Do you think it's smart to move to a BC village, work remotely as a webdev, and do odd jobs around town? Maybe seasonal fishing? I could buy a house for 38,000 USD. I would never have to worry about housing again.
Moving to a village
sounds comfy
>work remotely as a webdev
do you currently do that?
Literally everyone in my city is a wage slave because of housing costs. (Under 30 age group)
In school for it, faggot.
for of a reason to go for it
Wow lived in BC my whole life, in the lower mainland, Been all over the interior, kootenays, Drove up to whitehorse. Just recently been living in Sidney for fishing, and home in Vancouver a few days a week. Never heard of Zeballos, still so much too explore in this province.
You'll be paying 100k for internet.
It's the same as here, cuckfag. Only the extreme north has shit internet.
>In school for it, faggot.
what's with the aggression?
Nobody asks questions on Veeky Forums without being a malicious cunt.
You percept it wrong. It is the proper language here you man of a culture.
Holy fuck that looks comfy? where is that?
The Island is great.
nvm, i learned to use google.
I've lived in suburban australia my whole life, travelled a bit in the UK and austria.
makes me think about how little ive lived and how ive barely touched the surface. I cant wait to make a fortune and see all these amazing places.
Yeah I live here. House prices keep going up though.
Fuck off, we're full.
fuck off cunt
You've already fucked off to the Southern Hemisphere. You can't fuck off any harder.
full of gooks. what's one more chink cunt from straya?
Chinese are fine. There just isn't enough good land anymore.
wrong, chinks are insects and belong in an oven. what are you talking about, "good land"? are you a farmer?
Land where you don't have to spend more than 1% of your budget on heating and cooling your house.
build a bunker, like any self respecting cryptomillionaire. if your compound isn't surrounded by hescos and pressureplates you're doing it wrong.
If you worry about heating and cooling your house, you don't have enough money to engage in such infantile fantasies.
I'm learning to do web dev so I can do the same thing desu. I'm gonna live in a small shitty city and be left alone.
t. Amerifat who's never been in -30
hi same but i wanna leave
Everyone and anyone is a faggot, faggot. Don't take it the wrong way
I'm considering nova Scotia or new Brunswick as the houses there are cheap. Land is cheap. I just want to grow veggies and take care of my own needs. Becuase otherwise I'm pretty unemployable but I can easily afford the house and land.