What are some ways I can reconcile my Christianity with my dislike of Jews? I already practice a form which isn't pro-Jewish (I'm not a Protestant) but Jewry is still too heavy in the OT for comfort.
What are some ways I can reconcile my Christianity with my dislike of Jews...
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start by not hating jews at all, otherwise you're doing it wrong. If you actually hate jews then you're kind of a piece of shit (which in your deffence doesn't decide your religion) i'd say become a satanist or whatever edgy kids these days follow
Stop hating Jews. The children of Jedea are god's chosen people and mighty Israel will inherit the Earth.
By getting the fuck out of my board.
Dislike ≠ hate.
>my board
The Jew truly is a greedy creature
ohno the illuminati is here SHUT IT DOWN le anonymous xdxdxd
>thinks that picture means the illuminati
You need to lurk more.
You cant.
>thinks i posted that picture to prove the illuminati exists
boi how are you this retarded?
Jesus was a Jew
I was referring to this picture
You don't have to like Jews, unless you're some weirdo American Protestant that literally worships Israel.
They killed our Lord and they teach that he is in hell along with the Blessed Virgin Mary. Those people are dogs.
Same for Islam, they reject the divinity of Christ. Their religion shouldn't be tolerated. As Pope Benedict XVI said:
> "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached".
This is not related to history or humanities
Don't agrue with posters you report
Sage goes in the options field
Christianity has been anti-semitic literally since St. John wrote his gospel explaining how the Romans didn't murder Jesus or want to but were manipulated by the Jews. The Jews are wicked according to the bible and God is constantly punishing them wether it be Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Germany, Spain etc.
Its only post holocaust that the judeo-christian values meme and pretending Luther didn't write 'on the jews and their lies' has become a thing. its literally only been like 50 years of Christianity and Judaism being compatible. Even then its the media that pushes this.
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc.
Try again, Shlomo.
But what god "choosing" the Jews? It's the chosen one meme that I don't like.
Daily reminder that moot was right. /pol/ with dates
>how could anyone dislike the Jews? They wuz gud boyz who dindu nuffin ever!
The rules are shit.
If Religion isn't secular than it should not belong on this board. Even secular religious studies don't belong on his unless they directly relate to the historical context or logos behind the religion.
Stop shitting up the board you fucking retard. People arguing about religious things are everywhere and it's destroying all the good content
They make up a tiny insignificant fraction of earth religions and they have conquered exactly one land in history. They only have one conquered land now because of holocaust guilt so the western powers ram rodded Israel through the UN.
It's silly that they think they are special. But lots of ethnic/religious/cults like to believe they are the only true people of the great powerful god. Generally that makes any group of people intolerable to be around. That attitude just leads normal people to want you to please go away.
The point is, why worry about them at all. You picked your religion, they have chosen theirs. You both want to believe you are right and you know the answers to the great mysteries of existence.
But you are practicing a religion that is a Jewish off-shoot no matter how much you want to avoid thinking about it.
So just stop worrying about the money changers or take up arms against them. Either way you are getting bothered over the tiniest most insignificant group of people in history. They will be completely forgotten in a thousand years, as will hopefully your silly Super resurrected jew man.
Start your own board if you dislike the rules. This isn't r/communism
No it's history and humanities and this has nothing to do with history or humanities.
If anywhere it belongs on Kys
Significance does not correlate to land conquered. The Jews have proven to be remarkably resilient and have been far more significant to globally affairs than let's say the whole of Khoisan people or Bantu people, etc,
How about you go to Infiniti chan where you can make your special snowflake board so religion can't be discussed?
In fairness Mary did have a bastard child with a Roman soldier.
>taking propaganda by her and God's sworn enimies as fact
Start by leaving your Jewish religion.
Well this is definitely one path; unfortunately, I don't really think marching into corrupt financial institutions and whipping utterly corrupt and immoral Bankers is really a viable, or intelligent, solution to the issues we face in modern society.
apologize to mama right now
I take your point as valid concerning only the Jews. They pioneered cultural conquest. But this is Veeky Forums and conquered lands is the primary driving factor in all other periods and cultures. I mean, that's the name of the whole damn game up until 1945.
The Jews cant be held to that standard, but i was pointing out that by any other relevant standard, the Jews will be a significant, but none the less, brief footnote in history.
She sure loved sum BBC but it's OK cause Joseph the cuckold got to watch.
Why the fuck would you be a Christian in 2017? The religion's been completely discredited for at least two centuries.
Your mom is going to get spitroasted by Satan and his buddies in hell.
How about you kill yourself, this isn't even discussing religion it's asking for advice. How about you go to Reddit so you can find a board with special rules to cater discussing religion that isn't related to history or humanities.
>Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere.
>Please use Veeky Forums for discussions of literature.
That means the bible
Non-secular religious studies has never been included in humanities in any acedemic setting ever and it isn't here either
Catholics aren't Christian
She's gonna love it, I just hope that she wont drain them completely so there will be something left for me.
why does Veeky Forums also have to be a "da jooz" shithole
why are /pol/locks literally incapable of keeping it to themselves
u mad bro?
Convert to Islam
The Lord said to love thy neighbor as thyself. He never said you had to like them, just treat them with respect and dignity. You can still think their religion is shit, just look at how Jesus kept BTFO the Pharisees and their hypocritical approach.
You could avoid Satan's gloryhole by apologizing to mama.
I can understand why you are a christian (despide disagreeing with it), but why do you dislike the jews? They are literally the most superior race. The only negative feeling that one could have towards them would be envy (I, as a goy, feel that).
The standard was always cultural. Take Ancient Greece who's effect is far more profound than the short lived Alexandrian empire. Land holdings aren't as important desu
>Non-secular religious studies has never been included in humanities in any acedemic setting ever and it isn't here either
You know very little about history if you think that's true.
But Jews are our elder brothers in the faith goy.
Don't forever the blessed Muslims.
And gays too. Are you a homophobe OP?
Have you taken the Catholic sacrament of nigrus feetus yet?
Better hide that cross OP, you don't want to offend our elder brothers in the faith do you?
You serious?
Why do you think they called them divinities and not humanities? Yeesh
You think catholic univeristies and monasteries dont study theology from a religious angle? You think a concept of "secular" even exited in Ancient Greece or Rome?
That's even more Jewy
That's not the point, it's not considered humanities in that context it's divinity studies
That's just not true.
lmao I went to Wikipedia to show you how retarded you are and it was even better than I thought it would be
You can stop ruining my board now, k? Thanks
Nothing about needing to study theology from a secular angle, buddy.
>my board
The jew is a greedy lot
Plato wasn't' a secularist. That picture is misleading.
What's wrong with washing others' feet?
>Love your enemies
>Do unto others
But I can hate the Jews right??!
Yeah, the point is theology is not humanities, and humanities is secular.
I thought the page was about humanities, not secularism. Plato engaged in secular humanities aswell
Judaism and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible. Bannon's "Judeo-Christian" values are the words of a huge shabbo goy anal puppet of the kikes.
Yep, they're a filthy irredeemable people who rejected the Christ. Kill them all, even the infants. Put them all to the sword. God wills it.