Why does everyone here have to fight over religion? Can't we just accept that people will believe different things and we should discuss our differences instead of fighting over them?
Why does everyone here have to fight over religion...
A sentiment only an atheist could hold.
Not an Atheist, just someone who has an appreciation for actual discussion of theology
Op is right, if everyone just accepted the salvation of jesus christ we wouldnt have to fight over anything
Because you have to worship my god, who has a bigger dick than your god.
What is this chart showing
Doing so would be tantamount to admitting your religion is wrong
But if you know your religion's right, then why does it matter that other people are wrong?
Unless, of course, your using fanaticism and proselytizing as a way to disguise your own crippling insecurities.
Religious makeup of Bosnia
Only a few fringe movements within larger faiths really fight over religion. Mostly they're fighting over which religious class gets to be politically, socially, and economically privileged. Once religion and socioeconomic class are divorced, you don't see much conflict over religion.
It's important to differentiate between religions that are mainly spiritual (eg. they are just about faith and/or personal morals) and religions that tie into politics (eg. sharia for islam)
>religions that tie into politics (eg. sharia for islam)
Except even that's hard to do, since Sharia is also full of mainly spiritual and personal ethics and morals, and its politics are actually pretty scarce by comparison.
But the religious keep pushing their morality on others.
The problem here is Islam. It's explicitly stated in the Quran that a war must be waged until the entirety of the world worships Allah. Coexistence simply isn't possible.
But that's not what's written in the Quran.
The religious often don't care about evidence, it's what they believe that counts. And boy, do they believe.
Yet only Al Qaeda and ISIS are openly fighting and extoling such a war, with most every single other Islamist radical group in the world fighting for specific regional, nationalist dominance alone.
even the tomatoes
>one atheist larping as a protestant is everyone
It's usually A) monumantal insecurity about one's own beliefs or B) using religion as a vehicle for the usual us vs them mentality
Most religions functionally serve as an ideology when you get down to it, even if they have a metaphysical aspect tied to it. Because of that, there's no real way to reconcile them beyond removing them entirely, just as a communist isn't compatible with a fascist.
You can have people with different ideas and backgrounds work together towards a common goal, but you can't expect them to be on the same page at all times.
I agree with OP. If everyone were to simply submit to our lord, savior and messiah Muhhamad, then there will be peace on earth.
I doubt anyone could be this dedicated if they weren't actually proselytizing
Well... I suppose there is the benefit of cultural natural selection when we don't. That those religions that hold their followers back, make them weak, or worse, are counter-productive to survival itself, are less apt to last when a series of competing theologies exist.
At the same time, yes, sometimes it is more effective to breed them together and toss out the bits that don't work until you have some sorta hybrid genetic super-soldier religion. Eventually, however, you're going to end up crushing some M&M's together.
Not everyone is an atheist or an Abrahamtard.
The real conflict is atheism vs religion. People from other religions can be saved by prayer and God may be merciful with them. Atheists reject God and don't have any hope left for themselves.
>14% Hindu
The % of total world population that follow each religion
Yet all other Mudlims condone in silence
When did you hear christians speak out about the million civilian casualties in the iraq war?
>but they are muslims nobody cares
In that case you shouldn't expect muslims to speak out on their own radical elements.
Besides most muslims just want to stay out of this shitty mess.
I'll speak up about my faith to correct misconceptions or to tout its grandeur. I am a servant of Christ and will proclaim the Gospel, as he commands.
That said, fighting over religion doesn't really do any good, since in the end Judgment Day will come and all will be put right. There's nothing we can do in the meantime except preach, pray, and be patient.
Muslims aren't human
Not in the name of Christianity.
ISIS kills, specifically, in the name of Allah and all the other Muslims think that it is just fine and never speak out.
Islam literally denies our common humanity. Only those who worship Allah attain heaven, the rest are filthy infidels doomed to hell. This is explicitly mentioned, not sure why you're denying this.
Couple this with the fact that the Quran is unchangeable and perfect, coexistence is clearly impossible. As long as non-muslims exist, conflict is inevitable.
The americans did most of the killing didn't they?
They are a christian nation as much as you can find them nowadays even the inauguration of their president refers to god and bible etc.
>Not in the name of Christianity
No, no... Not at all...
So ? They didn't invade Iraq in the name of God or in the name of Jesus, they did it for profit and geostrategy. Noone blame the muslims for Saddam's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 even if Iraq is a muslim country, there is a difference with ISIS and Al Qaeda which are religious terrorist groups
>Noone blame the muslims for Saddam's invasion of Kuwait
You would be surprised.
...Also surprised at how many Americans think Saddam was allied with Al Qaeda - despite their multiple attempts at deposing him - not to mention responsible for 9-11.
>You would be surprised.
No, no he wouldn't.
Stop making shit up.