ITT: patriotic leaders who loved their country but were made out to be villains by the western media
ITT: patriotic leaders who loved their country but were made out to be villains by the western media
>inb4 Nazis and the USSR
Fuck off you were here yesterday. Hussein was a paranoid lunatic responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and permanent injuries due to use of chemical weapons which blinded, burnt and literally altered the DNA of their victim's skin cells. His son Uday was a pshycopathic serial killer who killed and maimed hundreds including close friends and family members as well as being a serial rapist. His younger brother was almost as bad.
People who argue saying the Iraq War was wrong are retarded. Let's dispel some Iraq War memes:
1. "Sadam was bad but....."
Whenever I hear anyone say this I assume they know nothing or almost nothing about him. He is one of the most dangerous, sadistic and cruel people ever to lead a country. He modeled himself on Joseph Stalin and the mafia. He was completely obsessed with the movie 'The Godfather' and had all his family and friends watch it as inspiration. He also got his sons at a very young age to go to a local prison and kill random prisoners. This had a lasting impact, particularly on Uday who as he got older killed, raped and personally tortured many political prisoners using some of the most creative and disturbing torture techniques ever used. Also, the video of him publicly purging Baa-ath party members using a guy who was forced to inform on them after days of torture should eb required viewing. All the people that were dragged out of the room were later shot by their fellow party members who Saddam organized into firing squads.
2. "There were no WMD's found!"
Yeah not arguing against that. WMD's were a super dumb excuse to use to invade. The intelligence was pretty off and there were about a million other legal and just reasons to invade and overthrow Saddam. Probably the biggest mistake made with the whole Iraq thing was not finishing the job that was started in the First Gulf War. The US should have invaded Iraq and finished the job there and then while they had an excuse that no one could argue against.
Just because you love your country doesn't mean you run it.
Anarcucks cannot be patriotic by default.
can run it*
Nelson Mandela
Oh wait, wrong way around
3. "It destabilized the whole region"
This is one of the more retarded points of view. You think that the region was stable before the invasion of Iraq? The region has been a complete mess for a very very long time. it is very likely that with Saddam and his equally paranoid lunatic sons in power he would have gone on to create even worse stability problems. He already had before in the Iran-Iraq war which was a catastrophic failure which resulted in over a million dead and the deployment of chemical weapons by Saddam. It was only a matter of time until he did something on the Iraq-Iran War tier of dumb/crazy again. If you actually understand Saddam on a psychological level you'd know this. He had major delusions of grandeur and being in the international spotlight and being deliberately belligerent was his jam. Let's say his regime eventually collapsed more organically without US involvement for a second. Alright then, but Iraq still would've devolved into a similar mess that it's in now.
this man is our second Ataturk...
4. "Look at the mess it's made"
Yeah no shit. That's what happens if you're a dumbass like Obama and pull out way too soon for political reasons when everyone knows it's way too early and the country is still fundamentally unstable. Big mistakes were also made by the Bush administration especially putting Shias in almost complete power. Again, the US's handling of the whole situation was shit. Bad strategy, bad excuse, bad allies. I'm not arguing that the whole Iraq thing has just gone swell. Nobody is. I'm just saying the invasion had to happen sooner or later and it was actually the right thing to do.
Fuck off I don't care to reply to you because you're either Jewish, Kurdish or Persian, but Saddam was a based leader who built Iraq into an industrial secular country and never killed anyone who didn't deserve it. The people he killed were traitors who sided with Iran against Iraq and deserved it.
Yeah you don't care to reply to me because I would destroy you. All you have is lame memes saying he's based and shit.Kys.
Yeah, literally the opposite of Ataturk. We have a retard over here.
t. Butthurt neoconservative kike. Go shill at AIPAC, you're not wanted here to gay hooknosed faggot.
Have you lived in Iraq? No. then you have no right to an opinion. Everything you're spouting is twisted up half truths spread by American media not worth replying to. I 100% guarantee you are Jewish.
thought there were three Saddams in that picture before opening it
I'm not from /pol/ though, nice straw man. /pol/ is a neoconservative kike-worshipping israel-loving shithole, I'm sure you'd feel welcome there Shlomo.
>"Al Anfal was justified and if you disagree with me then too bad Shlomo!"
10/10 best argument
Have you lived in Iraq retard? I'm sure you would've loved living in Iraq under the Hussein family. You would've loved Uday seeing you walking with your girlfriend deciding he liked the look of her, had you shot then proceeded to rape, torture and kill her. he actually did this on multiple occasions and it was his hobby in University. I bet a cuck like you masturbates to the though of that happening all the time and that's why you like the Husseins so much.
Why would a neocon like Saddam you fucking retard? Neocons were the ones who got him killed.
This. The Husseins were fucking barbaric. You can make the argument that the Sisi, the Shah, Sauds, Qadaffi and Assad are stable dictators, but you can't argue that for Saddam, mostly because none of those preceding invaded their neighbors autistically on multiple occasions
this term literally has no meaning anymore
>kike-worshipping israel-loving
Well articulated.
Meant to reply to the other shithead
Anfal was in response to 30 years of the Barzani tribe raiding north Iraq, killing soldiers, Arabs, Turkmen, destroying pipelines, abducting people, siding with Iran in the war. It was a reaction to 30 years of Kurds killing other Iraqis, if they hadn't had kept chimping, it wouldn't have happened.
>not refuting that you're a jew
No WMD's but the motherfucker had rooms full of torpedoes and no ocean to deploy them in. He was literally improving explosives.
I'm Iraqi you dumbfuck, unlike you. Uday probably raped one or two women, he was a scumbag, but now there's a million udays. And because one guy is a rapist hat justifies destroying and invading a country?
Saudis are state funders of international terrorism you kike
>yeah i find this totally justifiable because I'm a /pol/ retard.
When did he claim otherwise you mongoloid?
yep, go back to point no 1 I made. You obviously know fuck all about Hussein and his crime family and bought into all the retarded memes. Here's a link in case your mongoloid ass can't be bothered to scroll up the page
Daily reminder that Robesippre did nothing wrong
>country treats ethnic minority like shit
>ethnic minority responds with hostility
>chimp out and gas them
>some autistic neckbeard on a Bengali basketweaving forum defends this
Don't really see how I can refute this, but if we were really trying to pander to the Israelis why wouldn't we have gone after the Syrians rather than the Iraqis? Israel went to war with Hezbollah in lebanon in 2006 and their biggest backer is pretty much Syria/Iran, so if we were really pandering to Israeli interests wouldn't we just have gone to one of them? Besides, bombing Syria would've been a cake walk compared to Iraq, even with the assumptions made by the Bush Administration Pentagon about how easy Iraq would be.
Also, the idea that the Iraq War is some kind of huge conspiracy is so hilarious to me. Why would so many people build up a case that there were weapons of mass destruction in some kind of elaborate conspiracy, rather than just orchestrate the shooting down of some fighter jets over the no fly zone? Seriously, you could've just painted one of our jets with the Iraqi colors, had the jet crash, and have the pilots get captured and taken hostage or something along those lines. That would've been much simpler and made every American from the latte sipping hipster in Seattle to the redneck yokel in West Virginia to the stock broker wearing Brooks Brothers in Manhattan scream blood for the blood God.
How were Kurds treated like shit? If anything they treated everyone else like shit, like killing Assyrians.
>Kurds kill people
>army responds
>muh genocide!!!
Jesus Christ you really are a stupid cunt.
Are you then admitting that Saddam didn't provide shelter to various terrorists, including:
-Abu Abbas: Mastermind of the Achille Lauro hijacking, which included killing a wheel-chair bound American citizen (Leon Klinghoffer) and forcing the passengers to throw his body overboard
-Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: mastermind behind the assassination of Laurence Foley, an American diplomat (October 2002)
-Abdul Rahman Yasin: The lone actor in the 1993 WTC bombings that was able to get away
-Mohammad Atta: Reportedly met with Iraqi agents in Prague according to Czech intelligence
If you're willing to defend Saddam's blatant warmongering and saber rattling, then the Saudis are angels. The Saudis are shitty and I don't like them, you can make the argument that they're good considering 44% of the Saudi population is Wahhabi and would chant Death to America Death to Israel and perpetrate 9/11 attacks if the House of Saud wasn't around. I'm not defending the Saudis; I'm just saying that the House of Saud has more credibility than Saddam.
>invaded neighbours
1. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq, waging economic warfare and breaking OPEC quotas that they had signed up to. Kuwait was historically part of Iraq and had democratically voted to join Iraq in 1938 but the British prevented it.
2. As for the Iran war, Iran broke the 1975 Algiers treaty when it supported Islamist terrorists who bombed the mustansiriyah university, killing many students and trying to assassinate deputy PM Tariq Aziz. Khomeini effectively declared war on Iraq before the start of the war when he publicly announced many times he would topple the Baathist regime in Iraq and replace it with an Islamic theocracy. Iran effectively declared war first.
>breaking the OPEC quotas they signed up
So why would it be advantageous to American interests to protect the shekels of a bunch of Arab oil barons? Do you not understand basic geopolitics?
Would it be justified for Saddam to bomb Texan oilfields because we didn't obey production quotas either?
And under your democratic assumption, then I guess Mexico gets the right to create Aztlan because it used to be theirs too, right? Where do you draw the line when it comes to chimping out over borders?
I'm not going to defend Saddam in the Iran-Iraq War because objectively in a choice between Saddam and radical Islamist theocrats, there really isn't a good side or bad side. Regardless, Saddam's flagrant use of chemical weapons in that conflict showed he was an unstable ruler. Combining this with his takeover of Kuwait, we would've risked having Saddam invade Saudi Arabia. Would it be have been worth giving control of the most energy-rich region of the globe to unstable madman just so you can smile at projecting your insecurities by calling people who disagree with you a kike?
Zarqawi had no links to Saddam at all, Saddam offered to hand over the WTC guy and the plane guy in exchange for relieving sanctions, America refused, so they kept under house arrest,
Saddam's support to international terrorism was lower than the American government's financing of terror groups in Latin America. Meanwhile TODAY Saudi funds wahhabist mosques in Europe that preach radicalism.
Sorry, I meant oppose Saddam. Arguably, there was a case to be made that Saddam was better because the Iranians were Islamist theocrats and probably aligned with the Soviets, but in the context of his later actions in the Gulf War and his desire to build weapons of mass destruction and saber rattling that would've caused a four-pronged arms race between Iraq, Iran, the Gulf Arabs, and Israel, they're both objectively shit.
>Arguably, there was a case to be made that Saddam was better because the Iranians were Islamist theocrats and probably aligned with the Soviets,
Saddam was the Soviet's boy, they were his main arms supplier during the Iran-Iraq War.
I'm just about to head to bed, but here's a link detailing the connections between Saddam's regime and al-Qaeda:
He used chemical weapons as a last resort to stop his country being conquered by a radical Islamic theocracy. Meanwhile USA dropped two nuclear weapons on a civilian target on a defeated enemy. Pot calling the kettle black.
And you ARE a kike
Ooooh so the Americans refused to be extorted and they're the bad guys now. hussein didn't hand over people he knew were terrorists because the Americans wouldn't relieve sanctions they placed on him because he was such a belligerent, unstable cunt. It all makes so much more sense now, that is some flawless logic you have there buddy.
Saddam pissed them off when he executed a bunch off communists. His alliance with France was much closer, he just bought ground weapons from warpac countries because that's what the Iraqi army was trained with.
It doesn't mean he was supporting them, and why should he hand them over? What obligation does he have to America which was regularly killing his people?
>being this morally relativistic
I'm not attacking Saddam for using chemical weapons against a bunch of radical mullahs. From an unbiased millitary standpoint, it was a good strategy. I'm just saying that combining that with the fact that he blatantly used chemical weapons in the al-Anfal campaign showed that he didn't really have any major qualms about using weapons of mass destruction. Allowing a guy who had no problem with using chemical weapons to steamroll every oil-producing OPEC nation that didn't listen to his desire to let oil prices hit $300/bbl is obviously a bad idea to everyone except those who put their irrational hatred of Jewry in front of the national interests of their country.
What right does the Sabah family have to rule Kuwait? They treat their own people like shit, gave no rights to women, denied the bidoun people's citizenship in their own countries.
Saddam's Iraq had parliamentary representation, women's rights, and he gave citizenship to the bidoun Kuwaitis, which the emir later took away.
Kuwaitis stole oil from Iraq and were refusing to negotiate the matter, not to mention the borders were drawn by British colonialists so why should they be the definitive permanent border between two countries?
What you're saying is that attacking Iraq was justified from an imperialistic American point of view to maintain cheap oil, even though it was in the greater Arab people's interest for a nationalist like Saddam to form an Arab superstate that didn't bow to the west.
Basically an Arab country tried to take over an American colony in the Arab world and America didn't like that. Makes sense but America is still the bad guy and Saddam was a legit Arab nationalist who wanted to make Kuwait not an American colony.
>what right
They aren't invading their neighbors and using weapons of mass destruction, that's for sure. If a nation-state violates the nonproliferation treaty, regularly engages in aggression against its neighbors, violates the Geneva Convention, and aids terrorists, then it has no right to maintain its sovereignty. Kuwait has done none of that and even if you interpret oil drilling as aggressive behavior, Saddam matches all of those criteria to have sovereignty withdrawn.
>they treat their own people like shit ,gave no rights to women, denied the bidoun people's citizenship in their own countries
Are you aware of just how brutal Saddam's regime was? Now, there have been brutal authoritarians in the Middle East that have been necessary to a certain degree. Assad and Qaddafi are both brutal leaders, but hold together their nations to a certain extent and maintain regional stability since they aren't going around on a warmongering spree like Saddam was. But Saddam was on a level not seen since fucking Stalin. Look up the atrocities that Hussein committed in Iraq before you waltz in here trying to paint him off as the Shah 2.0.
>the borders were drawn by British colonialists
So then you're saying that the Kurds must've had a right to independence then, correct? They had historically been a separate ethnic group from the rest of the Middle East and considering the borders were drawn by ignorant Limeys, clearly then they should've had the right to engage in aggressive behavior to carve out their own nation-state, just as how apparently Saddam gets this right to invade Kuwait- correct?
>America is still the bad guy
Sorry I'm not a big fan of a second Great Depression and letting my country get extorted so some Middle Eastern brute can spend lavishly. There's nothing wrong about waging a short scale campaign to make sure your country doesn't get reduced to begging on the international community and if you disagree then you're either a foreigner (if you're not American and therefore wouldn't understand acting in defense of American interests) or a cuck (if you are American and think that your fellow Americans should be forced into poverty so that you can receive sexual pleasure from hurting Jews).
Type in any Assyrian city and you'll find a long list of raids and massacres it's suffered under Kurds. The Assyrian genocide had help from Kurds and the simele massacre was carried out by Kurdish general Bakr Sidqi allied with Kurdish tribes.
Iraq even but a Kurdish symbol on the flag in 1958, made Kurdish an official regional language (when it was still illegal to speak Kurdish in turkey) had Kurdish officials in the government and Kurds STILL kept chimping out, killing and abducting soldiers, destroying pipelines. Why? Cause the barzani tribe was getting money from Iran and that was their motivation, not that they were "persecuted". The mass forced relocations happened in response to the Kurds constantly destroying everything and attacking the Iraqis and not even wanting to negotiate a peace.
>Israel and America have no right for sovereignty
I'm glad you finally stated this.
>imperialism is right for MUH ECOBOMIC INTERESTS
So you agree Saddam had the right to invade Kuwait
>two civilized countries and an uncivilized country are on the same playing field when it comes to acquiring weapons of mass destruction
If Sweden built a nuke literally no one would give a shit and if Iran built one everyone would be talking about invading them before they could get it, this is just common sense. If you don't understand why it's wrong to let Iraq get nuclear weapons, but think that we need a strongman like Saddam to keep the place in check, then I'm not really sure what to tell you.
Kurds have a country, its called Iran. Kurds are not indigenous to the region, they are invaders from northern Iran. In northeast Iran there are still indigenous groups that speak Kurdish. That's their homeland. They can't just invade a few villages that belong to Assyrians and then claim "muh KURDISTAN"
kurds are bro-tier and allies to the West
Kurds are either communists or durka durka tier islamists, they're allies to my ass and not the west.
How is Iraq less civilised than America or Israel? Iraq created the concept of civilisation, yet Israel and America have been aggressively attacking and killing other peoples for all their history, they just get away with it because America is larger and has a stronger military.
Big difference between making sure the Free World doesn't have to beg a tyrant to end their economic hardship versus trying to control the Middle Eastern oil supply to get more shekels
Again, if you don't understand this, then we're starting on fundamentally different platforms.
They're allied to Israel and they still attack Christians and practice female genital mutilation. Perfect allies for the hooknosed christkillers but maybe not for Christian western countries.
>Iraq created the concept of civilization
Ah, so we're letting Gilgamesh decide international relations!
>"Israel and America have been aggressively attacking and killing other peoples for all their history"
Moral relativism should be added to the autism spectrum
You mean like how America tried to deliberately starve the iraqi people and make them beg? 'Free world' is just blowing steam up your ass, you guys invade more counties than any other country. You wanted Kuwait, an Arab country, as your colony so you could keep getting OUR oil cheaply for yourselves. Saddam wanted to bring Kuwait under Arab nationalist rule so Arabs could decide what happens with Arab oil and what price it's sold for, rather than be a western puppet.
>OUR oil
Lol you can only drill that oil because the British decided to drill for it themselves so that they could help you guys out. And look at how you've repaid them!
If you think that the nationalism of another people comes before the interests of your nation, then not only are you a cuck, you might as well support letting in rapefugees into your country since it's the same mentality.
Not an argument, you're basically saying it's okay when America flaunts its military might around for its own interests but bad when other countries do it.
Well good luck with Trump, you're now the laughing stock of the world and are going to drive yourselves into international economic irrelevancy with your protectionist chauvinism. I can't wait till your frontal-love impaired orange beach ball you elected as leader causes your shitty non-country to collapse.
I'm Iraqi you dimwit, I care about my country more than yours. You think you're entitled to what's under our ground just because you militarily occupied us by force a while back.
>protectionist chauvinism
Lol what are bilateral trade deals
>shitty non-country
as opposed to what? Some shitstain on the Middle East or better yet some cucked Euro state?
We may have a huge Hispanic population, but having Hispanic Catholics enter your country is better than becoming an Islamic caliphate (if you aren't one already).
Yeah and if Obama hadn't pulled the troops out your country would've been better off
>I get my info from breitbart and Fox News
Thanks for displaying your low IQ.
How was America regularly killing his people retard? And he has the obligation of any reasonable person to hand over depraved criminals.
You mean if bush hadn't put in place an sectarian racist incompetent wannabe tyrant PM Nuri Maliki and If the CIA hadn't autistically funded the Islamist rebels in Syria who then spilled across the border into Iraq, then Iraq wouldn't be destroyed. Yes you must be very proud for destroying my country.
Or maybe if Bremer hadn't banned every Baathist from being able to work causing every educated public servant to leave the country. Or maybe if bush hadn't invaded and removed our nationalist leader who actually had built Iraq into an industrial country with highways, hospitals and schools
Why doesn't America hand over all the Cuban terrorists to the Castro government or a bunch of other accused terrorists? Saddam didn't owe America shit, they were regularly bombing Iraq and enforcing sanctions killing people. The average Iraqi hated America, why should Iraq hand over a terrorist to an enemy state that was regularly bombing Iraq?
>after the Gulf-war
>it took Saddam 6 months to rebuild the infrastructure and return the nation to order with limited resources
>14 years after the US lead Iraq invasion and countless of billions in both US/Iraq funds
>nation is now a clusterfuck that is now only slowly recovering but still torn apart from different ehtnic groups/religious militias claiming land and pillaging
>all while more than half the Christians of Iraq either got massacred or fled
So "American democracy" causes much more damage to a region than any Nuke ever could with its enviormental/genetical damage from radiation?
That dumbfuck bremer with a single order fired every person with a Baathist membership from a public job, thereby firing anyone who was educated or capable of doing their job. They then handed the government to a bunch of uneducated shiite shroog from the marshes who had no idea how to govern a country and were mainly focused with implementing Islamic law than actually rebuilding the country. Thanks America!!
>were mainly focused with implementing Islamic law than actually rebuilding the country.
I think it was more of a "how do we weaken/batter our religious/ethic rivals" than a trying to force Islamic law thing.
Serious question:
Naqshbandi Army or K'aitab Hezbollah?
On the one hand, K'aitab Hezbollah is allied to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is the core of the Axis of Resistance to America and the Zionist entity in the Arab world.
On the other hand, Naqshbandi Army is secular, non-sectarian and Arab socialist (B'aathist) plus from my limited knowledge is more firmly anti-US imperialist in its actions compared to K'ataib Hezbollah, which from what I know has kind of an at least temporary implicit agreement not to fight each other with US Coalition and to semi-coordinate against Daesh.
Any anons more informed about the on-the-ground situation in Iraq to red pill me about this?
kawaii desu neeee ! ! !
name ? ! ?
Already did Google image search
I tried so hard
And looked so far
And in the end...
I couldn't even find her ! :(
>you haven't lived there, therefore you can't have an opinion or state facts!
I'm not him but fucking dank arguments
>ur a jew and saddam is BASED fuk u /pol/ like jew they bad
>This is one of the more retarded points of view. You think that the region was stable before the invasion of Iraq?
You're a purposefully retarded cunt. Go ask all the family of all the Christians who were beheaded by ISIS if the region is less stable after America destroyed Iraq.
Wait, weren't the Ass Syrians extinct?
Those are the same people who tortured everyone in Persia until sixty thousand rebellions erupted at once and butchered them all, right?
>Naqshbandi Army is secular, non-sectarian
lmao, they are explicitly an islamist organisation
>he says this on a history board
napoleon didn't exist i never saw him
hitler didn't exist i never saw him
joojoo the slayer of the israelties is both real and cool i saw him on the internet
Weren't the Persians the one who let the kikes go back to their unholy land? So why do the kikes hate the Persians?
Hardly surprising considering that the United States has a history of half-assing its occupations.
Assyrians tortured the Jews. Persians let the Jews go back home.
Then Arabs enslaved the Persians, and now the Jews are trying to liberate the Persians from the brainwashing they suffered.
This is totally whats happening and history is very simple, and there are clear factions at play.
>trading Arab enslavment for Jewish enslavement.
Not an improvement
Saddam was just an american puppet. They got rid of him when he wasn't needed anymore.
In all honesty the vast majority of problems in Iraq were created by the monumental fuck-up of the post-war plan and not the removal of Saddam himself.
Incompetent retards were put in charge and corporations massively abused their contracts to rebuild the country.