Should humanity unite?
Should humanity unite?
Describe what you mean by "unite"
What is an united humanity
humanity is a spook
it will if threatened by aliens
Who knows
No. People would only mistreat each other on a grander scale.
But what will be the name of a unified Humanity? Or at the very least a united Earth?
Fuck no. Competition is the single best force for good in the world.
What a facile question, as if it were as easy as just saying "yes".
that's extremely vague.
But they're too stupid.
Also we shouldn't go to far into space until we're smart enough to unite. Otherwise we'll just get fucked over if anything is out there.
Terran Empire.
Yes. We need to go out into the stars and become new humans and then wage wars against one another and drop colonies and asteroids onto earth and learn all about UNDERSTANDING.
Nigga why you posting your laboratory pics?
Against whom? Jews?
>tfw just got the Terran space set
>tfw you were born too early to be exterminating xenos while exchanging banter with your nigger comrades
I'd ally with the xenos to exterminate the niggers.
But what if the xenos are qt3.14s?
but everyone will be a nigger shitskin 100 years from now
Considering the racial makeup of /pol/, he's probably one now.
it should be united under one global capitalist republic
Then we'll be united in our journey to dick em
Bringing out the big puns...
Not unless we get some outside incentive to do so
Thing is, nothing is on the outside yet.
Read: salvation war: armaggedon, it made me realize the only way a united human nation would only be possible in case of war with something non-human, and even that would possibly be temporary
Actually, that's none of your business, christie.
No. Nationalities and cultures should be preserved.
United Earth Directorate
Under what or against what?
Humanity can only achieve utopia based on a beneficial lie.
'United' through domination like 1942, yes.
'United' like John Lennon's wetdream, no, breeds weakness and divisiveness, embrace hierarchy, fuck equality.
The whole concept of a united nation state is a beneficial lie, extending it would just be the next logical step.
Yes, but they will not.