>be American
>own bitcoin
>have all assets seized and jailed for 10 years
Watch the full video
Be American
If you're suspected of travelling with over 10k worth of anything that could be altcoin/bitcoin related you can be imprisoned and have assets seized
actually no need to watch the whole video just the first couple minutes then find sauce (which i havent looked for since im not american)
once I have enough in Bitcoin, I'm leaving this shit hole of a country
I'm already learning Japaneseです
but this has been the case always. You can't enter the country with 10k dollars and not report it. This is common law and well known in borders like Canada/USA/Mexico
I didn't know that. My flag burning pic was just to bring attention to this issue desu.
BUT the fact that governments are getting more and more aware, and in some cases involved, in crypto, is a serious concern
Oh kek I remember a friend that money laundered money to japan, he was provided types of trafficked asian girls to sell off in bars.
Pretty intense though our government and politicians are in on it.
Oh, I understand that. I saw the video, and it sucks. I have over 100k USD in crypto, the least thing I want to do is end up in jail for it. I thought it would be just as easy as reporting it on my taxes at the end of this year, but looks like a bill like this might make it more difficult than that.
Filthy no coiner and Democrat here. Let me just say GOD DAMN do I love thinking about twitchy NEETs heading for pound me in the ass prison over Bitcoin.
I'll be sure to keep lurking and reporting wallet addresses as I see them after Feinstein's bill passes. Those black and brown people you love to shit on by supporting Trump are going to enjoy meeting your racist white asses behind bars.
Make an llc that holds the assets.
what difference does it make? I already have an LLC, but is not involved with the crypto yet.
Noose yourself nigger.
Get a tan, learn about 20 phrases in Arabic, and buy a one way ticket to Sweden. They will throw hot blondes and gibs at you
>tfw too white to pass for arab
The bill introduced to the senate expands on the current 10k law to specifically include cryptocurrency and you even have to report the value of your safety deposit box..wtf that doesn't sound like it's targeting people coming into the US.
>they can stop you from traveling with over 10k worth of crypto
The fuck are they going to do, check everyone's computer, USBs, briefcase of papers in case of paper wallet, and interrogate you in case you're using a brainwallet? They can't stop shit.
Good luck with your fat tax, no gunz, and being enslaved to China when they rape your boipucci in the inevitable proxy war
Try it, and we'll be sure to keep an out with pics you post with useful meta data "user"
don't flaunt your blockfolio in the plane, or a flight attendant will alert the authorities.
fuck why Hitler have to invade Russia?
I'm going on a vacation in July out of the US and this legitimately frightens me. I don't like that dark skinned guy in the video, so how valid is this? Fear mongering? Or will I seriously be fucked if trying to go on a fucking vacation...?
Don't take your crypto wallet with you.