The guy who did it was the one behind a crappy pepe ms painting that got jealous of DGB artist
Not to mention their target goal was to make a coin with a 90 sec block time, while dgb's is 15 sec
The guy who did it was the one behind a crappy pepe ms painting that got jealous of DGB artist
Not to mention their target goal was to make a coin with a 90 sec block time, while dgb's is 15 sec
Other urls found in this thread:
Currently trying for transfer some Mooncoin to Bleu and their confirmation is sooooo daaaamn slow. Their wallet is shitty. They need to sort it out.
Has DGB gotten so bad they digibros have resorted to feuding with the moonies?
there is no sorting out
The developer literally interacts with a bunch of manchildred that get butt blasted at an 18 year old.
Also, any complaints, you have, please tell them here
bah you guys are great artists, but the shilling kek is fucking annoying ffs.
Moon coin will definitely grow though for a pure pump and dump.
you're that 18 year old you giant autist stop larping as a mob
>pic related
the story of tranny-chan
tranny chan is a confused young genderfluid femme boy who came to the moon discord larping about wanting to invest 80k in moon. he kept asking questions, yet every time he was answered he would ramble about dgb. people were even so confused as to think he couldn't speak english. eventually he started to scream at everyone in capital letters and for some reason also didn't like when he was warned against belligerence and finally banned. now he is, as he says, "on a mission" against moon and it's clearly to warn people of the pitfalls of investing in speculative currency and not at all because he's butt hurt about being rejected from an extremely friendly and accepting community. clearly he is an old soul bent on philanthropy who wants to make sure all the investors of the world don't lose their btc without doing due dillgence. some say he still wanders imageboards and discords to this day, shitposting nonsense about moon and not listening to a word in response...
>this mad
How is ripping off a guy's artwork justifiable to you guys?
Also, your coin is literally shit. The only thing you have going for it was your, "Muh 90 sec block time" which is already btfo'd by hundreds of other alt coins
I mean, there were already 4 different posters in this thread that werent swayed by your expert argument skills
And again, thanks for bumping my thread, so everyone can know the moon community are a bunch of autists that rip off peoples artwork
this thread is about you now dude
Go ahead. please bump my thread so people can know youre a bunch of manchildren that ripped off a guys artwork to pump your shitcoin
i just want to draw this out as much as possible to make sure that in ten years when you think about this you physically cringe to a maximum degree
10 years from now, ill be so rich dgb, i wont even have to shill on biz anymore. lol
Also, tell biz what your age is for them.
This guy is a faggot and has spammed our discord as well, but the MOONCoin discord is nothing but shills thinking any real concerns are trolling. Far worse than this dude IMO.
Let's try to be honest here, guys. All of you are pretty pathetic.
well that's just not true... sure people have been banned for concern trolling... but take this chode for example... if you come into the main room and blast everybody and don't read the pins and scream at people when they provide you sources or challenge you data you're gonna get banned if for no other reason than admins get exhausted of dealing with it daily - that's true of any group based around any single thing, ie, mooncoin. if you think that is representative of an echo chamber then i don't know what to tell you because we have very critical and levelled conversations about the prospects and underlying structures of value propping up moon... and i don't think any senior member of the moon team isn't acutely aware of how competetive the crypto market really is... but if you think people can just walk into a community and literally shit all over the place then that's just a form of entitlement because volunteer admins can't be compelled to answer the same idiotic 4 questions every day when the only people asking those questions are people who are completely new and literally have no interest in joining the community
You make a good point.
says the anonymous, too cool for school stranger with no horse in the race. real original mr cynical
No you don't, I tried to challenge you and all you could tell me was "MUH DEVS" "MUH SMARTLIKES" "MUH MOONWORD" without explaining why anyone would actually use any of that horseshit over other coins with tech that is useful to the real world. I was called a FUDder and laughed at because I called out your low sat shitcoin for being a low quality scrypt clone without any real world features anyone would adopt.
Enjoy your MOON coolaid, I made my quick flip on it and I'll get back in to pump it and dump it again.
are you moon man? because if so youre like a less egregious version of this guy? you were being mean to everyone. you were banned for belligerence and lets blast pass your 'muh x' argument because its a little too reductive for me to even take seriously. when admins let someone like you shit on all the little shy people it makes it so they don't want to contribute. we even suggested to you that a conversation in one of the other rooms would be more appropriate and constructive and yet you just kept lashing out at all the little noobies who were jumping in to defend their new coin.
i think everyone likes having a room where everyone feels they can voice their opinion and contribute and i definitely don't want anyone who bullys people
I wasn't banned; I left because it was clear there was no discussion to be had. You guys were hell bent on calling me a concern troll / "FUDding" when I questioned why you think it was better than any other coin.
also not my problem if your newbies don't actually know the tech and can only spout propaganda. It's not my problem that they can't properly represent your coin.
i just don't understand this argument because everyone knows what moon is. this whole market is a total unknown. everyone knows our magical internet money might never be worth a cent? you know what though it's fun to talk about and its a way to be involved in something without risking too much money? i and no one else minds if somebody wants to politely state their case and let us know the astronomical odds we face. in fact if you want to stick around and have a proper round table discussion we can invite the devs and all together we can make it better - unless you just want to shit on stuff and award yourself the smug self-satisfaction that comes with being skeptical against those with an unlikely shot
I can be smug and skeptical while still believing in a certain coin's tech.
t. current medium-term ARK holder.
>muh bullying
>on discords for imageboard users
Are you fucking serious right now?
yes, but its easier to feel that way when you put others down, no?
yes user. imagine wanting a place.... where people want to interact with each other... and people aren't afraid to speak their mind. its fine that Veeky Forums is the way it is, but not everything has to be like Veeky Forums, and i've been here a long time but to be honest, thank god