Spread 'em.
Post best Veeky Forumstory memes
Other urls found in this thread:
Had to do it
The germans sucked shit bc they over engineered things to an insane degree yet they didn't even mechanize their infantry. Prove me wrong wehraboos
these threads are always completely unfunny. how is this board better in every way but comedy?
>not being like the old red army and strapping a shitload of machine guns to the bottom of your bombers and hoping it works
tbf the idea of killing enemy combatants while doing minimal structural damage isn't the worst idea
Hello there. I understand that you're relatively new here and not used to Veeky Forums culture/ettiquette, so I'll give you the benefit the doubt and explain.
Generally, what separates Veeky Forums from other sites such as Reddit, Tumblr, 9gag, or Ifunny is the fact that instead of its users simply reposting memes that they've already seen, we make new content (OC) and share it. This is one of the only things separating us from those other sites. If you want to use Veeky Forums, that's fine, but please try to avoid reposting and regurgitating images/memes.
>Veeky Forums
>original content
spotted the redditor
You have to go back.
I know it's pretty scarce nowadays but there are still some boards who make decent OC.
The point of Veeky Forums (aside from a few boards) was to consume media. Anime, sports, literature, etc. It was to discuss stuff already made, not to create anything. OC is a side effect of creative people, but by no means necessary on most boards or the point of Veeky Forums. Only dumb redditors think that because they think Veeky Forums is their personal new meme factory, so to post old memes is bad and 4channers need to make new OC he can grab and post on other sites for those epic upvotes.
This is clever
I'll post some OC to shut up the whiners
Creating OC may not have been the original purpose, but it clearly became the main thing separating Veeky Forums from Reddit/other sites.
No. That was what newfags claimed because /b/ made a lot of memes and was painted that way in the media.
The thing that differentiated Veeky Forums from other sites was not needing to register and anonymity. Maybe you should actually look at the history of imageboards and textboards before you spew out dumb shit.
Im not just talking about the /b/ 2003-2006 period. Im talking about every board as a whole, the ones that have survived are the ones that continue to produce OC and refrain from reposting.
Very few boards have been deleted since Veeky Forums started. So, they all "survived". Look, just shut the fuck up. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
Google that imageboard explanation for newfags by that mohey pori or whatever his name was. He details the philosophy that led to the rise of anonymous imageboards and textboards as well as their purpose. Has nothing to do with memes.
When i first saw this I laughed for a solid half hour at like 3am
By "survived" I mean still active with good users that are relatively expierienced. Note how /b/ is one of the worst boards on the site now, and it's fucking filled with "ylyl" reposting threads.
And my original point was that people should avoid reposting content and try to make their own OC instead, are you disagreeing with that?
Yes, I am disagreeing because it is a non-factor.
>posts the copypasta about creating OC
the point of Veeky Forums was to talk about anime.
Could we not, please? These threads are embarrassing.
Why are you even on Veeky Forums if not for meems?
discussion and knowledge expansion without the filter of democratic censorship caused by a non-anonymous environment. comedy arises spontaneously within this environment, and I enjoy it.
this thread is basically facebook or 9gag. a good thread may have died when this one was shat out onto the floor.
Must agree. /k/ has been getting these constantly for years and it's the same greentext stories that may or not be true over and and over again for atleast 7 years now.
Solve the problem yourself and start producing some OC.
I do, daily. some of the best. you would never see good content in a thread like this, though. just images that can be giggled at by a teenager on facebook without any context.
That's a nice new one.
Yeah it's a major problem, that same guy posting the gangster parody ones in every single thread.
Only this board and Veeky Forums make rOddity threads like this
>actual discussion
Do you know where you are?
That isnt a pasta user
some OC
This one is great, but the point will fly over all the idiots who need to get it the most.
if you aren't aware that people have actual discussion here, you are a nuisance.
Marx, Lenin and Trotsky walk into a bar. Marx argues that the punchline is inevitable. Lenin has a five-year plan to increase punchline production by 200%. And Trotsky flirts with a woman.
Later, Stalin orders Trotsky removed from the original joke and inserts himself instead. He decrees punchlines are a bourgeois indulgence.
Apart from Saxony, Christianity was relatively peaceful conversion upon the germanics from the Great Migration
It is now
Hey get out we dont want you here
the fuck is this guy
>bantzing a conquest out of the history books
>not a win for memes everywhere
am I retarded
I dun get it
something something furfag ww1
pls send help
Just play furr n fun.
>corinthian helmet tipper
Gets me every time
are you referring to this real winner of a game here
you can't break through mail with a shortsword tho :(
(I mean you can stab em in the face or break a rib through the mail but still)
15 year old detected. the internet ain't wut it used to be sonny boy
Yeah, ive been dying to play that game!
Ive only heard good things about it.
Tell that to the Balts and the Mexicans
This is retarded. Fascism is about creating a society predicated on hierarchy and nationalism. Antifascists believe they can prevent this by violently confronting fascists.
Short swords? I guess technically not really, but arming swords were designed to peirce mail, the big wide base and tiny point tip is to slip into a ring and pull it apart. Apartantly it worked pretty well, you really see the wide blades go away when plate pops up, a skinny blade or nail in a club works better there.
Swords and such in India where chain mail stuck around a whole lot longer have a few other types of weapons that also go full triangle blade.
I wonder if we could have had all this fun if Rome conquered Magna Germania.
Maybe Varus died for our memes.