And has the Anglophone world with its concepts of a society built around the individual fostered the development of liberal attitudes towards such things as homosexuality?
Is homosexuality truly wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Is homosexuality truly wrong?
No, breeder scum who overpopulate the world are far worse
>And has the Anglophone world with its concepts of a society built around the individual fostered the development of liberal attitudes towards such things as homosexuality?
No, a higher IQ from better nutrition and education has done that
Yes. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
God did not made your dick to stick it up the diarrhea hole of another man.
Well, I'm cured hallelujah
>Is exchanging excremental fluids to the point of being a walking petri dish wrong
>Is doing something that gives you ass cancer wrong
>Is taking the beauty out of creating life and turining it into muh dik wrong
I really don't know
He destroyed the Sodomites for being rapists, who happened to be gay. Not for being gay. God stands with consensual love of any sort, not hate
If he stands for consensual love of any kind why can't diseasebois have kids?
I'm looking for arguments.
But I can't find any!
Because our love is different. It's special
No, you confuse romantic """love""" and actual love.
>he thinks "NOTANARGUMENT" will save him from not having an argument
No we don't.... why are you questioning our devotions to each other? We have to fight tooth and nail to get what you people get for free (respect, marriage rights, equality) Do you think we do that just to fuck? We can do that anyways
>tfw Veeky Forums has become infested with prudish conservatives
I miss old Veeky Forums.
>implying I'm obligated to give an argument against a non-argument
Being gay is the ultimate redpill
I just dont understand the logic of homosexuality. How does it even exist? What are the causes and motivations behind it? There is nothing about it that revolts me or upsets me. I just can't quite make sense of it.
What is the method of attraction in homosexuality? Is it chemical? Genetic? Epicurean? Patrician? I mean if reproduction is not a possibility, what motivates or creates the sexual desire and did those factors arise from nature or from human society?
If homosexuality is a naturally arising construct of sexuality what was the method of expression that allowed its propagation? Since genetic reproduction is not possible, how would homosexually expressive genes be passed on? How do they represent an evolutionary advantage if they inhibit reproduction even to a slight degree?
If homosexual attraction is a sociologically created phenomena what are the factors that lead to it? Behavioral adaptation to complex society? Psychological expression of various deeply rooted psyche factors? Reactions to events and influences that have profound restructuring of natural sexual ordering?
I am honestly not against homosexuality. I just want to know why it occurs. Especially given the prevalence of negative social factors such as homophobia that would serve as limiting factors at various times and degrees in different cultures.
What makes a person attracted to the same biological sex?
Because you are a sicko trying to make yourself feel included.
Yes I do, yes you do.
Daily reminder to everyone that fags just want to fuck and this guy is either in denial or a subversive liberal with an agenda.
Daily reminder that the only reason diseasbois aren't in a psyc wards is because political pressure was applied to the APA.
>As described by Ronald Bayer, a psychiatrist and gay rights activist, specific protests by gay rights activists against the APA began in 1970, when the organization held its convention in San Francisco. The activists disrupted the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, gay rights activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled: "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."[26]
>This activism occurred in the context of a broader anti-psychiatry movement that had come to the fore in the 1960s and was challenging the legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis. Anti-psychiatry activists protested at the same APA conventions, with some shared slogans and intellectual foundations.[27][28]
>Presented with data from researchers such as Alfred Kinsey and Evelyn Hooker, the sixth printing of the DSM-II, in 1974, no longer listed homosexuality as a category of disorder. After a vote by the APA trustees in 1973, and confirmed by the wider APA membership in 1974, the diagnosis was replaced with the category of "sexual orientation disturbance".[29]
you have to earn respect, tard. You cannot ask for it or demand it.
Sodom was actually destroyed because of inhospitality and idolatry, not because of faggotry. It's true that faggotry is still against the law, but it wasn't Sodom's main sin.
These are a slew of homophobic lies and common stereotypes. You forgot the whole "they just want to diddle boys" thing but other than that...
And the only reason homosexuality was ever considered a mental illness was because of obnoxious religious extremists not any scientific fact
We can never earn respect from heteros. We're done trying. We had to force you to accept us and legislate our will into being. And we will continue to shove our identity down your throat because we are overrepresented in mass media and make no show of hiding that
You're tearing your loved one's anus apart, causing fecal matter to enter the bloodstream, risking diseases, all for the sake of egoistic pleasure.
As a gay man I have to admit we have a whole bunch of pedos, drug addicts, AIDS niggers and other defects among our ranks, it's staggering and it needs to be addressed. I think it's still better than heterosexuality though since you avoid the pure evil that is the woman.
It's because it's obscene.
Life is so beautiful and you decide to penetrate another man's anus or be penetrated. How can you make a family?
You can't. It's wrong all the way through.
It's not your child. It couldn't even be compared to all family units in history because there is always a mother and a father. You disgrace masculinity.
Heterosexual love is truly the purpose of true Mastery and is pure. Greek language favors sodomy so they call it homo.
Sodomy is the inversion of what is pure and noble in the Universe.
If you aren't a straight man,
You're truly sick and I pity you.
Yes, homosexuality is wrong.
It is anti family, it does not contribute to society, and it actively contributes to the destruction of these things. These people are almost always driven solely by personal pleasure, they often act as vectors for STDs, they burden health services, etc.
Why was the other thread deleted?
To add
If you don't want to have and raise your own kids in a proper family, there is something wrong with you.
>since you avoid the pure evil that is the woman
Can't argue with that. If I didn't feel sexually attracted to women there would be literally no reason to acknowledge them, let alone talk to them.
I hope you're trolling but if not you're truly a defeated shell of a man and you have the grace of my compassion. See what it gets you? Nothing.
You have an evil heart.
A true man protects women.
Fuck off Stacey.
>No argument
>No sources
>Muh Kristchuns
Daily reminder Kinsley was a cuck turned gay. His studies existed long before the change and weren't used until a justification was needed.
>Kinsey was bisexual.[16] He and his wife agreed that both could have sex with other people as well as with each other. He himself had sex with other men, including his student Clyde Martin.[17]
Daily reminder Hooker is a meme who had an agenda long before her research was published. She was unauthorized to publish her findings and it wasn't even taken seriously until they pressed the APA.
>The 1960s saw her work find a wider audience, and her conclusions were taken up by the gay rights movement. In 1961 Hooker was invited to lecture in Europe and in 1967, the director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) asked her to produce a report on what the institution should do about homosexual men. Richard Nixon's election in 1969 delayed the publication of the report, which was published by a magazine, without authorization, in 1970. The report recommended the decriminalization of homosexuality and the provision of similar rights to both homosexual and heterosexual people. The burgeoning gay rights movement seized on this.[2]
>Protecting women.
Oops misquoted
>gets btfo
>j-just lies
I really don't care about Homosexuality as an act but I'm unsure as to why it has to be a lifestyle, something we are pressured into accepting alongside heterosexuality as a natural mode of coupling.
I think it should be relegated to the dark, seedy corners of society, allowed but not celebrated or openly acknowledged in any way. Same with prostitution.
It's pointless to try and stamp it out outright but I think the normalization of homosexuality is dangerous, as kids who are unsure of themselves in general will be able experience an almost religious rebirth with the fan-fare of coming out and will be sucked into the maelstrom that is the LGBT community.
That isn't to say that there aren't true homosexuals, however anyone with sense can see that sexuality is pretty fluid and young people should be encouraged towards more traditional lifestyles as they generally lead to more long term happiness and fulfillment.
You could also just have LGBT not be such a stigmatizing and polarizing thing worthy of fanfare. Bi people would eventually gravitate towards opposite sex partners if they end up wanting a family and stuff. It's just the really gay and the people who are happier without children that would couple up gay. The big problem is current society's pick a side mentality.
>I'm unsure as to why it has to be a lifestyle
I'm gay and it pisses me off too, media and LGBT lobby pressuring people into thinking that just because they love cock, they have to vote Hillary, act like complete flamers, love fashion and drag etc.
milo pls go
If you truly cared about what was best for society you would realize that gay acceptance would just be a gateway to a never ending acceptance of all other types of degenerate behavior. If you give them an inch they take a foot, there is no such thing as "this is too far" if you make a precedent to change what "too far" is.
If you aren't uncompromising then everything becomes relative and subject to change. Our stance on murder has not chaged since the dawn of time for a reason.
But then again all you care about is pretending to be enlightened or "above common talking points" so you can signal about being nuanced.
Absolutely based.
Gay acceptance means gays don't procreate breeding them out of existence
Our stance on murder has always been it's defined by the wrongful killing of someone based on societal norms and usually doesn't apply to war
Sodomites reproduce by abusing children.
>If you aren't uncompromising then everything becomes relative and subject to change. Our stance on murder has not chaged since the dawn of time for a reason.
>le ebin political correctness bogeyman
Maybe if you read something other than reactionary pamphlets and /pol/ .jpg images you'd know there was a logical reason behind the removal of homosexuality from the DSM.
>If we kill our enemies they win
Trudeau pls
If we actually tried to cure homosex like any other mental disorder then the people who truly wanted to contribute to society and not fuck twinks or create assbore aidsbola would be spared.
Our stance on faggots has always been it's defined by the wrongful insterting of peepee into someones buthole based on societal norms.
You are missing the point anyway, even if some do slip through the net occasionally the stance should be draconian. Degeneracy is a steep slippery slope.
How many people have you had sex with?
Homosexuality has always existed, it was just kept outwith society. The only thing that has changed is our acceptance of homosexual lifestyles as comparable to heterosexual ones, something which is biologically impossible.
Even when homosexuality was illegal, it was still widely practiced underground or in certain circles, attempting to do away with it completely is a fools errand.
That doesn't mean that homosexuals should be accepted into society but they can be tolerated as an unfortunate deviant sub group who are kept at an arms length from it.
Homosexuals at the moment really only have privileges that they've been given by society, they have no real natural rights. It would be relatively easy to reduce them back to being essentially a carbuncle on society.
Maybe if you read something other than
Huffpo, Salon.jpg or my second cites you pretend don't exist then you'd realize i'm right.
But you probably won't because you've already resorted to muh /pol/ and ad hom in the face of citations and hard data.
>people on Veeky Forums unironically talking about degeneracy and societal norms
I want reddit to leave
You can't "cure homosexuality", you can only ban homosexuality and force these people to live normal productive lives, or else go to prison or worse
Or at least there's no practical method known today to do so, attempts to try to save these people are at best foolish
>There are people here unironicaly being spooksters
I want Veeky Forums to leave
Wrong. Making a truth claim involving right and wrong without declaring the basis to determine between them.
My basis says "look at the glassed remains of Sodom and Gomorrah" to see if it's wrong or not.
>Fag gets caught
>option one
>option two
>Test subject
I don't really see the drawbacks here
Homosexuality is never wrong. There's not a single argument against homosexuality that doesn't boil down to "muh feels".
>>I think we should protect civilisation
> >muh feels
About sums up homosexuals
>resorts to spookism on first post
>rapists, who happened to be gay.
It's never happened-to-be with homos. Homos always have a laundry list of other pathologies.
>civilisation is based on where you stick your dick
>family isn't the backbone of societal structure
But your anus is, right diseaseboi?
& Humanities was a mistake
You have no idea how important it is
Good questions desu.
>Gay people can't have families
Not an argument.
>Wow just wow, I littleraly cannot even...
No they cannot, they aren't even capable of holding monogamous relationships.
All articles are extensively cited, just skip to them if you don't like reading.
>he thinks an assertion with no substance is an argument
>he thinks strawman is an argument
Back to HighSchool lad
The world needs to be protected FROM women.
Milo is exactly the type of flamboyant flamer cock gobbler I was talking about. He needs gassed.
In the past 5 years exactly 1.
>in the past 5 years
you people are hopelessly conservative. The world is grossly overpopulated and breeding is no longer necessary, and yet you continue to breed into an overfilled world and convince yourself that you're the good guy when you're just the root cause of more suffering. You have this morality that rubs like sandpaper on the uneven surface of the universe, desperately trying to make everything smooth. Even when the utility is gone, when there is no rational purpose for your anger and prejudice, you fall back on this "morality", try to separate the "natural" from the "unnatural," living in your bubble.
There is no objective right or wrong you bible-thimping simpletons, some vague claim of "destroying the family unit" is a subjective view from the eyes of someone who can only rationalize a family in a certain way, even when the world shows you a different one.
All this talk of "nature" and you ignore that every species has homosexuals at about the same rate. Ever think maybe it's nature's way of getting certain people out of the gene pool, of population control? Ever think that's not necessarily a bad thing when you already have so many people? No, because as much as you'd love to claim that you approach this from a scientific perspective, really you're just coming from the same old angry conservative perspective hating on shit like usual.
It makes me laugh thinking about how you try to convey an image of some middle class white picket fence family man when really you're all just a bunch of angry lower middle class shits lashing out at minorities like retards. Actual rich people are smart enough to avoid these topics because nothing comes of showing everyone the kind of toxic personality you people have. You think actual scientists are spending their time on pointless questions about the "morality" or "naturalness" of things, I assure you they view it as a natural phenomenon that DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER and they move on to shit that actually does.
Your point?
White people are being bred out of existence and it's a problem.
What about in your life?
And was that 1 person a woman? Are you married to her?
>The world is grossly overpopulated
[Citation Needed]
7 and that one person is a guy. I mentioned I'm a fag.
The very first source linked leads to a 40 year old research paper with sampling problems while something as shitty and simple as this
But intellectual honesty isn't something you care about, you just can't thinking about gay sex, right?
>There is no objective right or wrong
Then your argument is devoid of all meaning or merit and an exercise in futility.
Would you kindly and in a prompt manner go fuck yourself so as the adults can have an actual discussion.
Go be a tactical nihilist somewhere else.
so as a white gay person with admittedly shit genes, I just just fuck some bitch and make more shitty people with shitty genes? Isn't it more honorable to willingly step away and allow our genes to be lost? It's necessary and certain people have to do it whether they want to or not, it's how nature works. Most genes are doomed to fail, I don't understand why you have to be so mean to gays when we're just doing the honorable thing and stepping aside. It's just a rare phenomenon of nature, just let me have my fun before I die there's no sense in trying to convince yourself that I don't deserve to exist just because I'm not shitting out babies or that my only purpose is to shit out babies for "the white race".
what a joke
What the fuck?
Why did you not feel like mentioning those 6 you fucking fag?
yeah just take a literal third of one sentence in a massive post and respond to that. Don't respond to MY POINT which was that BECAUSE there is no objective right or wrong, THIS DISCUSSION IS RETARDED AND DOESN'T NEED TO EXIST. You're all retarded for having it. The world doesn't need to know your specific reasoning for being a bigot, the world gives no shits I assure you. No intellectual will ever reference "that Veeky Forums thread with all the homophobes" as a credible source, you are as worthless to intelligent discussion as I am to the gene pool.
Because I've been monogamous for years you fucking retard. How is it even relevant to anything, nigger?
>cherry picks one source
>attacks the source because no argument
>lets ignore the other 50
>still hasn't posted any of his own sources
But intellectual honesty isn't something you care about, you just can't thinking about gay sex, right?
A while ago in a specialist math class i calculated the population cap of the world through arable land, non arable land used as living space and land used as living space with the poulation density of hong kong. The maximum value of the function came out to around 10 bil assuming the most common farming method is the highest energy per square meter rice farming method known to man.
I looked it up after my teacher and i talked about it and it turns out another study had come out at 15 bil which i find pretty optimistic to be honest.
>white person
>shit genes
How? You're white, which automatically makes you better than 99% of niggers on Earth, gay or not.
>digs the nihilism hole deeper
If you don't care then fuck off and let us have a discussion instead of shitting it up.
But we all know you do care and are just defaulting to non arguments because you are buttblasted diseaseboi.
I'm absolutely riddled with mental disorders that include but aren't limited to: OCD, tourettes, etc. I'm allergic to wheat, corn, soy, and peanuts and have a minor lactose intolerance. I have asthma and all the smoking didn't help much with that, and my tiny dick will never penetrate a vagina, nor will this ugly, malnourished and acne-ridden face be their to witness such an act. All in all I'm a weak, pathetic vessel and anything I spawn will be just as weak and pathetic. I am doing the world a favor by avoiding women, and I don't see why you have to get mad when I decide to have some fun elsewhere instead. It's not like there was a potential white breeder that is now lost, I was never gonna breed in the first place and whether I get fucked by men or not is irrelevant to the world.
If you're that worthless then just kys and stop wasting our resources. Lead by example.
It's just lust. Literally a constant feeling of being so fucking horny you'll even sck a dick or take it in the ass to get your rocks off.
Truly a hedonistic way of life.
If you really cared about not spreading your genes you would have just offed yourself by now. This is just post rationalizing, even if you didn't want to spread your seed you don't have to be a faggot.
you're such a little shit, do you think I don't know what you're doing? Desperately clinging to this semantics bullshit whilst conveniently ignoring all the points I made? That's such a shit fucking argument, to say that because I subscribe to the FACT that morality is subjective, you then go an try to make the leap that this means I don't care about anything, when that's clearly a logical fallacy. I care about things and have opinions of right and wrong, I'm just retrospective enough to know that these are subjective feelings, unlike typical religious zealots that need to conform everyone to their morality. The point is, you can't address any of you points, you're just doing this whole meta thing where you try to discredit me via some semantics bullshit that is as shallow as your weak attempt at avoiding my arguments.
>i've been monogamous for years
no you haven't
you 7 people you fucking sodomite
no good to say "b-but that was the past"
once a fag always a fag
and you wonder why people want homosexuals banend
Learn to spell you stinking Californian beaner.
>the only point of existence is to breed
>of you cant/won't you might as well kill yourself
Just so I'm clear, you're actually making this retarded argument that has always been a retarded argument? Do I really need to explain to you why this argument is retarded? I certainly hope not but I don't blame you for turning to it since I'm right and you're all wrong in the end and this is all you can really do
>Picking the very first source in the very first link to see if you're not a hack is cherrypicking
>Expect me to play hide and seek with your sources to see if all of them or just this one is shit
>Explained why the source is shit
>Expect anyone to read sources you yourself evidently haven't read
>Posted better research in the very post explaining why your sources were shit
And that's not even including stuff such as your sources contradicting themselves. I suppose reading something longer than a Veeky Forums post would put too much strain on your brain because that's the only explanation I can come up with.
But intellectual honesty isn't something you care about, you just can't stop thinking about gay sex, right?
>reddit spacing
>Look mom, I posted last, that means I win until he responds then he's winning until I say something! That's how arguments work! Bonus points for insults and cliche logical fallacies
No you are wrong buddy and obviously haven't graduated highschool. If you don't understand why you are wrong then let me spell it out for you.
If everything is subjective then your argument holds no objective merit therefore it is "wrong".
By your own definition you will always dismiss any of your own arguments because your logic is self defeating.
Therfore if you wish to participate in this discussion you must accept that some sort of objective conclusion can hypothetically be reached.
But then again this involves having an argument which you clearly do not have.
Please wait until you are over 18 to post on this board.
My point is you don't have to be gay in order to remove yourself from the gene pool. Simply abstaining from sexual activities would suffice, but then again that requires effort and character.
You are retarded now please off yourself.