ITT: Historical Waifus

Post waifus holding historical weapons or wearing historical clothes. I'll start.

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GUP is permitted but not encouraged






Literally the faggiest thing you can be into

left or right Veeky Forums?

how did you end like this?


why are you on Veeky Forums if you think animu is "faggy"



>Why is there all this anime on my anime imageboard!111!

best girl

Definitely agree

When Jeremus is down she's the substitute surgeon of my army. and she deals with the trading skill

>tfw too beta to get myself a qt


Or even /e/


Who's this?

Veeky Forumstori/c//a/l

Rachel from Bladerunner.





For (you)

This one fits nicely

There's no discussion here

most Veeky Forums threads dont have discussion

also if you weren't new you would know the "one off-topic thread per board rule that hiro implemented"


>82nd Airborne
>amphibious assault


Poor girl got lost


We could use some drawfags putting more cute girls in historically accurate costumes and uniforms.



Holy shit, I pity all of your fathers even more now.

Please add more pre Napoleonic war waifus, it pains me to see just out of place ww2 German/American ones.

>no WW1 German Empire waifus

Life is pain


Dumping what i got









I think this is pre-napoleonic

Would you go on a helicopter ride with her(him)?





That's all I got, but there's plenty more. It's from a book called Nyotaika!! Sekai no Dokusaisha Retsuden that you can buy from Amazon or probably just find online

I want to see her in WWI Ottoman uniform being a domme to a bunch of soldiers ordering them to die.

What's the story behind this? That the Romans were a bunch of hardass no-nonsense guys at first who thought the Greeks were effeminate music and play-loving fuckers?

Kill yourselves, you braindead cucked SJW millennials, and then go back to /utg/.

Why not both?

Kill yourself, millennial, then go back to /utg/.

fake news. you are fake news. die in a bus fire.


>qts with red eyes
I need more of this in my life

This ^_^

Excuse me yes can you not come onto my anime forum website and then tell me not to post anime? Haha that would be great thanks

Go read a book, nigger. This is the 82nd crossing the Rhein



Kill yourself, gay anal guinea homo niggergoidal millennial. Go back to /utg/.

Autistic retards like you only make me want to post more Vietnamese cave drawings.

Fuck off newfag redditor

Would let her conquer my feathered serpent, if you know what I mean.


Kill yourself, jew-brainwashed UCLA PSYOP cuck shill and /utg/ millennial.

>using the autism meme INVENTED by /v/

Die in a bus fire, you subhuman worst neo-communist cuckoldian brainslave to judeo-islamic homogration.

>not just posting sad panda links for them











Please delete this thread


I want to attack Nivelle's Chemin des Dames!




>tfw the founding fathers will never invite you to a cute slumber party

Pretty sure the Heer didn't employ little girls with long blue hair to drive their tanks


I think you may be mistaken.