If poorfags want to be whales soon buy Golem and wait for it to be uplisted onto Normiebase. It's happening. Your welcome.
If poorfags want to be whales soon buy Golem and wait for it to be uplisted onto Normiebase. It's happening...
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Alrdy did but I am doing it for Brass
do you have any proof that its going to coinbase besides a repeated rumor?
A family member works there
that doesnt sound convincing and isnt proof for us
brb putting everything into GNT and other tokens ending in T
I'm holding several thousand in GNT but I really hate this rumor. Is it true? It could be, yes, there's been some "leaked" code that shows GNT and one other coin on Coinbase. Now if it is actually true GNT will go from $0.50 to at least $20.00, but it's still a really annoying rumor, especially since there's no proof or strong evidence. I go to bed at night hoping it is true and I wake up to 200x profits but I'm patient too. I've got all the time in the world for GNT to blow up.
No sweat off my back, not here to convince you of anything
i asked you for proof, moron.
Coinbase can barely handle new account registration as is. Customer support is fucking awful at the moment. Golem will probably be added eventually, but I imagine they have too much on their hands right now.
OP, if this is true I will get the Golem logo tattooed on my ass and post pics
My uncle works at nintendo he said they are going to start accepting golem too
Nice. He must work with my brother. They all have company lambos.
I'm in the same boat user. 1000+ and holding. I'd say with brass and a potential normiebase we're in a good spot. Idk why fools shill for so many terrible altcoins. GNT is where it's at.
>Customer support is fucking awful at the moment
this. those pieces of shit never gave me my $10 for referring a friend. and they never responded to my customer service email, even though I know they got it because they gave me a receipt. fuck those faggots.
where do you trade eth for gnt
>Is it true?
it's not. It's been two weeks since some random faggot spam these threads about being listed on coinbase. It won't be listed in coinbase. Never.
On the other hand you have some big release from the GNT devs that will probably boost the price.
GNT sounds like a good idea and a good long term coin, at least it isn't something retarded as moon, parkbytes or any other scam coin going around right now. Same with Sia.
Why would coinbase list a coin that's not in the top 10 in terms of market cap?
Trumpcoin is being added first
golem is a fucking botcoin fuck you
SIA is just a Storj clone though.
And Storj is actually already functioning.
holy shit it was a blog post
no other evidence
golem does NOT make sense to sell on coinbase.
btc: currency
eth: currency
litecoin: currency
golem: supercompooter tokens vroom vroom
get real
More like buy BAT and wait for it to get listed on other exchanges.
i used jaxx
Ya both are maidsafe clones.
Go fck off n die.
ETH isn't a currency though desu.
Eth is not a currency, you fucking nucoiner retard
Yes it is. It is also such a good currency that it has faster and cheaper transactions than bitcoin. bitcoin is such a bad currency that people literally rebranded it to a store of value. which is a hilariously meaningless phrase if you think about it
Yea boy!!!
I survived the great dip of June 2017
Golem is gonna tank soon
Just think, would YOU leave your computer on all night and allow people to access it? That shit might have flown in the 90s seti@home era, but people and hackers are way more sophisticated these days.
My cousin is very high up at a huge company and he says there will be a major announcement soon.
then why hasn't anyone hacked the people who are generating gridcoins through proof of research??? *probs has but just haven't heard anything about it yet*
HAHAHAHAHA, yeah don't leave your computer alone!!!!111
I agree. I won't get GNT until I know they can't/won't make a botnet.
Dad works at jagex, said runescape gp is now going to be golem
I invested in GNT because I'm a small time filmmaker. If there was a way for me to cheaply buy processing power for rendering shit I'd do it without thinking. You don't know what it's like to leave a render overnight only to find out it crashed on the next day.
Regardless of coinbase this is a coin that can solve a load of problems imo
Once again, would you rent out YOUR computer's processing power to an anonymous network?
If it was lucrative enough, people might buy computers specifically for golem with no personal shit on them.
i would
My father works at IBM and they are going to start using BitBean for worldwide transactions. Screencap this
wew lad
>Would you rent YOUR GPU to mine worthless meme coins?
t. you 7 years ago
Doesn't uploading and downlading terabytes of raw video take more time than rendering?
Get in line, Augur is first!
It's hashed raw data, you unhash it and it's a lot bigger all of a sudden.
This, it's easy to sandbox the rendering program too. In addition to a secure program, there would be little risk.
The next ETH lol, bought $10k worth
Pretty keen on GNT as a technology. Got about 50bucks worth, hodling.
Yes, I would
GNT make sense because tokens are a natural extension of ethereum, they wouldn't have to get involved in a whole new blockchain like Dash or XRP (if XRP even is a blockchain and not just a pump and dump shitcoin)
Is 1800 gona be enough to quit the old wagecuck life?
You literally can't unhash data. You don't even know the difference between hashing and encryption.
I got 1400, and I doubt it not in the medium run. But considering Golem is a who integrated computer/banking system worldwide. If the developers succeed in this project you'll be very wealthy if you HODL.
buy some fucking RAM you fucking jew
t. nostorjer
Storj actually has a working product already
Regarding Storj, would it fucking hurt the Storj team to communicate why they're needing to take the entire 4 weeks to distribute the tokens from the crowdsale instead of the 1-2 weeks they "expected" it to take?
1 tweet is all it would take.