>compsci dropout
>write simple arbitrage bot
>maybe 2000 lines of Python
>expect it to make pennies at best, lose money at worst
>tfw it yielded 5 BTC last month
Compsci dropout
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking hate this exchange:
The liquidity isn't too good but sometimes someone buys etherum for 50$ more than on coinbase.
They have an api and 0.43% entrance fee. Have fun.
What do you need a bit for? Just buy kraken sell on coinbase 5% profit. Repeat.
I thought fees raped you.
I was also under the impression that even an efficient arbitrage strategy would make pennies at most.
I only made 10k this week. Pls end me.
You can do it manually
The real opportunity is between US and SK/JPY exchanges; huge spreads but shuffling that money is a pain
>drop out of an easy major
>be a complete fuckup
>create pointless threads and lie on Veeky Forums
Any tips to start making one?
Explain yourself op! I have written some python but still basically a noob. What python modules were needed? Did you use something from GitHub and then adapt? What resources did ya use to learn to make this bot? Ya don't gotta post your source code or nuffin but plz help anons with some of that sweet nerd knowledge
pls explain more
how to make money?
Honestly, I'd use Java instead because it has the absolute best library for crypto exchanges: github.com
I wrote my own API libraries using Python Requests
PostgreSQL on an SSD for persistence and transaction support which is important for trading
I recommend making the program as stateless as possible and store all the state in a database
>tfw dropped out of masonry program at local high school
>decided to break a brick into pieces and use the sharpest one to kill myself
>accidentally shattered the brick into 1,488 bitcoins instead
>get triggered and call cs an easy major
>neet lurking on Veeky Forums, looking for the shittiest of shitcoins to "invest" in
SQL skills are the most important for reliable financial data processing
Another hint that may not be obvious to someone who never computed with money: never use floating point, always decimal
Functional programming style helps
I dont know why this image always makes me laugh. Is it the eyes?
>Any tips to start making one?
Start with a program that collects real-time data from exchanges with the least possible latency, and reliably
Then go forth from there
Some images just hit peak lol factor for reasons unknown. When AI can voluntarily generate a picture that evokes laughs is when Skynet takes over.
I've been working on something similar. I don't have it doing any trading, yet. Just polling values from Poloniex, Bittrex, and Coinbase APIs.
is it worth learning how to use those arbitrage bots available on the internet or is it scam?
arbitraging btc-usd or btc-alts?
This. I do this with the SK ones every week but it is a pain to get all the money back and get it back into the system.
Buy and hold ETH is actually a faster strategy than the arbitrage.
Lying and memes aside, what shitcoin would this work on? Need to be able to buy a large initial volume. So any coin on multiple exchanges and only a few hundred SAT
arb between what?
Buying BTC on any western exchange and selling on SK/JP exchanges obviously makes a good profit, but how do you move the money between them? Someone redpill me on this shit
Are you doing cross exchange arbitrage or only within a single exchange
this, skynet will create dank ass memes to amuse us and then take over our systems while we are distracted
Share the fuckin bot with me please I'm dying
Fuck, maybe I need to do this. I setup a php bot and traded just on a single exchange and made .1 btc with like .6 btc, just buying and selling as prices go up/down throughout the day. I think that took the bot like 2-3 months without any optimizing after i first set it up.
That's a good return. What did you trade? Ema crossovers?
>Another hint that may not be obvious to someone who never computed with money: never use floating point, always decimal
You mean I should use "double" over "float"?
That sounds like it's underperforming the market by a huge amount.
Are you retarded?
I'm gonna start building one of these.
Just to be clear, is this is an example of how the bot should work?:
>1 BTC balance on Bittrex
>1 BTC balance on Polo
>Bot detects LTC price is lower on Polo than it is on Bittrex
>Bot buys LTC on Polo and withdraws LTC to Bittrex
>Bot sells LTC on Bittrex at a higher price than it was bought for
>2.1 BTC balance on Bittrex
>0 BTC balance on Polo
>Bot withdraws 1 BTC from Bittrex to Polo
Do I have the right idea or am I way off?
That would be too slow to make profit.
>1 BTC balance on Bittrex and Polo
>Bot keeps track of spread (lowest ask - highest bid)
>If spread is negative e.g. Bittrex has bid for $3000, Polo has sell for $2950
>Bot sells on Bittrex for $3000 and buys on Polo for $2950 simultaneously
>Rebalance accounts
that makes a lot more sense, thanks
How are you buying bitcoin on bittrex, I'm not sure I understand?
I assume you would have USD (tether) funds on each exchange as well as the BTC
You need at least two currencies in your account to trade against, e.g. btc/ltc or btc/usd
that's why you use a bot. pennies add up desu.
How the fuck do you beat the other arb bots? Aren't you fucked if you miss a round?
Yes. That's why the OP is surprised he made any money at all.
i think its the hip thrust
Wouldn't the fees pretty much kill your profit? In your example you would be paying about $15 on fees. Plus the withdrawal fee to rebalance the accounts. Assuming the real spreads are not as generous as your example, It seems like you would be barely making pennies at best or you would need to do it in big scale (10+btc at a time) so that the withdrawal fee would be irrelevant. And you would still need to be faster/more efficient than other bots.
Good for you, man. The ability to build good code around your ideas is the golden ticket, my friend.
save all your trouble, go here instead:
You need tons of btc to start. Which is why upthread I asked which shit altcoin this would work on.
it's literally propelling itself to the moon
Can you share a bit what was your bot doing