New historical movie titled "Hannibal: The Conqueror" about Hannibal Barca set to come out in 2018.
What is Veeky Forums expecting as far as this films historical aspect is concerned?
New historical movie titled "Hannibal: The Conqueror" about Hannibal Barca set to come out in 2018.
What is Veeky Forums expecting as far as this films historical aspect is concerned?
"artistic" depictions of history have never been accurate. Virgil memed dido and the carthaginian wars into some historical karmic justic and WEWUZed rome into trojans.
That being said niggers have the biggest inferiority complex to go with their supposed huge penises. Sad when you take your kleptomaniac ways to the history of semites.
Starring Samuel L. Jackson
>WEWUZed rome into trojans
Except there's genetical evidence for Mediterraneans to have a huge part of their ancestry derived from Neolithic and Chalcolithic Anatolia.
This will definitely be a We Wuz
The guy who is writing and directing it is a black who has made other We Wuz movies. Also when he was in College he was accused of raping a girl who later committed suicide
>In the second century B.C., a supremely gifted young black soldier rises to command the Carthaginian army, raises and leads an army of sixty thousand soldiers and eleven elephants on an historic charge over the Alps
You have got to be fucking kidding me...I've always wanted a Hannibal movie too.
hahaha holy shit
they actually believe this
Nate Parker will be directing:
>In the second century B.C., a supremely gifted young black soldier rises to command the Carthaginian army, raises and leads an army of sixty thousand soldiers and eleven elephants on an historic charge over the Alps, surprises the Roman Army with a series of unforgettable defeats, and fills the hearts of Romans with a sense of terror that outlives the man himself. Hannibal goes on to live four lives: soldier, commander, King, and fugitive.
Virgil's Aeneid was pro-octavian propaganda to give a worthy backstory to the roman empire. It was wewuzism at its finest. The fact much of ALL mediterranean culture came from anatolia doesn't really have relevance.
>it's actually true
That's hilarious and silly.
I find this almost offensively stupid, yet a part of me can't help looking forward to seeing the /pol/ chimpout.
Hopefully they make him gay as well to give inspiration to the gay, black community.
But it's more reasonable to make the association of Roman = Trojan than Phoenician = nigger.
i thought you were joking
>offensively stupid
Hmm, that actually sums up my feelings almost exactly.
I'm not racist although i do dislike most aspects of black culture I'm perfectly capable of judging people as individuals but this...
The idiocy of it, the blatant dismissal of evidence in favor of some fantastical political narrative. For myself i do not categorize it as a near offense, it is flagrantly offensive in its stupidity.
>Nate Parker
Isn't this Vin Diesel's Hannibal movie?
It seems like it. If I remember correctly he always wanted to the movie and the jews in Hollywood would not give him the money because they didn't think it would make any money.
I hope to hell it is at least entertaining.
>"""Historical""" films
>it is a black who has made other We Wuz movie
Like what?
Now find me a white man who looks like Hannibal
>Like what?
Red tails
He would obviously be Mediterranean looking user. Playing him as a nigger is seriously misleading.
also birth of a nation and the great debaters
I'm not seeing his name on writing, directing or producing. So try again
And at least that movie was based on an all black unit
Then find me an Mediterranean person who looks like Hannibal
I'm not sure what you want to prove by naming these movies based on real events
And I'm only seeing his name as director, writer or producer on one of them. So try again
Nice fake picture, but good cosplay
>fake picture
I don't even know what you are trying to say.
Also, here is an actual actor actually born in Africa who played Hannibal.
Note he wouldn't fit well in a rap video, unlike what WE WUZZers would want.
>your picture doesn't count
>This fact doesn't count
>also give me more (You)'s
>supremely gifted young black soldier rises to command the Carthaginian army
out of my Veeky Forums
Don't you get tired of stealing history?
Here is an actual HISTORY channel recreation of Hannibal
Note its not /pol/ memes, but HISTORY channel. With historians on there.
Even if we skip "black", its dumb.
>soldier rises
He was lord of the Iberian colony. The guy was a straight up kang. He had the silver mines making him rich, thats how he afforded the army.
God damn it, because of the history channel portraying Hannibal as black and now this, most uneducated normies will think that Carthaginians were sub-Saharan Africans.
>Vin Diesel Hannibal movie
If he rides an elephant into battle then im in.
This isn't true.
Hannibal was a slave from Africa that earned his release by saving his master's daughter from an attack by bandits who then earned his way to the top despite the racial prejudice endemic in Carthaginian society.
As a berber that actually piss me of a lot.
The Anatolian Neolithic settlement of the Italian peninsula came thousands of years before Troy ever existed.
No, actually Hannibal was an African revolutionary from Corsica, who fought against the autocratic dictatorship there. He was later hired in the Carthaginian army, where he took paid leaves every other week, whored around, and only advanced in the ranks because every other capable general was either killed or on the other side of the civil war. Then he crowned himself emperor of France and conquered Moscow, and started the Black Panthers movement there. But the Russians couldn't handle him having sex with all their women, so they threw him out, and invaded Ukraine. This is why Trump should be impeached and we should march out and reclaim our history.
For Hannibal! Ha Mocквy!
I bet they would portrait Roman as evil white oppressors, and black Hannibal will march to Rome and massacred all of evil whiteys
0/10 bait.
I'm saying that the picture is obviously staged and photoshopped, can't you tell by the pixles?
Then prove them wrong
Obviously the writing depermant was not in communication with the visual department
Stage play
A show filled with Disney villains
I quote liked this fresh look at the underrated African kingdom of Carthage. It lets the modern viewer ponder how much better things would be if lord Hannibal didn't show those Italian butchers mercy in waiting for them to surrender, and torched their decadent den of incest and pedophilia.
>Then prove them wrong
It's universally accepted in the academic community that Hannibal was a descendant of Phoenician aristocracy that settled in Cyrene. The burden of proof lies upon you.
>sir lanceroto
Berbers were black ya know.
>Heimdallr is attested as possessing foreknowledge, keen eyesight and hearing, is described as "the whitest of the gods" and keeps watch for the onset of Ragnarök while drinking fine mead in his dwelling Himinbjörg, located where the burning rainbow bridge Bifröst meets heaven.
>the whitest of the gods
I ain't even mad, I like Idris Elba, but still.
>Then prove them wrong
Find an accredited academic who thinks so
I mean, there's no evidence for it and lots of evidence to the contrary. There are still people living in the modern equivalent of Carthage, and they don't exactly look subsaharan.
And that bust that everyone keeps posting is not confirmed to be of Hannibal.
Only way a black Hannibal would be acceptable on the silver screen.
Because the Arabs showed up and replaced them all
And at one point the french national football team only had one white player, and he was a berber. So there we go.
Don't forget secular aswell.
No doubt they will play up the multicultural army as some huge societal advance which genius black Hanny came up with to defeat the vile and racist WHITE romans.
>Because the Arabs showed up and replaced them all
Yes, a conquest that involved about 10,000 soldiers, most of whom would've moved on to another area after the war was won, managed to replace a population of 5 million.
How does that, work, in your head? Even if every single Arab soldier had stayed in the Maghreb and married a Maghrebi woman, that wouldn't even have made a dent in the genetics of the area aside from some minor admixture around the coast.
We see this time and again. The modern day English aren't Anglo-Saxons, the modern day Egyptians aren't Arabs, the modern day Greeks aren't Turks. You can't replace a Old World large, settled population with a military conquest.
>black solider
Could we get any more wewuz?
I thought Hollywood agreed on making Egyptians white, can't that be applied to Phonecian from Tyre?
>fantasy character happens to be black
who fucking cares. im getting mad about hannibal here
>Because the Arabs showed up and replaced them all
Arabs were some of the least numerous peoples on the planet. Their land isn't conductive of large population growth.
In fact, they probably doubled their population after winning their early wars with the eastern roman empire and the persian empire.
Do you have any idea how many Maghrebi women a single Arab can impregnate?
This was during the most purest and ideologically driven islam period, you don't fuck and forget women.
You fuck, and marry them. And if you can't afford to buy them jewels and makeup, you lose the marriage and your house.
>History &
was a mistake
So these Arabs went on raping their way through Anatolia and North Africa until they outbred the locals but there's no documentation of that happening?
Idk man, the mongols did a pretty good job.
The Arabs raped them and moved on unless they particularly liked one and wanted to marry them. This is fully in line with Islamic teaching directly from Mohammad.
Abu Marthan Al-Ghanawi narrated that: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Use the defeated women as you will and care not for their needs" (Tirmdhi)
>So these Arabs went on raping their way through Anatolia and North Africa until they outbred the locals but there's no documentation of that happening?
A tunisian/lebanese actor would have fit the bill. But hollywood had to commission this movie to an afrocentricist.
>A tunisian/lebanese actor would have fit the bill
Like who?
Who cares if they're famous.
If failing that, find an arab american actor.
It can't be too hard.
The movie is going to look ridiculous with a black american actor. For the keks though, it's funny.
>black american actor.
Will Smith could play a good Hannibal. No one will notice that he is a nigga.
Jaden should have a part as well.
It's terrible. Normies even the somewhat educated ones will believe in this Afrocentric spin. The smarter the normie is the easier time he or she will find "evidence" to support him/her.
>hurrr durrr prove he wasn't black
>protip you can't
I am triggered so much.
>africans are black
>In the second century B.C., a supremely gifted young black soldier rises to command the Carthaginian army, raises and leads an army of sixty thousand soldiers and eleven elephants on an
>supremely gifted young black soldier rises to command the Carthaginian army
>soldier rises to command the Carthaginian army
but then the offspring would still be black and not whatever "colour scheme" the mediterraneans have
>check the IMDB page to see that /pol/tards are paranoid and there's not a single mention of Hannibal being black
>there is
Fuck. SJWs exist only to make /pol/tards look like they are right.
That guy that plays Gollum. I don't know if he is tunisian or lebanese, but he is middle eastern and fairly famous.
Rami Malek could fit the part as well, but he might be too young though.
Andy Serkis? That guy was born to an English mother and Armenian dad
He looks semite/arab enough. What about Assaad Bouab? He is part french, so he is civilized enough to work with, is an experienced actor, and looks arab.
He has actually already played an arab stereotype and in historical setting movies.
Then get him on the role
But given Hollywoods track record with casting historical people then don't expect it. Need I remind everyone that they don't even have a main star yet?
Why would a Phoenician aristocratic family be black?
Why would you assume the general's family was native, when every other military leader was imported for money from elsewhere?
Well, here's his dad
There is an artist's rendition of his dad that he never saw and made him look like a typical local guy*
Or do you think roman emperors all looked the same too?
Litterally Moloch worshipping nobility.
Lets see
>Made up leather armour
>Everyone has wrist bracers on for no reason
>Hannibal will be black or mixed obviously
>Romans will be portrayed as white, racist and evil
>Romans will wear lorica segmentata
>Hannibal will be portrayed as a freedom fighter underdog liberator
>Hannibals forces will be multiracial but 50% black
>All weapons will go straight through armour
>Hannibal will take part in front line combat
>Little is known about the origins or history of the Barca family prior to the Punic Wars. Quoting Tony Bath, "The Barca family, which originally came from Cyrene, was a powerful one but not at that time among the first families of Carthage". (Cyrene was in modern Libya).[2] Unfortunately Tony Bath omits references. Lance Serge states that Hamilcar's family was part of the landed aristocracy of Carthage.[3]
During the 3rd century BC, the Barcids comprised one of the leading families in the ruling oligarchy of Carthage.
After the fall of the great Phoenician city of Tyre to Alexander the Great in 332 BCE, those Tyrians who were able to escape fled to Carthage with whatever wealth they had. Since many whom Alexander spared were those rich enough to buy their lives, these refugees landed in the city with considerable means and established Carthage as the new centre of Phoenician trade. The Carthaginians then drove the native Africans from the area, enslaved many of them, and exacted tribute from the rest.
Once upon a time is about fictional characters, honestly i could give less of a fuck ebcause i watched that show and it's fucking garbage anyway, showing Hannibal as a blackman is a pretty blatant trike against history, and i wouldn't even mind that much if the actor was picked entirely based upon their merits, but the fact that it's in the script makes me think it's some stupid political point scoring.
I feel like the Jews should start getting pissed about this. I mean the Carthaginians were basically Israelites.
It would be quite hilarious to see a Victim-Race war between oppressed blacks and oppressed Jews over who is the biggest victim.
>tfw you remember used to actually have proper discussion and sources for claims instead of just being /pol/'s little bitch
For the record, Hannibal was born in present day Tunisia. Now tell me which ethnicity-actors look best to portray this?
(Also the film isn't real if you do even a basic amount of research beyond the imdb page)
>Now tell me which ethnicity-actors look best to portray this?
Maghrebi Arabs?
>Romans will be portrayed as white, racist and evil
Well they where