Why religion is becoming more important these days? Is that because it's easier to understand than modern science?
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Why religion is becoming more important these days? Is that because it's easier to understand than modern science?
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religion is felt, not "understood"
Because its a tool for Ideology.
Religion was never "not important." Or even less important.
Atheists don't exist. Everyone is religious.
You faggots aren't even trying anymore.
Go back to cripplechan.
This. Look at any surge in religiosity today and you'll find a political ideology behind it. It's because religion offers a way to insulate it's followers from other dogmas and information sources.
That's silly.
>Why religion is becoming more important these days?
can you provide a source on that?
degeneracy is on the rise. religion is the only bastion for moral values and so people start clinging to it.
If you're not willing to take the time to actually articulate your own ideas instead of posting some video or link like a fucking automaton's excuse for a human being, then guess what?
I'm not going to take the time to pay any actual attention to whatever you're selling. Go away or learn to engage people in a way that is not bordering on revolting.
because science doesn't offer any answers, it only offers facts.
We are balls deep in hedonistic nihilism and a minority of people are looking for something to counteract that, I suppose.
"Hey guys this is how the world began! This is why mushrooms form a circle!"
"Uh, okay. So what am I supposed to do with my life?"
"Lol idk you figure it out you idiot. Just don't be a dummy and believe in anything."
Multiple reasons, I'd imagine. Here are a couple.
The failure of secular, enlightened society to improve much over the older religiously-associated ones. While there have been reforms, nothing's really changed outside of shifting marginalization from some groups to others. People still act like tribalistic lunatics because it turns out religion isn't necessary for us vs them-isms. Just look at the modern Western world and all the political autism infecting it. Previously, Communism (or whatever you want to call it) was the biggest officially atheistic political trend in history and it ended abysmally every time. Socialistic/secular countries had a better run but are still experiencing domestic upheaval as already pointed out.
The failure of atheism to provide a satisfying sense of meaning or well-being to large groups of people. No life after death, no real meaning to morality beyond ape genes and social convenience/cohesiveness. The most you get is a license for unbridled hedonism or nihilism and that just doesn't cut it in most cases. As social situations spiral, you will get more and more people turning to religion.
because atheism is a dead end. people and society don't function properly without some sort of religious imperative
Someone spamming religious threads on Veeky Forums does mean it is becoming more important
Religious troll threads have been like half the content on Veeky Forums since day one, what are you talking about?
The fact all these threads start with obvious falsehoods isn't helping the religious case either.
10/fuckin 10 post right there
Nice post-modernist perspective. You're basically saying nobody can be anti or pro anything then
I made it to
>"which worldview makes human experience intelligible"
What fucking nonsense is this?
Then how come I don't believe in God
Because you don't want to.
That's an extremely silly view to hold. Why wouldn't someone want to believe in God? I would love it if he was real but he very clearly isn't.
according to the video, you get physical arousal from denying god
Are you being serious or just trolling?
keep up sempai, post-irony is both
>Are you being serious or just trolling?
this is what religious people ask God every morning
>Keith Thompson
why are nearly all calvinist so terrible at apologetics? (exclude Greg Bahnsen vsMichael Martin)
Because it's a big picture survival strategy, not specialized problem solving.
>Why religion is becoming more important these days
t. 14 year old
Religion has been, and will always be "important" (spoken from an agnostic naturalist).
>you dont know what to do with your sad excuse of a life and dont know things
>this means we have to make up fairy tales to justify our actions and beliefs as opposed to being rational about things and forming substantial, meaningful reasons for what we should do with our lives, our moral values, and knowledge of reality
Yeah, fuck that.
>Le science is the only way to be rational meme
Maybe because people have realized that God is bigger than they will always be? Religion has many enemies yet it always comes out on top. Maybe it's because we're hardwired to believe
For the material world? Yes. That is simply objective fact. There is no debate there.
Concerning philosophy? No. But science stems from logic and reason anyway. And for philosophical things or something like ethics, we can use these same principles without the need for making shit up.
If your reason for believing in god is being lost in life or having no purpose, that is a bad resson. It would be better to find a purpose that is rock solid rather than grasping for the first little cult that comes along offering hope.
t. Religious person.
Was meant for
>hardwired to believe
Exactly, in the same way mentally ill people are hardwired to believe in ghosts and alien abductions. We're all a bunch of fucking idiots and you're the absolute worst part of the problem.
>Why religion is becoming more important these days?
Not everyone is American or Muslim, in most places religion is an old people practice mostly because tradition. Losing importance with every generation.
This guy gets it
The law and society tell you how to live your life, you idiot.
But they really really want that laws in a religous book. They can follow the dumbest shit that way.
edgy must be the new "I have no rebuttal" meme
They still have the fedora strawman for multiple purposes.
Religion unites, science dont.
Wow what a fucking retarded. Look at all the wars in the name of sciences
yeah. How has Science ever united people? How many scientists have banded together for war?
>he very clearly isn't.
There's no solid evidence of this
Name one "religious" war that wasn't actually political in nature with religion as an excuse.
protip: there are none
if god is real then why did humans build the tables?
checkmate christianity
>The failure of secular, enlightened society to improve much over the older religiously-associated ones.
But that's not true at all. Our society is a huge improvement compared that of the past
No, it's out of love, compassion and humanity, which the mechanisms of capitalism and science can't provide.
Also, there will be some fundies taking advantage of people, but they're the minority
No they don't. They tell you what you'll get in trouble for doing (if you get caught). The law isn't the religion, you idiot.
It was originally. Too bad you Anglo barbarians never studied Roman Law.
'Degeneracy' being, whatever I decide to cherry pick from my magic book.
I know a lot of "atheists" who believe in aliens, magic crystals, karma, numerology, horoscopes, and other nonsense that hasn't been proven with evidence. I think we should really be making the difference between believers and non-believers rather than theists vs atheists.
what a dead corpse of a stupid fucking board this place is
People are starting to realize that the idea our existence is some big cosmic coincidence and we just 'beat the odds' is fucking retarded. Naturalism is dead. A deep spiritual connection to each other is what humanity needs to advance, not more people peddling nihilism and trying to dress it up like the ultimate meaninglessness of existence is somehow a good thing. People don't want that shit. People want meaning, they want purpose, they want a reason for why we're here that isn't just a shrug and a scientist saying "Just happened that way man"
>People are starting to realize that the idea our existence is some big cosmic coincidence and we just 'beat the odds' is fucking retarded. Naturalism is dead
............. to YOU.
Religious followings in the states are at an all time low wtf are you talking about
Only among the left wing, who actively seek to destroy western civilization. Religion is one of the pillars so naturally they're looking to subvert and weaken it at every opportunity to help usher in communism.
>to you
there has been a resurgence of conversions between people that were atheists before.
Although I may not agree with your political stance, overall I agree with what you say. Naturalism is a meme anyway. Trying to explain all of our actions, art, ethics and overall the meaning of life with science alone only needs to nonsense. I don't know who was the idiot that started applying science to fields it can't offer answers to begin with.
>there has been a resurgence of conversions between people that were atheists before.
nice source
nice source
>correlation = causation
really top top post nice one user
Because we are in the Dwapara Yuga which means we are being pulled by the forces of God and Good but still feeling the effects of the unholy.
>arguing with trips
u new here boy
>Why religion is becoming more important these days?
its not. trump winning due to libtard political strategy and people see how stupid colored people are via twitter doesnt mean people are going back to religion en mass. we are in a fractured society now with multiple faction despite what you want to chose this implies
I know you're baiting me to draw the comparison between believing in god and in meme numbers but I simply won't mention it. That would just be low
hurrr i wanna meaning weee heee
religious people are fucking pathetic
But religion is good for keeping plebs in check.
Also your first sentence has big fucking RETARD written all over it and its another reason why religious fucks shouldn't be allowed to vote, if you don't even understand the basic conception of naturalism. Its not like everything was made the way it is so we could evolve. We evolved the way we are because the things are made the way they are, evolution is all about adjusting. Its not that God made apples so we could feed on them, our organism was developed in a way we could process apples, you fucking idiot.
You just did tho
You get it, but tell that to the 5,000,000,000 or more hypochrites out there, or those who are just forced to follow it.
>religious argumentation
No wonder humanity was stagnating for thousands of years
please keep doing this it's so god damn satisfying. It's the intellectual equivalent of an atheist calling a deity an "imaginary friend" or "man in the sky." It automatically points out that you know nothing about apologetics or theology.
you wrote a whole bunch of nothing aside from throwing shit at religion
>you don't understand naturalism
he understands naturalism very well, it means jackshit and it's the attempt of poorly-educated masses to apply science to fields it doesn't even work into and reductionist drivel
Why the fuck would I engage in "debate" with someone that wrote a whole bunch of nothing and the only substance of his post is hidden between multiple "retards", "pathetic", "plebs" and rethoric worth of a 14-year old?
>Why the fuck would I engage in "debate" with someone that wrote a whole bunch of nothing and the only substance of his post is hidden between multiple "retards", "pathetic", "plebs" and rhetoric worth of a 14-year old?
because the audience perceives that amougnst that 14-year old rhetoric theres actually some legitimate points. points that you failed to counter