Is race really a social construct? How can humanity be distributed all over and the world and isolated for thousands of years be considered a social construct but two different kinds of chimps in Africa be considered different species?
Is race really a social construct...
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Because some Memers supressed knowledge about the DNA
Firstly you should learn basic science retard, a species is considered a new species when members of 2 species can no longer create viable offspring. That's it. Back to
Bonobos and chimps can crossbreed (they just don't come into contact with one another in the wild).
>Is race really a social construct
Of course, unless you want to show me some natural 100m dashes
Why do people keep posting these /pol/ threads on Veeky Forums. Fuck off.
Seems like anthropology to me. Isn't this board for anthropology?
But are their childs able to procreate?
"Race is a social construct" doesn't mean that there are no genetic differences between various groups of people. It means you can't sort them into neat categories like "white", "black", etc. That's literally it. It's a sociological phrase, not a scientific one.
may be a stupid question but do mix raced kids always come out 50/50? Mostly speaking in the context of a dna test
A fast and loose way to tell is if things can breed, and create fertile offspring.
In the most simple terms it's because each parent puts DNA into gametes and the gametes combine. When you look into it, it's never this clean though. It's never an actual "mixing" as it is which genes are expressed.
If you're actually serious:
>Is race really a social construct?
Yes, and it's pretty obvious this is the case. Just look at how different various cultures define separate races.
>How can humanity be distributed all over and the world and isolated for thousands of years
That had less of an effect than you think. Humans are one of the least genetically diverse animals on the planet. Any two given members of pretty much any other species on the planet will be more different than any two people; individual fruit flies differ more than humans do from every other ape genetically. Besides a few physical traits, there's pretty much no difference between human groups, and no logical argument about why they should be considered biologically distinct.
Hmm this seems wrong, if that were the case bonobos and chimps should be considered the same species then.
The genetic differences between various groups of people vary as much inside of those same groups as they do between the groups, however.
Race is a social construct the same way that gender is a social construct.
>if that were the case bonobos and chimps should be considered the same species then.
Did you even read what he wrote?
NTG, but being able to have kids doesn't make them the same species. The male offspring need to be fertile, which chimp/bonobo hybrids are not.
Yeah he still didn't answer the central question in the op, just rattled off the same tired propaganda about the differences between the races being superficial and the majority of genetic diversity being in Africa. Obfuscation basically, doesn't answer the question.
But gene mapping of bonobos and chimps indicates hybridization similar to sapiens and Neanderthal. Hybridization has been observed in captivity but nothing has been said whether the offspring are sterile. Care to share a citation?
Chimps have far more genetic diversity than humans.
Technically yes. They're both a spectrum without any solid lines.
Even chimps and gorillas are prone to hybridization:
Coyotes and wolves mate in the wild as well and produce non sterile offspring as well
Species isn't as cut and dry as you think either, bonobos and chimps are basically different races of the species
I thought Bonobos and Chimps were already considered the same species.
If Neanderthals and Humans could create viable offspring why are they considered separate?
Recent research suggests that pregnancies of neanderthal and sapiens were very difficult, I can't remember if was only male Neanderthals with female sapiens or the other way around.