Can we be honest with ourselves and admit that Ancient Greek society was a shitty place to live in generally?
>Oligarchic slave society organized and ruled by a small upper stratum of ultra rich estate owners who have sole control over the cities governance
>Cities prone to chaos and mobs under democracy, random killings and brutality under a despot
>Live in constant worry over invasion or raids from rival city states
>Women completely stripped of any agency or rights to anything
>Pedophilia and Homosexuality rampant among all social strata
>Subject to invasion from northern or eastern barbarians constantly
>Can hardly travel because of brigands and piracy
Can we be honest with ourselves and admit that Ancient Greek society was a shitty place to live in generally?
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All ancient places were shitty to live in. Modern places twenty years ago were shitty to live in for that matter. And if you lived fifty years from now life today would be hell for you too.
It's an "Ancient Greece" just means anything from the Solonic Reforms until the Battle of Corinth rather than Greece throughout all antiquity episode
>fifty years from now life today would be hell for you too.
The 1960s were not hell on earth
>no internet
>anything but hell
*gets shipped to Vietnam*
>no internet
>no video games
>can't stay inside all day and have everything you want delivered to you same day through amazon prime
Literally hell. Even the drugs wouldn't be that great because you'd have to go outside and do them with other people instead of just having RCs delivered.
Sounds good to me. Why should I care about how women are treated? I'm not a woman.
You sound like a cuck op
>Why should I care about how women are treated? I'm not a woman.
Modern men are so low test that you'd be a woman if you were transported back to ancient times.
You would be a slave.
Even medieval serfs were comfier than the living situation of the ancient Greeks, at least you weren't property and had food while war was rare and small-scale, the worst that could happen was a raid or something, and that wouldn't even be much of a problem if you had a manor and knights to hide behind. The same goes for monks, except you'd spend all day illustrating and translating beautiful books and scrolls, praying and basking in the glory of god.
Also, being a baby boomer born in 1946 would be maximum comfy.
>Spend childhood in happy and cheerful suburb going to church with housewife mother and office working middle class poppa
>Not too hard to find a gf
>Smoke weed and do other drugs while rebelling in college, have tons of sex, get a well paying job that affords me a family, a suburban home, and tons of consumer goods to buy
>build career in the 70's/80's/90's still riding on the wave of prosperity
>retire in 21st century and eventually die before the consequences of your generation's actions is fully realized, collecting social security and taking it easy, knowing that because your generation didn't have kids, that your vote will still matter as long as you're alive, so no taking away your pensions!
Women need to be free to some extent so that they can at least mingle among the population while single without being locked up into the house from birth and kept away from society like a treasure to be hoarded. When your society holds women in these sorts of binds, you have much more common occurrences of Pedophilia and Homosexuality as men release their sexual frustrations on lithe, feminine looking boys and their fellow men.
You are a slave right now.
History is cool in the same way zoos are cool
Yeah it's nice to admire the lions and monkeys but you'd be insane to wanna live among them
Women are sub humans and I see no reason why we shouldn't just herd them into pens and artificially inseminate them like fish without interacting with them in any other way, much less socializing with them.
So basically what you are saying is that if you werent wealthy, Ancient Greece was a shitty place to live in.
Well guess what, the entire ancient world was a shitty place to live in if you didn't have money. It's not that Ancient Greece was a great place to live, rather it was the least shittiest place to live.
>Be a single horny man in Ancient Greece
>No women walking around the Agora, no women in the symposium, no women in the temple, no women in the harbor, no women in the field.
>Fuck a small young boy because you're so horny you'd fuck anything and none of your fellow citizens will marry their daughters to you
>Have wife
>Fucking hate her guts
>Fuck men because you hate women so fucking much.
A woman's role is to be a childbearer and a home-maker, they're essential for the continuation of a society as well as companionship for men, this is why women need to have some form of respect, esteem, dignity or morality in order to fulfill these goals.
A woman's role is to be dead.
>Can we be honest with ourselves and admit that Ancient Greek society was a shitty place to live in generally?
By modern standards two generations back was a shitty place to be. By ancient standards you could have done far worse.
>Even medieval serfs were comfier than the living situation of the ancient Greeks
Such is life in modern-day Afghanistan.
Just because you're gay/MGTOW doesn't mean that you're right, or that women naturally or normally behave like they do now in this corrupted society of ours.
Modern society is just femininity unleashed, no restraints. It's the pure form of womanhood.
I agree with you there, women, if they don't choose to alter themselves in some sick way, act in a way that coincides with their most bestial instincts, yet they utilize all manner of selective logic and mental gymnastics to justify.
But what about pure Masculinity with no restraints? That isn't too pleasant or functional. Violence, rape, brutality and the subjugation of others can only work so far, that's why Man's violent and natural instincts are confined within controlled spaces like the military or sports, the uncontrolled alternative is anarchy. Though nowadays among Western men, there isn't much to fear as they are feminized for the most part in comparison to their more vibrant counterparts.
>Masculinity with no restraints
>not too pleasant
Get your testosterone checked, beta.
You do realize that unrestrained male aggression is basically Nigger-tier, don't you? Not only is it nigger-tier, it's also easily defeated by organized brutality and aggression, which you can only have if you suspend your hormonal intuition and monkey-mind enough so that you can have structure.
actually the drugs would be worse because they were of lower quality than today, for example the potency of Marijuana has increased and the number of selectively bred marijuana strains have increased tremendously as legalization and greater usage have broadened our understanding of THC.
>organized brutality
Absolutely nothing wrong with this.
>nigger tier
And nigger societies aren't completely cucked and feminized despite being dumb as fuck, I guess they are doing something right.
I have ordered anything from Amazon in my entire life and I don't miss it one bit.
>No iPods or other mp3 playing devices, forcing you to limit your music collection by physical size constraints
>Absolutely nothing wrong with this.
>And nigger societies aren't completely cucked and feminized despite being dumb as fuck, I guess they are doing something right.
I bet those uncucked and totally free tribes felt really proud of themselves while being mowed down by cannons, having their blows deflected by metallurgy-acquired suits of armor, and getting their shit stabbed and slashed by steel swords by those cucked and feminine European societies filled with weak beta males living on their farms too pathetic to make it in the jungle.
>Pedophilia and Homosexuality rampant among all social strata
considering it was entirely socially accepted I don't really see what the problem was
not in Sparta, the women were expected to go to the gymnasium daily same as the men
>no women in the symposium
no wives, there were female prostitutes at symposia
>wanting women with a buttocks only one hand span wide
Homosexuality is a perversion and societal disease, fundamentally at odds with not just humanity, but the biology of sexual animals. The behavior manifests itself usually when men are not given a female sexual outlet or by trauma received at childhood. Homosexuality is expressed and normalized in a society whose males are given little freedom when it comes to female sex partners, or an over-abundance of sex in someone which leaves them hungry for stranger and stranger sex acts to keep them excited.
seems like a pretty shitty place to live if you were a Helot who were over 95% of the population, and (in different ways) a pretty shit place to live if you were a spartan considering how much your life was controlled by the state.
Things were a lot better for Spartan women than pretty much anywhere else in the greek world though.
>People thousands of years later lived better
No shit. The fact you guys are even comparing ancient greeks to people in the mideval period is a testament to how good the Greeks had it.
Hold on a minute here, societal disease? That seems a little extreme to me. I don't see how homosexuality is at odds with humanity, there's more to being a human than just fucking your wife to have her pump out as many babies as physically possible. It's also no more at odds with human biology than contraception, which was practiced widely in the Greek world through the use of herbs and makeshift diaphragms made of wool. Would you say that contraception is also a perversion and societal disese fundamentally at odds with humanity? What a lot of nonsense. People should be free to pursue relationships with whomever they want.
global rule 6 my man
if you have a point to make then make it
>wanting women at all