>falling for the Jesus of Nazareth meme
Judaism has been unchanged for 5000 years, now you people claim that we have been wrong this entire time? Any scriptural verses proving your points are just out of context. You should trust the wisdom of the Pharisees and Chief Priests instead, because God gave us the power to truly interpret scripture. We have an unbroken chain of succession from Abraham, you guys don't have any verifying your claims. I hope you like choosing from all the different Christian denominations instead of the one unified church of Judaism. Extra Talmud nulla salus!
Falling for the Jesus of Nazareth meme
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Yeah, your desert religion is better than their desert religion.
I unironically agree with this.
The Pharisees did nothing wrong and to this day Jewish theology completely BTFO's Christian theology.
>Temple get's completely BTFO by God after Jesus' death
>Jesus prediction of the temple falling and gold melting came true after jews were cucked by Roman legions
>unchanged for 5000 years
are there really any jews that believe this? I mean, zionism and israel is an obvious and fairly recent split
>implying Christianity is not the real continuity of Judaism while "Judaism" of today became Babylonian Judiasm
The 5000 years of Judiasm you talk about is Christianity ;^)
>Extra Talmud nulla salus!
Sorry rabbis but as a cis-gender Sadducee, i'm not interest in your false laws.
>Judaism has been unchanged for 5000 years
Talmudic Rabbinical Pharisaism didn't exist until the 3rd century AD.
>Any scriptural verses proving your points are just out of context.
Says the guy who follows the "Oral Torah" (the Talmud) instead of the actual Torah.
>You should trust the wisdom of the Pharisees and Chief Priests instead, because God gave us the power to truly interpret scripture.
You are of the devil.
>We have an unbroken chain of succession from Abraham, you guys don't have any verifying your claims.
You have an unbroken chain of succession from Satan.
>I hope you like choosing from all the different Christian denominations instead of the one unified church of Judaism.
An Orthodox Jew, a Reform Jew, and a Humanistic Jew sit down for Seder and try to kill each other. No joke. That's just what happens.
>Jewish theology
literally just boils down to
>Oy vey dose doity goyim its annudah shoah!
And when they tried to rebuild the temple under Julian the Apostate God literally intervened and bathed the workers with fire that left scorch marks in the shape of crosses. Why do you think they still haven't tried to rebuild the temple? Not to mention that the temple miracles ceased around AS 30 according to the Talmud itself.
Are you all literally retarded?
If the Jews are of Satan then doesn't mean that christians are as well? They're an offshoot led by a potentially false prophet? Oh wait christians are just hypocritical dumb niggers
>Judaism has been unchanged for 5000 years
>doesn't know when judaism began
hi /pol/
Didn't Jesus come and say that the leaders of Judaism were fucking retards who were hypocrites and perverting the teachings of God to benefit themselves? Jesus point was to never submit to ANY authority that thinks it knows the relationship between man and God better than you.
Not an argument.
>unified church of Judaism
You're probably more German than Jew, buddy.
>bathed the workers with fire that left scorch marks in the shape of crosses
Source? All I can find is there were fires.
Why does Esau represent Rome? Answer this sufficiently or else you and your Jew friends are wrong.
Judaism began around 2500 BC
Why are the Pharisees correct? Why not the Saducees? Is it really unchanging though? If Judaism were more popular I posit we'd see more offshoots like the Karaites. So it's not rock solid, there just aren't enough followers of the faith.
Christendom is Judaism but better in absolutely all metrics.
Judaism is what you have when you're so up your own ass you refuse to follow the messiah you yourself predicted.
Fun fact. The "Pharisees" of the Gospels are almost certainly Sadducees. At the very least, they hold Sadducee positions, like not healing on the Sabbath.
>Judaism has been unchanged for 5000 years, now you people claim that we have been wrong this entire time
No, Christianity did not start out as a branch of Pharisaism.
Various sources:
>For the next night luminous impressions of a cross appeared imprinted on their garments, which at daybreak they in vain attempted to rub or wash out.
>A more tangible and still more extraordinary prodigy ensued; suddenly the sign of the cross appeared spontaneously on the garments of the persons engaged in the undertaking. These crosses were disposed like stars, and appeared the work of art.
>On that night and also on the following night the sign of the cross of salvation was seen brightly shining in the sky, and the very garments of the Jews were filled with crosses, not bright but black.
>Was it then only earth and heaven, and did not air likewise give a sign on that occasion, and was hallowed with the badges of the Passion? Let those who were spectators and partakers of that prodigy exhibit their garments, which to the present time are stamped with the brandmarks of the Cross! For at the very moment that anyone, either of our own brethren or of the outsiders, was telling the event or hearing it told by others, he beheld the miracle happening in his own case or to his neighbour, being all spotted with stars, or beholding the other so marked upon his clothes in a manner more variegated than could be done by any artificial work of the loom or elaborate painting.
Yes. That link is "various sources" including your ass. Now care to show an unbiased and factual account? That means things that really happened, not just what Christians made up later as a dig to Jews because they were mad that they had to pander to gentiles because other Jews didn't like them.
lol no. The Sadducees were pretty much the opposite of the Pharisees. The Sadducees rejected the "oral Torah" which was the heart of Pharisaism which became the Talmud. The Pharisees believed in a final resurrection while the Sadducees rejected it. The Pharisees believed in spirits while the Sadducees didn't. etc. etc. etc. If the Pharisees of the Gospels were really Sadducees they wouldn't have accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of the devil, they would have said there are no demons. Your position is ridiculous.
>miracles don't happen
>we know this because there are no reliable sources that describe miracles happening
>because if a source describes a miracle happening then it is not reliable
>now I demand a reliable source that describes this miracle happening
yeah, nah, fuck off
Hehe yeah scientology will be as credible as is Judaism now in 5000 years. It's all about the time /b/ro
Totally random, but do you know anything about the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau represents the Roman pagans to the Jews? Seems like you might know something about this.
Asking for an unbiased account or other accounts is not unreasonable. Especially when said accounts are Christian and they would have a clear bias to lie and make shit up to prop themselves up.
Or if I get all my friends and family to write accounts of me doing miracles with nobody outside of my circle commenting on it or allowed to see, would you believe my claims or think that there may be some other motives? You'd think I was a con artist. Apply your critical reasoning skills to your own faith as well. They don't get a free pass just because they claimed to be Christian.
>this thread is full of living arguments for abortion
Pic related was OP's point, retards
>unchanged for 5000 years
>Deuteronomy is a forgery make in the 7th century
>the Bible itself gives tons of examples against proper cult protocol such as sacrifices at high places (Solomon), Samuel being a priest despite being a Ephraimite, sacrifices outside of the temple such as Elijah in the famous story on Mount Carmel
>nearly all Jews polytheistic before the exile
>after the exile we still have documentation of polytheistic Jews on Elephantine island
>they had a temple to Yahweh and even sent a letter to the Jerusalem temple asking for aid for rebuilding it
*7th century BC
You guys can't even get your own people to agree on the afterlife and the nature of God and want us to join you?
From what I've read Jewish is one of the most fucking fragmented religions and communities in the entire world. You have atheists unironically calling themselves jewish; people that don't believe in the afterlife, people that believe in reincarnation, people that believe in the christian afterlife, people that believe in sheol, people that believe in a non-personnal God.
Your spirituality is practically non-existent in anyone except Rabbis. Sorry but I will stick to Christian Catholicism and our well built theology and apologetics.
and inb4 you guys hit me up with the "everyone that was born from a Jewish is a Jew" meme; if you're not going to follow your religion then get a term to differentiate between "cultural" judaism, "racial" judaism and "religious" judaism instead of lumping them all together.
When did Christians ever all agree on the details of the afterlife?
And Catholicism teaches God is incomprehensible and you can't really understand anything about his nature.
I guess what you're really saying is how much you like sticking your cock in little boys.
Also the point of OP's post totally flew over your head
The difference is that they aren't as obsessed about the afterlife as you guys. how does it feel to know that hell is a complete invention Christianity and doesn't exist in the OT? Furthermore, you think your religion is better because it makes up MORE shit? If you've actually looked closely at the "prophecies" Jesus fulfills you should know that Christianity has an even shakier foundation than Judaism, since it is filled with misinterpretations of what is already a pile of shit. Just to name a few:
>Isaiah "born of a virgin"- fulfilled in Isaiah and the hebrew doesn't mean specifically virgin, but a young woman
>Not are there two versions of Judas's death, but the version in Matthew claims to fulfill a nonexistent verse from Jeremiah. it's actually a bizarre combination verses from Jeremiah and Zechariah
>literally everything about psalms. psalms was never intended to be prophecy, yet Jesus's crucifixion is filled with details "fulfilling" Psalm 22. not only does this make absolutely no sense, but it also lowers the credibility of the gospels by showing that it is very likely that the crucifixion scene was entirely based on Psalm 22 rather than from eyewitness accounts
autism, can you not understand that words can have multiple meanings?
>when did Christians ever all agree on the details of the afterlife
at least our different denominations have agreed on one kind of afterlife
>and Catholicism teaches God is incomprehensible
It doesn't but nice meme. Catholicism encourages deep thought and Aquinas and Augustine built a well-done theology you can profundize into.
>The difference is that they aren't as obsessed about the afterlife as you guys.
and instead fall into the neurology meme and try to apply fucking science to YOUR RELIGION. In which fucking deep shit are you guys into that about 3/4ths of your "followers" believe there's no soul or afterlife and 1/3rd of them call themselves "jewish atheists/agnostics"? HOW FUCKING NONSENSICAL IS THAT?
>words can have multiple meanings.
in this example it's pretty clear you guys keep calling yourselves jews only to further an agenda or gain pity points. Your ideologies are so fucking diluted that someone that doesn't even practice your religion or follows your traditions calls himself Jew just because he has 1/128th of Jewish blood. At this point let's just search for everyone that has Jewish blood and let's call them Jews. Can't you see how fucking hypocritical it is?
>at least our different denominations have agreed on one kind of afterlife
They don't though.
>It doesn't but nice meme. Catholicism encourages deep thought and Aquinas and Augustine built a well-done theology you can profundize into.
You clearly know very little about Aquinas or Augustine or even the religion you claim to follow.
>that someone that doesn't even practice your religion or follows your traditions calls himself Jew just because he has 1/128th of Jewish blood.
Sounds like your typical American when it comes to his heritage.
Aquinas and Augustine are the best examples of the Church encouraging the search of the meaning of God and faith and how to reconcile our feeble human mind with our knowledge of God. Yeah, attempting to understand Him is almost impossible; that doesn't mean we should stop thinking about it and go "Hurr durr, God/the Bible says so". It's intellectually lazy.
>They don't though.
Anyone that subscribes to a particular denomination and doesn't believe on the particular kind of afterlife qualifies as mere "cultural" followers. And "cultural" followers are a fucking poison, I already said so.
>at least our different denominations have agreed on one kind of afterlife
Yeah except when it comes to purgatory, hell having fire or not, the 12 tolls ect.
> "Hurr durr, God/the Bible says so". It's intellectually lazy.
>Says this whilst genuinely believing the trinity is monothesitic
Those are minor disagreements by comparison.
How so?
only in the end you will know the truth,
How could he argue you are all just shitflinging and getting mad about it. Dont act like anyone here has anything important to say that can change that. Apart from that it's all made up
Except the gospels were written after the temple fell.
There is a possibility that Mark, seeing the turmoil leading up to the destruction of the temple, foresaw the destruction of the temple and Judaism as Jews in that time knew it, and wrote the gospel before the temple was actually destroyed.
Besides, for all we know Jesus didn't predict anything. But Mark did, and consequently Matthew and Luke did, and through them, Jesus did.
>your traditions calls himself Jew just because he has 1/128th of Jewish blood.
Outside of larping americans, I don't think anyone would consider someone 1/128 jewish to be ethnically jewish.
But I agree that there should be a term to differentiate those who are ethnically jewish, just because it seems to confuse people a lot.
Believing that you die and stay on the ground rotting until the day of Judgment vs believing you stay as a disembodied consciousness and then get a restored body on the day of Judgment is pretty minor compared to the fractures between Jewish themselves.
As I've already said, there are the ones that don't believe in afterlife, the ones that don't believe in the commandments or even worse, the ones that subscribe to a non-personal kind of God or the ones that are agnostic/atheists for all purposes and yet call themselves Jews because???? I guess it gives you coolness points.
>Judaism has been unchanged for 5000 years,
Are you a fucking idiot?
Judaism has undergone massive reforms, not talking even about how it turned from a cannanite polytheism to monolatry and butchered it's sacred texts in the process of enforcing the cult of Jawheh.
Not only that, but Judaism is now a religion focused on scriptures so harshly only because it does not have a fucking Temple anymore.
Bait thread sage
The problem is that the "Jew" themselves don't want that. I don't know if there's any hidden agenda or they really really want to feel special, but what's the fucking point of trying to conflate religion, ethnicity and culture? It's even worse because most of the "ethnical" Jews don't follow the religion or the culture, and yet when called out on this most go "But das racist". Like, I fucking wonder if they do it just to shield themselves from any criticism or to use the Holocaust as an ideological tool.
>Believing that you die and stay on the ground rotting until the day of Judgment vs believing you stay as a disembodied consciousness and then get a restored body on the day of Judgment is pretty minor compared to the fractures between Jewish themselves.
My post was discussing the other differences m8 not those ones. The very existence of hell as a seperate place to heaven or special realms where one is purged or tested go far beyond how judgment day will play out
The 5000 years part also bothers me a lot. That's high level wewuzism
"and humanities" was a mistake
b-b-but he died after our roman-cucked elites sold him out and he didn't do the thing while alive!
h-ha a mere semantic dispute means hes a fraud!
I bet you that most people claiming to be ethnic Jews are only 1/128th. or 1/64th.
Ashkenazim, at least.
Judaism is too good fragmented to seriously consider joining it.
there's already been genetic studies on ashkenazi jews and they do have a reasonable chunk of their genetics from the middle east, on the father's side that is. their mitochondria dna from the mother's side is from southern europe. their heritage is mixed, but you are vastly exaggerating