born in the darkest jungles of Africa to black African parents
American of Persian descent here, can confirm
100% of people call you an Arab. A disgusting, smelly semitic Arab.
>implying hitlers hate for slavs was anything but political propaganda so he could justify taking their land.
I know Hungarians during the time of WW1 were seen as backwards superstitious locals who tend towards despotism and superstition. So anything east of Hunagry might as well be chinese as far as westerners were concerned.
Russians, who were neither Protestant nor Catholic, and very rural and undeveloped and under an absolute monarchy, must have been seen as something along the lines as Afghanistanis toady. Like fundamentalist Muslims so far away from civilization that they lived on the moon.
I hope you don't mean the nazis, because this is what their racial scientists had to actually say about it. Stop believing Jewish propaganda.
>gets corrected on utter nonsense
Kill yourself.
Literally every nation is Mongrels you retards.
>Its a "Europeans are bombarded by American culture daily and yet and extremely ignorant of how it works" thread
Stopped reading there
More like that's the reason why Europeans are ignorant. They get 100% of their opinions about America from fucking movies and TV shows and for some reason believe they're accurate. I can't count the number of times I've been asked whether IRL American high schools are like in the movies.
We don't say that at all. There are Southern Natives(Mexicans, Brazilians, Cubans, Etc., though this just means the people who are mostly of native blood. Actual "white" people from Latin America are considered white, black considered black, Dot Indians Dot Indian, etc.), typical Natives from most of the US and Canada, and Eskimos from the Canadian territories and Alaska. Then there are Whites from most of Europe, and its divisions(Mediterranean, Germanic, Celtic, Nordic, Slavic, Etc.), Arabs from Arabia, Persia(I know Persian aren't really Arabs, but we consider them so), and North Africa, Africans from the rest of Africa, Dot Indians from the Indian sub-continent, East Asians, South-East Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Australian Abos. Of course, there are sub-divisions in all of those, but that's generally how we consider race, here.
The anti-Catholic, anti-Irish, anti-Italian, anti-polish 'know nothing' party was a major political party in america for a time.
John F Kennedy was the first Catholic to be elected president, one of his challenges was that since he was Irish-American and catholic, many people thought he was going to take orders from the Pope, and thus was why Catholics were unfit to be President to them.
Don't ever underestimate identity politics.
>Actual "white" people from Latin America are considered white
What the fuck happens in america?
>/int/ concept of Veeky Forums
>Hur, it's the same fucktarded shit I post on /int/. International shitflinging, entirely biased framing of historical discussion, contemporary bullshit. Only there are no flags!
Degeneracy supreme. Hitler was right about that
I'd tell you, but I haven't seen it in a decade
Know Nothing party died out decades before Polish immigration and a good fucking century before Kennedy.
I wasn't trying to imply that. I was simply saying that anti-catholic and anti-catholic peoples have been a big thing in America.
literally what is wrong with four major races?
There is only one race, the human race