Why wasn´t he executed after the war?
Why wasn´t he executed after the war?
Some wanted him to be tried and potentially executed, but felt it would set a bad precedent in Europe with Monarch powers and any potential future conflicts
Executing leaders was invented at the end of WW2
> William was not lacking in intelligence, but he did lack stability, disguising his deep insecurities by swagger and tough talk. He frequently fell into depressions and hysterics
our guy
Netherlands wouldn't give him up and the UK would look like faggots if they violated netherlands soverignty in order to punish Wilhelm for violating Belgiums soverignty.
Pitying the poor autist, after all how could he know any better?
I'm a German and I despise him a bit. Stupid guy.
when rich people fight wars with one another, poor people are the ones to die
What about France
They didn't enter the war for Belgium's sovereignty and didnt care about looking bad
>implying any country but Belgium entered the war because of Belgium's souvereignty
Did we become incredibly barbaric during / after WWII, and just sort of not realize it, by transitioning in the heat of a world in frenzy, and butchery becoming the new normal, and murder the new justice?
>Kaiser Willy was pretty much rewarded with an awesome and comfy life in exile instead of being executed
Makes you think
Dumb post.
That's like saying Napoleon was 'rewarded with an awesome island vacation'. Such a man would never be satisfied with that kind of arrangement.
Napoleon was exiled to an isolated island with no around. Wilhelm was sent to the Netherlands and lived in a great house, he could do whatever he wanted for the most part and got to spend lots of time with his family. Overall Wilhelm had a decent and stress free life in exile, yes he lost his throne and power but he seemed to have a good life without it.
>he fucked up one of the most prestigious royal family at the time
I don't think we can even fathom the pressure on members of the royal houses in the western world.
The people in Doorn loved him though. There's this story of him being the first to get water when one of the neighbours' houses was on fire.
what did he think of the third hitler?
t. /gsg/ pro
Just look at his face in the picture. He literally looks like Hide Your Pain Harold.
The UK didn't have authority to invent war crimes out of thin air while ignoring their own yet.
so woke
i dunno but i can tell you he was an autistic /r9k/ poster born ~100 years too early.
I wonder by who
Can someone red pill me to why he was even executed in the first place?
>We sent this guy away to an island but he came back and started another war! Now we have the opportunity to kill him for good
>Better send him away to an island
The Eternal Anglo is a bit like the Joker from Batman. They don't know what to actually do once they've won, they just like fighting
It's a good thing Russia got rid of its rich tsar, look how well that went for the people
Britain claimed to have entered for the sake of Belgium. Whether or not that's true is irrelevant, because we're discussing what Britain was telling and showing the world, not what Britain was thinking.
First island Napoleon got sent to was compfy, and he got to be Emperor of it. That still wasn't enough for him
God wouldn't let mortals kill Napoleon
Napoléon was literally God's envoy to cast away the jews and their lapdogs the eternal anglo and the eternal kraut into the flames of hell, sadly he was betrayed by judaicized christendom like Jesus was betrayed by the jews.
If they had executed the Kaiser like the angloshits wanted to, Prussians would have completely chimped out and refused any armistice, dragging the war on for years and fighting till the death... which is basically what they did in 1944.
>executing a monarch
You have no idea how much this make every monarchical government around the world shit their pants, like they did when the French and Russian monarchies were executed.
Executing a monarch sets a precedent, meaning the British king could be executed if they happen to lose a war in the future. Nobody wants to set that standard.
Why would you execute your cousin?
>I wonder by who
>by who
Is called whom.
That's Nicholas the II and not George.
>that's Nicholas and not George
They were actually the same person. Stay woke.
*lives until the late 80s*
What makes you guys say this? I don't know much about him.
Depends on which cousin desu
Can I get a quick rundown on those two?
Napoleon gave jews equal rights
He's probably referring to the disturbing resemblance between the two men, given that they're only first cousins.
>mfw when Wilhelm switched places with Nicky in 1917
>Wilhelm sacrifices himself for his cousin, is executed in Siberia
>Nicky lives to old age in comfort
Well Hirohito wasn't to blame and if only had very little to do with the war while Willy had a lot to do with it.
Because Wilhelm's only criminal fault here, like the rest of the German Empire, was being on the losing side.
That's George though.