And why have you never tried it?
Is being gay a moral necessity in the 21stC?
>Being this heretical
>carrying the mark of the jews
You are going to have to extrapolate beyond one line user.
What do you consider a moral necessity to be and why would bring gay (I am assuming you mean engaging in a homosexual sexual act not becoming gay somehow) be one?
Being gay is immoral
Those who don't wish to have children are mentally ill
>moral necessity
If you consider the pursuit of pleasure and exploration/personal discovery virtues, then perhaps
but one can also say that's a hedonistic way
Who says we don't want to have children?
>believing in heresy
You do, when you say you're gay.
You are standing against the concept of a family.
desu it was a deliberate shitpost, but now that I've got you - does homosexuality exist outside of the homosexual act?
You can be gay and have family, how else were you born lmao
>You can be gay and have family
A family for the fucking child you disgusting abomination
Why so? It's just a family with a different make up. If you believe that the family is an important social keystone, how does extending it to more people endanger it? Gay marriage = more marriage = more families
>does homosexuality exist outside of the homosexual act?
Yes, as a homosexual is simply a person who is sexually attracted to the same gender as they are. They do not cease to exist when they are not fucking any less than heterosexuals, or heterosexuality which is an extension of heterosexuals, cease to exist.
>Why so? It's just a family with a different make up.
No, it isn't a family.
You don't have a mother and father.
You have a father and a stranger, and no mother, the mother has abandoned the child
>extending it to more people
False, you're extending homosexuality to more people, you're retracting families from people.
And there's the fact that it causes instability just like any other non-hetero-monogamous relationship. The ratio of men to women is more or less 1 to 1.
Another point would be that almost all fags are inevitably driven by lust and pleasure. Even if this wasn't already a bad thing, you can see how it spreads STDs. If you then add to that that they use social welfare, that bisexuals transmit those diseases back to heterosexuals (though it's their fault too for being whores).
Plus they try to teach their kids that it's ok to be gay.
It's not. It's messed up.
Families have mothers and fathers with children from their union.
I'm not saying that they cease to exist, I'm just suggesting that it doesn't really matter beyond the act itself. A gay man and a straight man have nothing to delineate them as being 'other' outside of the sexual act. The idea that there are traits specific to one or the other seems to me to be false.
But they correlate
You can't have a system based entirely on absolute knowledge
Why do you think so many gays have sexually transmitted diseases?
Because they mostly do it for physical pleasure.
They don't want happy families.
You can't see this and think "we need a sexuality blind approach" - you need to say "this is wrong"
I'm genuinely driven by a desire to connect with another human being on an intimate level that extends beyond sex.
its absolutely revolting to normal people.
its disgusting and doesnt make sense.
I don't care what anybody does in the privacy of their own house but seeing that shit out in the open makes me want to vomit. its fucking gross beyond words.
Yes if a gay tree falls in the forest does anyone hear it sucking off the tree beside it.
Great argument.
That intimate level is marriage and having children
Real marriage
>to normal people
I really think you're out of touch with normal people. And in what way does it not make sense?
>I really think you're out of touch with normal people. And in what way does it not make sense?
They have to teach this to children for them to accept it. If they didn't have all this propaganda, we'd see much more traditional views.
>And in what way does it not make sense?
It does not lead to a family.
It does not contribute to society.
Certainly worse things than gays out there
May I ask what country you're living in?
The decaying remains of civilisation
>chooses a character from a play written by a man with well documented homosexual tendencies
sperm donor? adopting? you can still have kids. If I married a woman knowing she was infertile does that make me anti-family?
>out of touch with normal people
Not really. oh, but never say it to your face. But regular folks find that shit disgusting and that's just a fact. Goes against everything that comes naturally to people. Well, to normal people.
I was in a bar the other night with my bf and the girls could not leave us alone - people are fine with it, you've just spent too much time alone. I promise you that spending time among others will refresh your feelings somewhat
>spreading your cuck genes with overpopulation threatening the earth
Kys. Adopt a kid but ffs dont breed more idiot
have you never heard of the term adopted family? relationships are more important to the concept of family than any biological link. for example say my wife cheats on me and i never find out. she is pregnant but the timing makes it plausibly mine. suppose the child turns out not to be mine isn't half-black and doesn't look radically different from me in such a way that would be suspicious so I think it's mine, even the mother thinks it could possibly be mine. I raise this child as my own. Am I not truly on some level this child's father? I would really be more of a father certainly than some dude out there who supplied sperm but doesn't even know he had created a child.
>Am I not truly on some level this child's father?
No, you're not the child's father on any level, and this will be reflected in the way the kid treats you.
>adopted family
The ones who adopt are either themselves from broken families, or have already successfully passed on their genes, e.g. those who have 3 kids and then adopt.
And even then, they should be adopting children who are genetically close to them - the same race, for instance, if not from within the family (which is preferable - to send a child to a relative, esp. an aunt or grandparent, if you cannot raise them)
You sound like such a catch
Women won't respect you for raising another man's child and having none of your own.
I am pretty sure that's a woman. Look at the tits and the hip-to-waist ratio