It still hurts.
It still hurts
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Modern German borders are so ugly. Second Reich borders are top tier though.
Why? After you started two world wars you should be happy that Germany exists at all.
>Meme Land
All that territory lost was apart of another country at one point or another in fact germany gained most of it very recently if you don't count the >hre
The Eternal Kraut.
God that fucking Sudetenland and Styria border. It was worth destroying Germany just to get rid of those awful borders
German Empire is so fucking aesthetic, especially with that bit of Russia that pokes in
They didn't go far enough to be honest.
>the self-mutilation of Germany
Modern German borders > Imperial German borders
Fuck you Alsace-Lorraine is rightful French clay
>Austria, Odenburg, Sudetenland, Styria, Kanaltal, and South Tyrol which were never part of Germany except for a few years under Hitler should be portrayed as losses to the Germans
I honestly do not think Germany can recover again. The redpill men merge a new nation and let the modern Germans fuck under the hordes of blacks.
Silesia, East Prussia, Pomerania and even Danzig could have remained today in German hands if it wasn't for Hitler.
That's where greed gets you.
>ywn be German
Why live.
>he believes the /pol/ memes
I seriously dont understand it. Youre racial dystopia wont theoretically exist for another 50 to 100 years but it by no means exists today. Even if the minorities grow they can be assimilated or at the very least there will be a racial hierarchy like in america and latin america where the racial underclass lives in permanent poverty. And plus, whos to say that this trend is evem real? Its near impossible to project economic trends within a few years. Whats to say that there are an innimerable amount of historical forces that will halt immigration? It reveals a lack of any kind of historical insight. 100 years ago youd be a frog complaining about "muh demographic stagnation" in the face of german might and extensive italian and spanish immigration (Italian and spanish immigrants were a hugge cause of xenophobia making 3% to 5% of the frencj population in 1900). But guess what? The dagos assimilated. A similar analogy exists among the anglos with their hoots of "muh decline" in the face of germany too. But guess what again? France and britain neutered germany in the twentieth century.
>Czech king invites Germans to Czech lands as colonists and guest workers
Literally Turk tier.
How could they lose something that was not their in first place?
Same goes for germans in all of eastern and northern europe
What happens in Memeland?
>Mainland Europe
>Germans migrate to European mainland from Scandinavia to colonise and farm and war
Literally Celt tier.
i love the new german borders, they remind me of the Rhine republics back in 1810 and also sudetens btfo
10% of the Chzek population was German and they lived in that area and accounted for 60% of the industry
no one cares
they deserved much worse, reunification never should have been allowed
But Germany only started one world war
You literally just made this up
your nose is showing
It's not Jews. Chances are he's either British or Southern European.
Good thing they replaced them with migrants & refugees.
How many has your country taken in?
Sorry my country has decent border protection. I just like seeing Europe implode.
Australia? You guys are full of asians though.
Austria should annex Germany.
you do realize that Germany is one of the easiest western countries to gain citizenship from, right?
>having German citizenship is the same as being German
can't you reddidorks keep your autism under 2 lines please
they have have tread upon the head, but the bite's poison has begun to show itself
What is it, /pol/tard? Can't read a single paragraph?
>self muilation
No argument except reddit, huh? Back to /pol/, cuck.
Can we please address the fact that there is a place called Memeland?
Give them back Pomerania but thats it.
>t. eternal austrian
Ideal modern Germany:
1990 Borders + Austria + Pomerania + Silesia
The Eastern (Bydlo) Poles in the latter can be resettled in Królewiec & Lwów
Try not starting and losing modern relevant wars, then.
No, then you have Czech Republic awkwardly surrounded and it looks dumb.
If you want Austria you have to take Czech and by extension Silesia. However Silesia can be taken without needing to take Czech or Austria.
Yeah, it pains me that they weren't reduced even further.
>reading is hard
/pol/ in a nutshell
Or French, or Polish, or any of a number of other central european nationalities that have been routinely trampled upon by the bosch.
Germany was a mistake.
They caise too much trouble, removal is just a consequence.
They are legitimately worse than kebab for Europe.
>Ideal modern Germany:
1990 Borders + Austria + Pomerania + Silesia<
WRONG - the ideal modern Germany:
1989 Borders without East-Germany and of course without Austria, Pomerania, Silesia ... even without West-Berlin
South-Germany should unite with Austria to get rid of the eternal Prussian!
>not niggers
Pick one.
Europe died with Imperial Germany.
>there will be a racial hierarchy
Because that has worked so well in the past, right?
Shame it didn't went far enough.
both france and germany removed from the map = european eternal peace
But how to remove France properly while removing Germany as well? Balkanization with recreation of Occitania, Burgundy, and Brittany as separate countries?
t. ethernal anglo
Franco-British union
Its still funny. I can't help but laugh. Hon hon hon hon.
Ideal modern Germany is the lazy eastern nazis keeping the germ name, and letting the west and south make their own states, founded on hard work, good ethics, and actually having money.
>Youre racial dystopia wont theoretically exist for another 50 to 100 years
Theoretically ? It exists in reality. There are already whole refugee camps for the criminally insane refugees.
>the ideal modern Germany:
Doesn't matter as long as it has a fuckhuge wall around it to keep the rapefugees from transferring to the rest of Europe.
>germans actually want the berlin wall back
Its been less than 20 years, for fucks sake.
FUCK, meant to hit 3 and write 30. Please no bully.
1910 German Empire census map with Polish majority areas in green and the interbellum border in red.
The question isn't if polish people lived there.
The question is why polish people are more important than world peace.
Protip: they aren't. Poland was a mistake.
Nobody gave a fuck about Polish people. Anglos declared war to save Jews in Poland.
No,this is becous you were idiots.
We were important becouse if you got oland you would be too powerful.Other nations joined ot keep the blance of power.And now you just cry "boo hooo i declared war on someone and their allies declared war on me! Thats unfair boo hooo!"
You lost the war,those lnds are no longer yours.Get used to it
Although it seems awesome,we woulndt be able to hold on to those territories.
too many Germans.
Gas them, the infrastructure is there.
>the best way to prevent violence is to always give in to demands of people threatening violence
They would rebel.
ANd putting them down would cost more than they can bring,not ot mention the extermination itself would be costful.
Why did the Anglo stop Clémenceau from being even harsher ? A second world war could have been prevented.
I feel your pain brother
Why are Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland excluded?
>it's yet another Veeky Forums german hate thread
get a grip cunts christ
what's even with all the hatred
3% of the population of planet earth in 1940.
>what's even with all the hatred
Are you fucking kidding me?
Its this argument again.
>muh germany should have been mutilated even harder
France and Britain were politically and militarily impotent to stop german expansionism. I can't for the live of me figure out how you think they would have been willing to or even able to sustain large scale occupations of fully german Lands immdiately after WW1.
It would have been Pan German terrorism on crack. Quickly breaking the will of France and GB to pay the costs of occupation.
European economy would crash even further without the german markets and France and GB would isolate themselves politically from the US.
In a timeline like this tons of stuff can happen.
Stalin kicking in french and british teeth in the late 40s supported by millions of angry germans.
German reunification and new expansionism is only delayed. GB and France withdraw because they are broke and can't afford to continue the occupation (surprise surprise they were broke after WW1 too). Pacificism and unwillingness to wage a war leads to even more appeasement and/or British Neutrality.
it looks better with bohemia-moravia as protectorate
Nothing more than a backslash against neonazis/wehraboos/German apologists.
Then why did you posted it with Bohemia as a Kurfürst?
Meh, groBgermaniums looks better without the Netherlands and Flanders
To show you how it would look like if it was it was fully integrated into the borders
Then its not a protectorate you dumb dumb
Why? It was never french before napoleon took it. Frogs have no right to put a claim on it
i want to strangle you with my hands until you sufficate and die
>This is your typical american germanoboo
>be me
>be czech
>be ok with sharing a federal republic (or confederate) with the germans, austrians and balkans similar to the german republics setup by Napoleon in 1806
inb4 traitor
i honestly think czech nationalism could go hand in hand with the germans