If you could kill one historical figure to prevent mass violence. Who would it be and why would it be Abraham?
Pic definitely related.
If you could kill one historical figure to prevent mass violence. Who would it be and why would it be Abraham?
Pic definitely related.
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>I hear a voice in my head that tells me to cut my dick and kill everybody who doesn't believe me
>this is the patriarch of two of the world's biggest religion
Abraham is certainly a myth. I'd try Moses (probably real) or Jesus(Judaism wouldn't exist today without Christianity, and neither would Islam)
Charles Darwin, directly responsible for both world wars
>Abraham is certainly a myth
Prove it a certainty.
That's good mange. Don't forget Alfred Russel (The guy whom Darwin plagiarized from).
>implying God wouldn't pick someone else
>I find this strange so therefore everyone does
>inb4 atheism
Prove reality exists, then prove to me that your reality exists, but first prove logic exists. I promise I won't shift the goalposts, if you do this I'll renounce everything I've ever thought.
>Prove reality exists, then prove to me that your reality exists, but first prove logic exists. I promise I won't shift the goalposts, if you do this I'll renounce everything I've ever thought.
>I'm gonna hide in the gaps of our epistemological limitations to justify my own beliefs.
Wretched cowardice. Pathetic.
>implying I have beliefs
>implying you aren't just a retard
"M-my lack of knowledge m-means you're the coward! R-right, guys?"
You will never be white.
>demands 100% absolute proof from others
>cites nothing but a magic book in return
Yeah, no, go fuck yourself.
I think you got him.
If you want people with magic books I suggest you take a look at any university, no theory last more an decade without revisions making it almost indistinguishable from what came before. Those, my friend, those are fickle, "magical" books.
a* decade
>Yeah, no, go fuck yourself.
lovely. I find it amusing. I presume you are an atheist or some sort of materialist. Could you do me the honor of enlightening me with your wisdom? How do I separate what is a belief from what is a non-belief? I would very much appreciate an answer from one who awards themselves intellectual superiority, or rather just superiority over the internet.
>Jesus(Judaism wouldn't exist today without Christianity, and neither would Islam)
I thought the whole point of Jesus was that he died
I don't believe thinking is at the top of his to-do list.
If Abraham was a myth, the jewish tribes would not be real. This has to be bait.
The difference of course being that nobody considers those books infallible.
Alright Johnson
>that nobody considers those books infallible.
So did the retard """historians""" who thought the Hittites were fiction.
The Biblical Hittites are not the Hittites of Anatolia.
Enlighten yourselves, plebs
I want Christian evolution deniers to leave and never come back
>Judaism wouldn't exist today without Christianity
>B-But it's N-not the SAME ONE!!!
Like clockwork
Link doesn't work, but it was a shitty source anyway.
But they're not. The only reason we call Anatolian Hittites that in the first place is because they had a vaguely similar name and a bunch of over-eager historians jumped the gun in assuming they were the same.
>forgot l in html
I would kill OP
>The difference of course being that nobody considers those books infallible.
It's apparent you haven't been there. You entire career rests upon how much you agree with the material. Go to a university, disagree with everything in the books, I am certain you will get an A+!
>people consider their holy books infallible
I sense another strawman making an appearance this eve.
>I want Christian evolution deniers to leave and never come back
So do I, but I do believe they have already left as I can not even find a single Christian evolution denier. They have not returned to my knowledge.
In the unfortunate event they do not return, I shall take their place for this one.
Now how about you go on to prove this theory. Remember, the induction fallacy, is still a fallacy. Science is not substantiated properly unless it is omniscient, this is just simple reasoning and honest skepticism. Could you explain to me how one "proves" a description of something? Seems like a tautology to me. It's also rather difficult to take the scientific mythology seriously when it only tackles or at least espouses to allegedly tackle one thing. In all honesty, if we were to demonstrate a cow turning into a wolf by natural means, it wouldn't prove the theory, it would only remove its counter proponents who claim it to be an impossibility. You've got a lot of work ahead of you if you're going to defend this mythology.
But perhaps I am ahead of myself and you were just expressing an opinion about a specific group of people who may or may not differ from you.
Suspects do not speak fondly of a gap in a narrative.
But then who would suck all those dicks?
>Link doesn't work, but it was a shitty source anyway.
Scintillating conclusion. Now why don't you give us your analysis?
>It's apparent you haven't been there. You entire career rests upon how much you agree with the material.
People have made their careers disagreeing with the current paradigm.
>Go to a university, disagree with everything in the books, I am certain you will get an A+!
You have to be able to defend your position. But it's worth noting that your thesis topic in pursuing your PHD can just as easily be overturning an old piece of research as creating a new one. If people truly considered these books infallible, they wouldn't be changing the way you're criticizing them of doing, you fucking dipshit.
>I sense another strawman making an appearance this eve.
Muslims believe it came straight from Allah to Mohammad, Christians believe the Holy Spirit guided its canonization and maintained it to be inerrant. Only Jews don't think their scripture is someway infallible, since they think it's just an outline of the law and a history of their people.
Evolution is merely a theory, and a fucking stupid one at that.
>muh soups evolve to germs and germs evolve to animals XDDD
You have to go back
perhaps he meant kill baby jesus.
He's probably a baby killer. The godless fuck that he is.
>I want
Too bad you won't always get what you want, you spoilt child.
>I'll renounce everything I've ever thought.
False premise, implies you have the capacity for thought.
>I don't know what a theory is.
>Judaism wouldn't exist today without Christianity,
I'm curious. Tell me more user.
>That's good mange. Don't forget Alfred Russel (The guy whom Darwin plagiarized from).
Their papers were developed independently and jointly published you historically illiterate simp.
>I want
Baby wants a safe space. But you already have one. It's called tumblr. Fuck off to it.
>People have made their careers disagreeing with the current paradigm.
No, they haven't. Solzhenitsyn was crucified for disagreeing on the real issues.
Also, are you implying that college students are capable of taking a piece of the controversial pie? If the next, Chomsky, Nietzsche, Dawkins, Buddha, or Socrates, came along tomorrow morning and published an amalgamation of all these works, no one would notice, no one would care. Education has become a monolithic hierarchy, impenetrable because of the idea of "peer review" or rather intellectual totalitarianism becoming so prevalent. The great minds of today are relegated to a bin labeled "opinion". I don't like it.
>defend your position
>overturning an old piece of research
Find me one person who has overturned a doctrine of 50 years with a PHD thesis.
>they wouldn't be changing
Oh sure they would, but until the publication is official the book might as well be called a universal law.
>strawmanning Islam and Christianity
>defending intellectual totalitarianism
Hmm, this shouldn't add up, but it does add up.
It's not a premise, it's an indisputable. You're a cut beneath the middle school debate team.
>strawmanning Islam and Christianity
>stating what they literally believe is strawmanning
Fuck you, I'm out of here you goddamn retard.
>>Judaism wouldn't exist today without Christianity,
>I'm curious. Tell me more user.
I am as well curious. But I haven't said this so I don't know how well my self interrogation will go.
>Their papers were developed independently and jointly published you historically illiterate simp.
You sound upset...why? Point me to the joint publication of Darwins book.
You and I both know why dear Alfred is forgotten and Darwin remembered.
>Wallace was strongly attracted to unconventional ideas (such as evolution). His advocacy of spiritualism and his belief in a non-material origin for the higher mental faculties of humans strained his relationship with some members of the scientific establishment.
God, no creation=no people to enact easily stoppable violence
Yes, Alfred was forgotten for bad science. Funny that.
>Fuck you, I'm out of here you goddamn retard.
>He disagrees with me, instead of a syllogism I shall leave and call him retarded
Well, that's one way to end a conversation. But I would caution you. You seem to be one of those "I am not one of you but I know more than you do about yourself." Types.
>I have nothing but contempt for your backwards ways, but my interpretation of your ideas is objectively right
I just, it pains me you wont stay longer that we may have a more thoughtful and fruitful discourse.
>literally believe
As opposed to figurative belief? I wonder what that looks like.
>Yes, Alfred was forgotten for bad science. Funny that.
Do explain. Tell me why Alfred's science was bad. It was indistinguishable from Charles', no? In fact it was Alfred who did more work and gathered more evidence. If anyone did any science it was Alfred, not Charles.
Alfred just took the liberty of suggesting a theory others within the scientific institution did not like. Charles was more subtle. I can guarantee you, if Charles had pursued the idea of life beginning from God and then evolving further he wouldn't be in a single book of "science".
>Objectively right.
I know I said I was done, but I had another point hanging that you responded to, and I can't leave a good point alone.
>As opposed to figurative belief? I wonder what that looks like.
Official doctrine of the major branches, idiot.
>if Darwin had pursued an idea without sound scientific basis, he'd have been forgotten
Surprising. But no, Darwin did pursue a theory that wound up largely ignored due to lacking empirical basis (pangenesis).
There's not some conspiracy to hold your beliefs down; the only thing keeping them back is their complete and utter lack of evidence. Darwin's theory survived because it was more robust and he didn't let it drift into shit that had no empirical basis.
As for proving they jointly submitted them, fuck off, this is basical historical record at this point; not even from the point of a contested record since they fact they jointly submitted is well-documented.
Oh yeah, I never once claimed my opinions are objectively right, which is why I quoted that.
>If Abraham was a myth, the jewish tribes would not be real. This has to be bait.
>what are ethnic/national myths
Abraham is an abstract myth, you can't kill him because he wasn't any one person. "Abraham" means something like "our ancestor" he's an abstraction of the pre-Israelite people.
Convert the Arabs to the Eastern rite and let them rampage east