Which coin will bring me 100x return in a year?

Which coin will bring me 100x return in a year?

mooncoin, bit bean, zencash

not these

Quantum resistant ledger. Read the whitepaper and feel retarded



Did yall hear the Nigger has been renamed African-American at Waves Dex?



I'm in Komodo at the moment it's got excellent technicals and is a possible candidate for a massive spike.

kek, does that mean my Nigger tokens will change name or are they now extremely rare niggers?

Literally MYST.

Bunnycoin. Big news coming this weekend. Get in at 1 satoshi on Nova while it's still cheap. Price is up over 4x in the past week and still gonna rise.

Probably MNE realistically if it does what it promises to.

I've still got some of the second wave niggers. Fuckin rare now. I wonder how much they'll be worth when JayZ wants summadis?

Safest bet is to go for the coin you've never heard of on here. Any time a shit coin is shipped on here it's because it's already mooned and the bagholders are desperate to get some traction going.

Shilled not shipped


That is my intention really. I won't fall for the memes. Will report back in a year.



Nigger, footcoin, litedoge

something that is not mentioned here, and is still low key


LGD will at least get you strippers for your gains

XRP would need a market cap of 1 trillion. As a bag holder, would be nice

mooncoin your last hope man. Still cheap atm. 5 sat or something.

Where does one buy coins that are not yet listed on polo/bittrex?

BAT or better: MYST
BAT is for decentralized advertising
MYST allows decentralized VPN

ESP2, don't buy espers on yobit. Only Nova or coinexchange.io

Well the forex settles $5.3 trillion USD a day so it wouldn't be out of the question. I do think market cap is a terrible measurement.

I make 100 BBC (Big Balls Coin)
Sell 99 of them for 1 penny. Market caps looks like $1. Then some fat finger fuck past $1 for the last coin. Market cap then goes to $100 when the total investment in the coin was $1.99.

Is there a wallet app to use on my phone?

WAVES coin.

Its the next eth.


Market cap fails at calculating liquidity, and how many coins are actually lost forever

Fuck those niggerhaters



QRL is double nigger retarded

we're decades away at the very least from a QC that can actually do anything, if/when QCs become a threat to current algorithms, cryptos can just harkfork to resistant algorithms


Soul coin
Moon coin
NIgger coin

