Why did the South stay defeated? I'm thinking that they either respected the North too much to be sore losers (honor codes), they were united and fell together even though they thought they were distinct states, or they simply didn't have enough men to man a resistance, but maybe five years later, young men who saw their older brothers killed by the North sought vengeance by creating the KKK.
Why did the South stay defeated...
Because Sherman and his merry band of looters pillaged all they came across for one, they'd been under naval blockade for a couple years, most fighting age men went to go fight, and because theit economy was based on slavery and once that was taken away they didn't really have much to do besides farm
But I mean like why wasn't there an immediate resistance? Contrast to the Iraq war, which had a pretty fast turn around.
Because they got their revenge by killing Lincoln
>I'm thinking that they either respected the North too much
>South not sore losers
The Southern morale just wasn't there. Remember that the impetus for starting the war was slaveholders feeling threatened by the Union and it's important to note that only a fraction of Southern Whites actually held slaves. The Twenty Slave Act (barred people from service if they owned more than 20 slaves) and the fact that the Confederates got their shit kicked in with the March to the Sea by Sherman fucked their morale.
They weren't by any means going to try to secede, but you can look at phenomena like the KKK and the Southern behavior during Reconstruction as symbolic of their "insurgency."
>or they simply didn't have enough men to man a resistance, but maybe five years later, young men who saw their older brothers killed by the North sought vengeance by creating the KKK.
That one.
The Confederateboos were most definitely sore losers for over a century after the war ended. It was only within the past 50 years that most Southerners have acknowledge that starting the Civil War was stupid, unnecessary, hypocritical, self-defeating, and deeply immoral.
Also their treatment of captured Union soldiers (especially black ones) was most definitely not "honorable".
I imagine because most people wanted to get back to the business of life. To go home to their families or to make one or to get back to their jobs. The war was a blight on their land and most wanted to scrap together a living with what was left than die fighting a futile resistance against a foe that was in most respects just like them.
The Civil War wasn't really an ideological war as much as a cultural & political one.
>or they simply didn't have enough men to man a resistance
This one. 350,000 Confederate soldiers died in the war, that's 1/3 of the South's entire military-age male population. Most of the rest of them were in prison camps or surrendering to the nearest army when the war ended.
Fair enough. The South was likely united in its racism and anti-northern sentiment directly after the war, but it was only realized once they found the manpower.
The post Civil War era known as Reconstruction.
read through this
the south was gutted and completely humiliated after they lost.
Instead of having a serious discussion about states rights, rebuilding the South's economy, recession etc, the Union basically decided to treat the South like a Colony for a while and treat Southerners as their subjects.
itt: Yankees rationalizing why we never did and never will give in to your inferior culture.
Dixie pride.
>The War of Northern Aggression
It's an interesting thing to decide what to do with the South after you've defeated them if you're the North. It's essentially a criminal justice issue; what do you do with a criminal when you catch them? Do you kill them? Do you lock them up for life? Do you fix (reconstruct) them? Do you try to fix them, but do it poorly due to corruption of enforcers?
It's just a shame that the SCOTUS didn't get purged before Kruikshank.
most of the members of the iraqi insurgency had been professional soldiers in Saddam's army who had been the sole breadwinners for their family. Now that the US had disbanded the Iraqi army they were out of work and their only marketable skill was "soldier". Very few confederate soldiers had been professional soldiers prior to the war so when the army was disbanded they simply went back to their family farms.
But didn't Lee also have great respect for the North? Wouldn't he have inspired Southerners to not mount a resistance for a short time?
Why didn't the dumbass Europeans use these same measures and policies against a defeated Germany after WW1?
France and Britain's measures against Germany basically amounted to:
"Pay us this ridiculously high indemnity and reparations, but don't worry we're not going to enforce it after a few years and you can rebuild your military even though we said you couldn't."
The Treaty of Versailles and the subsequent actions taken to 'enforce' it were complete jokes.
The Reconstruction Era shows you exactly how you deal with uppity and dangerous neighbors.
I mean Germany turned out fine. There's a clear distinction between Germany and the South: in its honor bound society, the South had strong family values, and so children and brothers of the Southern veterans would continue racist beliefs. You don't need Reconstruction in Germany because they didn't have the same family values, which is why Germany is now borderline SJW and generally not at all fascist. I think what France and Britain did was perfect for Germany, but not for the South obviously.
Germany was most certainly not fine, especially after WW1.
Returning german officers from the war were allowed to continue proselytizing the 'stab-in-the-back' myth that penetrated German popular opinion and festered into revanchism and an even more fervent form of nationalism.
This normally wouldn't be a problem, but Germany was a militaristic culture and most Germans looked up to their generals as their de facto heads of state/celebrity figures. German military leaders had a much greater degree over shaping public opinion than most other leaders in other countries.
It wasn't enough to simply depose the Kaiser, dismantle the monarchy and downsize the military. Britain and France had to take actual measures to prevent German military figures from participating in politics and engaging with the German people.
Lee wasn't even pro-secession. He was just loyal to his state's army.
>stab in the back
But it wasn't. The Revolution of 1918-1919 happened.
Because anything south is usually shit.
>'stab-in-the-back' myth
if it was a myth hitler wouldnt have fought so hard for it
The worst southerners are still sore losers even to this day. But they're not the type to be the driving force in society.
>The worst southerners
they didnt lose anything the north freed them
This is because Lee surrendered, and his men didn't flee into the Appalachians. His surrender marked a traditional end to the war, and prevented a militaristic insurgency from gaining state support. The KKK did come around, but I would argue that they were a conservative social movement, not a secessionist political one.
This is because the rules for WW1 was lose, and lose your empire. THe French stripped Germany of its empire and wanted to hinder its reconstruction to prevent problems in the future. France had to rebuild too, and Germany starting on the same footing as France in terms of infrastructure would not be advantageous. Instead, they hindered Germany's economy so it could not catch up as easily.
pretty blatant fallacy you've got there bub
I guess Stalin was a man for the proletariat then?
More so than Lenin and Trotsky
ah yes the great world war 3
un constitutional military occupation governments.
un constitutional denial of states' representatives in national government.
destruction of all infrastructure and institutions that kept the economy and society going.
over half a century of federal government diverting settlers and development away from the south to the west.
the South is a shit hole because Andrew Jackson and Grant gave up on Reconstruction and just fuck the South.
*andrew Johnson.
my bad.
>implying Lincoln's assassination wasn't a Jewish psyop
The North and South had to stay united because cotton, from the South, was used to make textiles, in the North, and this trade was a massive source of both tax income to support the military and federal government, and of course international trade, where luxury goods could be purchased and alliances could be maintained through the mutual cement of business.
They didn't need to, thanks to Andrew Johnson it was as if they had reached a peace settlement instead of total defeat. A few years after the war Reconstruction had totally failed, blacks were second class citizens and former confederates were governors and congressmen who navigated around the laws put forward by the republicans.
>they either respected the North too much to be sore losers (honor codes)
>It was only within the past 50 years that most Southerners have acknowledge that starting the Civil War was stupid, unnecessary, hypocritical, self-defeating, and deeply immoral.
I live in the South, and went to middle school and high school in South Georgia. Sadly, they still don't acknowledge any of that.
I see the lost cause is alive is alive ad well.
There was a plan to fund and launch a second Civil War. The plan was to continue the practice of slavery in parts of the Caribbean and Latin America. The individuals behind this plot identified as members of the KGC (Knights of the golden circle) and hid money and other treasures in secret locations during the Civil War. These treasures are only accessible to people who could read the carved clues on "money trees".
because they weren't allowed to develop a feeling of national identity, which would've been a true nightmare for the north
Yeah, and that revolution happened because the entire country was being stretched to its breaking point. The spark that started it wasn't even Jews or commies or anything /pol/ would like. It was just some Kriegsmarine sailors who mutinied rather than go on what they viewed as a suicide mission late in the war.
Same reason the Japanese stayed defeated, and the Germans, they were given an easy peace and rebuilt with cooperation from their former invaders.
Didn't the Filibusters got their ass kicked multiple times by the Mexicans and the Central Americans?