ITT Villains who went out as heroes
ITT Villains who went out as heroes
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>get gunned down by even bigger shitheads
>that makes him a good guy
god i fucking hate nicky
He contributed to the rise of the commies, so no
He was an out of touch moron.
P-Please no bully
Based man
There's nothing heroic about his death. Pretty generic.
>getting btfo by the people he used to oppress
The slavs need to be repressed, they fear their own freedom. They're like masochists.
The last chance he had to do something heroic was to get his family out of there and he blew it
Unironically Kaiser Willy, read about his later life.
But he was a hero (literal saint) who went out as a hero
He was an inept despot who made shitty decisions while undermining his people's freedom.
>manipulated by his wife who cucked him
>manipulated by his cabinet
>manipulated by the commies
yeah nah, he was a completely retarded cunt
Wrong, he was a good and man who was unjustly betrayed by his people after they were seduced by revolutionary lies
Um no, read a book sweetie
>Telling a Russian to read a book about Nikky the 2
His wife never cucked him, that was literally just propaganda spread by Yusupov and company.
>his people
How were the Jews "his people"?
If only because Mugabe turned out worse
Just because the Bolsheviks were shitheads and traitors doesn't mean Nicky dindu nuffin, learn some nuance
Nicky is universally considered a retard even by people who are sympathetic to the tzarist cause. Everything from the 1905 riots through Russo-Japanese war and the entire blunder that was the Anglo-Russian Entente was a result of his gross incompetence. Alexander III didn't never started grooming him as a ruler because he thought it won't happen in a long time, but Alexander died as a 49 year old and his retard son took the throne, alas.
in another timeline, another reality...
franz ferdinand
There is no reason do consider Franz Ferdinand a villain unless you're a Hungarian nationalist, in which case get fucked.
What are you talking about? That's Mario, not the Archduke.
I can't see pictures on my phone, was replying to the text.
the greatest ruler of Germany ever
Inspector-General actually.
>well Hitler killed Hitler XDXDXD
This fucking cocksucker is why, though
>Hmm, our allies are getting slaughtered by subhumans, women and children of their family are dying
>Well, I did get us involved in that war pointlessly, I guess I need to maintain my status as biggest POS POTUS in history
>"Fuck off Nicky we're full."
>Heh heh.. what'll go wrong?
>good but dull person gets manipulated
>somehow makes them less of a good person
I don't understand
You do know that by 1917 a lot of the Royal and Imperial families of Russia were already in England, right? No reason the rest could not go there as well. Many other Kingdoms were sympathetic as well. Which is of the reasons why all kingdoms need to be abolished. Even one can act as an incubator or haven allowing it to spread.
>implying that was the wrong decision
>implying saving a bunch of retards would've helped anyone
>implying anything Wilson did during his presidency was wrong
Wilson is perfect, accept him into your heart or forever be a brainlet
hero of all slavs
Its the opposite actually, he started off as a popular hero and had the opportunity to be one of the greatest Tzars in history as he would have been responsible for the industrialization of Russia.
Instead you get a dopey but stubbron moron who drags his country into two disastrous wars, listen to bad advice whilst driving out his most incompetent ministers. He destroyed a millennia old monarchy
>TFW he resided for a bit in a castle that used to be my family's estate waaaaaay back.
more like a hero that died a villain desu senpai
He will always be remembered as the guy who killed Hitler
"There's a man alone, without family, without children, without God... He builds legions, but he doesn't build a nation. A nation is created by families, a religion, traditions: it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children... For a few months I was inclined to believe in National Socialism. I thought of it as a necessary fever. And I was gratified to see that there were, associated with it for a time, some of the wisest and most outstanding Germans. But these, one by one, he has got rid of or even killed... He has left nothing but a bunch of shirted gangsters! This man could bring home victories to our people each year, without bringing them either glory or danger. But of our Germany, which was a nation of poets and musicians, of artists and soldiers, he has made a nation of hysterics and hermits, engulfed in a mob and led by a thousand liars or fanatics. ― Wilhelm on Hitler, December 1938.[67]
>tfw no history-altering furry stand
>hero of all slavs
No, only serbshits, and in the end bosnia still isn't part of their state. Fuck 'em.
How quickly he forgot that when He thought Hitler was going to restore the monarchy
Please, he only said that because Hitler didn't restore the monarchy. The same way that Louis XVIII was buttmad at Napoleon when the latter made himself an emperor instead of restoring the monarchy
Nicky and his wife fucked up big times and on several occasions. They had it coming.
I kinda feel sorry for their kids, they didn't deserve that.
>Implying he was the villain from the start
>kills the only member of the ruling family that kinda likes Serbs so that Serbs can be free
>this leads to over a million dead Serbs and years later turns a semi decent Kingdom into a shithole
Boy he don fuck up didn't he?
No bully
This neo reactionarism makes me puke.
Franz Ferdinand absolutely hated the slavs.
Thing is, he was smart enough to realize that the Habsburg Empire could not function without giving them a say because in an age of nationalism, unless you give autonomy and a say to all your subjects, especially ones that are a huge part of your empire, they will just rip you apart and break free.
He was a shining example of a man who put his personal beliefs aside for the benefit of the greater good.
>his ancestors owned this
>now he browses Veeky Forums
You're right, we all know Russians can't read.
>implying anything Wilson did during his presidency was wrong
Fuck off back to stormfront /pol/ack. To anyone who is not a member of the KKK Wilson is the worst president of the 20th century easily.
mfw already in history
What? /pol/ spergs out on him because they don't like the FED or how he was right about everything in the 14 points. Not to mention his economic regulations and institution of the income tax. Literally the only thing that they would like would maybe be is international policy which is basically a continuation of Teddy's work.
>"War is inevitable, and this time, it will be truly world wide. It will unravel everywhere and there will be no limit to its battlefields. The condemnations of Nuremberg will be one of the main reasons, which will cause this war to be a conflict whose horror will be unparalleled. These condemnations gave birth, in fact, to a new conception which makes the victor a hero and the vanquished an odious criminal. By this fact, each leader will wage war like a demon in order not to be the loser and become, consequently, a criminal. All the atrocities that can be imagined by man, will be committed during this next war, in order to prevent the enemy from acquiring victory.
>What I have just said, I have repeated to the American representatives and I have warned them that all of the mothers of the entire world will one day curse America..."
"Don't die darling, live for our children"
Not a terrible assessment. Though (as others have mentioned) it was likely because Hitler went against Hindenburg and Co's last wish to restore the Hohezollerns.
What? Wilson was evidently racist and conducted foreign policy based on what he thought would look good in a history book. He singlehandedly ensured that America would be involved in the rest of the world's problems for the rest of time.
I'll explain it to you: "neo-reactionaries" are a memetic American group of autistic virgin programmers who want to turn the world into a techno-feudal cyberpunk dystopia where they would be the aristocracy. There is nothing really reactionary about it other than the fact they abhor democracy and egalitarian doctrines, but for some reason that name stuck.
Now, there are also subhuman brainlets like this guy right here: who think "neo reactionary" means "reactionary in the present day." Avoid debating brainlets like for they are poorly educated mental midgets with the cerebral prowess of a 13 year old girl during her first period. On other boards we would just filter their IDs, but alas, here we just need to consciously ignore these brainlets altogether once we identify them.
Hitler: hero who went out as a villain