claiming the STG-44 as my gunfu
Favorite guns of WW2
I'm personally impartial to the Fallschirmjägergewehr 42
If it ain't broke don't fix it
for me it´s the PPsh
Really makes you think.
What part of 'donut steel' you didn't understand?
Has an interesting and simple design
for me it´s Gustav
The M1 Garand was far and away the best (personal) weapon of WWII that was available from the start.
I still do t get how the US were the first in mass producing a non-bolt action rifle for general use and that none else ever came close
Surely there were Germans and Russian in high command who were aware someone had made a reliable and durable semi automatic rifle?
Weren't these shipped to finland in the winter war and every finn hated them and picked up dropped mosins whenever they could instead
The Russians actually had started production of a semi-automatic rifle, the STV-40 (I think thats its name), however the project had to be cancelled when it got invaded by Germany.
The Russians as mentioned had a semi-automatic rifle.
The Germans had two that they were using;
The first one seems like it was ok
The second one was shit.
The French intended to manufacture the MAS 40 semi-automatic rifle, which if I understand correctly (I'm not really a gun expert) had many common elements with the MAS 36 which was supposed to make the change-over to it easy. Unfortunately France was defeated before they could switch production to it.
For most nations it seems they realized that it was advantageous to have a semi-automatic rifle, but they had design problems making them, or they got invaded in the change-over and so either had to keep using the older rifle or couldn't make any more rifles at all.
This is probably not as bad as it sounds since generally a rifle is not hugely important, its things like artillery which cause the vast majority of casualties on the battlefield. Having a bolt-action rifle vs. a semi-automatic rifle is a disadvantage but not a crippling one.
Mkb-42(H) with scope
Love me some Red Orchestra
I'm pretty sure that the finns mostly used the Mauser Gevär m/96.
Also, the Germans put a lot of trust in their MG42s. The rifles were mostly for suppression.
>Not using the Gewehr 43 with scope
Best weapon in WW2 and MGS 3.
The scoped MkB is the most useless upgrade in the game. It does nothing but obstruct your view, 1,5 zoom is just not enough, might as well use the iron sights,
The SVT-40 was fielded in pretty significant numbers, after the M1 Garand it was the most widely spread semi-auto rifle.
Small arms are overrated
All others bow down.
*Rushes into position*
*loads gun*
*prepares to fire*
Came here to post this
best gun of WWII
Came here to post this.
>20 fucking pounds
>only 20 rounds
>rof isn't even that great
MG 42 used to be my favorite one but lindybeige completely changed my view on it
How exactly would it jam, it uses like six parts?
I know, but it's just so fun to simply have.
Either way, I think the map determines if the scope is halfway decent.
It's a good gun but Mkb is nice to assault with.
Svt with 6x scope is better.
Lindybeige is an idiot. He's never even fired a machine gun, watch forgotten weapons video on the mg34 and 42.
ian actually commented on the video and kinda defended what lindy said.
I'd imagine that heat guard gets pretty fucking hot rather quickly, no?
De lisle carbine. Very unique gun that was made with a built in suppressor.
He didn't
Also MHV completely debunked Lindy's video
For me, it is the M1911A1
the finest sidearm
>nugget hasn't been posted yet
you disgust me Veeky Forums
>take my garand to the range for the first time
>that first glorious ping
>the clip goes flying up in the air and bounces off my forehead
I turned to my girlfriend with a huge, shut eating grin and informed her of the state of my warboner
Fucking spam filter just won't let me post the link
>that last line
>let's not insult Lindy now shall we?
Lindy literally said that the British won every single battle and the Germans always lost because the bren was the better gun, along with other statements that are obviously wrong.
at 4:20. It's also quite hilarious this video's dislikes went up quite a bit the moment Lindy mentioned it in one of his videos
Really shows how retarded his fanbase is
Springfield 1903. Best of both World Wars.
Surprised nobody posted this yet.
when you have too much pride to hold a gun but you still gotta charge into battle against an army with mass produced machine guns.
fg-42 late model is beyond sexy.
then theres the m-1 garand, and the MG-42 or the PTRS-41 russian anti tank rifle which was fun as fuck to use in world at war nazi zombies when you pack a punched it and got the upgraded version
you are wrong. The Finns had their own rifle
Only men of taste in this thread.
I thought the finns just used a Mosin Nagant copy
>mfw technically that is a gun so I can't even use semantics against you because OP did not limit his query to small arms and I genuinely cannot fault your choice
Cheeky prick.
I read somewhere that when the US military was testing the M1911 and the other sidearms competing for the contract, they shot 6,000 rounds through the M1911 and when it over-heated, they simply threw it in a bucket of water for a minit
After that it was able to fire once again
My favorite is what I carry, a 1903 FN (however mine is not silver)
The M1 Garand was far and away the best (personal) weapon of WWII that was available from the start.
Also, not better than the Garand, but a solid contender;
>M1 grand was massed produced since the 30's
>FG42 came later in 1942, and mostly only avalible to the German paratroopers
>Limited number produced due to cost, complexity, and material
>Later versions of the FG42 were prone to malfunction due to cheaper metal used
> Known to even fuck up with only light mud/dirt on it (though many guns from this era were the same)
> Terrible to take a part, clean, and service
>Oh and the FG42 was not made for left-handed people, so if you were a lefty, you were fucked
But its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better bra
It is.
A shitty bronze axe is still better than a good stone axe.
You fucking wut m8.
Also as a shitty American tommy guns are clearly the best gun in the war.
Sten plz fanks
I'll always bring up a story one guy brought up at a polish history forum.
At the end of the war, his grandpa was in Commie Polish Army. They weren't front units, but still had to fight German remnants in Silesia.
So the guy and his pals see a German coming with his hands up, like 100m away. Being kinda butthurt for the last 6 years, one of them takes his PPSh and fires a full magazine from the hip. The ammo runs out and the German is still standing with his hands up and eyes closed. They finally capture him properly and see that not one bullet hit him.
>shitty bronze axe
>dull edge, falls apart on the first swing
>good stone axe
>crushes skulls all day every day
>crushes skulls all day every day
Stone is shit.
I shit on my balls.