Bancor sucks dicks


Why the fuck do people keep making these threads? One can only assume that you are salty because you missed the ICO.

>Literally giving Jews your Eth in exchange for tokens with literally 0 value

my only hope is to sell a portion to recoup my costs and then take whatever profits I can get from other idiots who bid the cost up

These threads have made me go from cautious optimism to unbridled joy. Really looking forward to the coming weeks

I hope it fails literally because of Jews. All of the stupid niggers on Veeky Forums who talk shit about how they control finance and we finally got to break away from them with blockchain. Now you're paying them trying to get rich for your own selfish reasons even if it keeps Jews in control of finance? WTF???

Dude, no one cares about muh Jews outside of your hugbox.

I wonder how many people really understood the concept. People were throwing money at it
bc Jews
bc hype
bc NWO - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em
They fucking scammed us with muh system is under attack, losers have 2 extra hours to make us filthy rich
People were throwing money at this shit like stagettes to a black gay G-string wearing Chippendales dancer after 10 shots of tequila

There is a floor on the price of 0.01 ETH (the ICO price) you fucking retard.

>token with no value
What like all ICOs ever then?

>muh jews
Fuck off back to your containment board.

ETH is worhtless, I would rather own Bancor than ETH

Is there anything it can't do?

Bancor is worth 0$
Eth is worth 356$


lol my 100 bancor will always be worth 1 ETH or more. Are you retarded OP?

Lol you moron price floors never hold. god you newfags are pathetic.

ETH reached all time-high thanks to Bancor. You Nobancs will regret it so much when Bancor goes up 40x

Why is there a mushroom cloud over Moscow?

You greedy fucks thought the jew wod make you rich and gave them your money. They're laughing at you user - they exploited your greed to enrich themselves.
You got jewed.

We'll see.

Eth is simply fuel for god emperor bancor.

You really think they'd allow some swath of goyim to share the riches?

this. Bancor will rise above all the shit coins and take us to the land of milk and lambos.
>holding 7k bnt

where does it open up? I missed the ICO due to bullshit wait times on transfers. My first day at trading too. What a nightmare. I hear that at opening they are giving those who doubled up on orders accidentally to sell back at cost. But i cant seem to get an actual answer as to where it will be hosted.

They are planning for Monday release

NoBancs on suicide watch

where? when? timezone? details man

We don't know yet. They originally said that it would happen 7 days after ico, and in their slack they recently said that's what they were working on. It's w bit awkward because zi think they want to get the bancor network and smart contract up and running perhaps before bittrex or whatever. They can't stop exchanges from adding it of course.

so bittrex first? guess i should move some ETH over to there in preperation. The whole thing seems like such a scam though. But then ~$400 isn't too much of a gamble on buying a ticket to the moon.


In addition they will create millions of tokens for themselves and devalue yours indefinitely

For .01 ETH but I wouldn't keep parked my money in such a stagnating token scheme. You can make more profits right now with the same money in other ventures. Just by being locked 7 days you lost a week of profits


When BNT is created the price goes up you fool lmao. I love how people hating absolutely have no clue what they are talking about. Read the whitepaper before spreading FUD that makes no sense.

Well bittrex is likely but is guaranteed, they've already allowed people to set up buy orders, so trading will start there first. Also hitbtc. Both of these are scam exchanges though so I wouldn't recommend them.

Any news and when, where and how these pieces of shit will be tradeable?
Did Bittrex announce anything?

bittrex never announces anything beforehand. it will probably just show up randomly like BAT did.

You are the fool. Token creation appreciates the value true, but of the flipside the code also makes that tokens sold devalue their worth.

Better pray a lot people don't try to sell for a quick profit, which I reckon most people will or it will turns into a bear market.And your money will stagnate there indefinitely

yea that 70 million dollar buy wall is just going to get smashed on day 1. because we all know ICOs immediately dump whenever they hit exchanges.

Then people just buy more if it dips below ICO price desu senpai.

That buy wall is for only 0.1 ETH and is locked for 2 years. If I wanted my money to be just be locked in price I would rather put into an ETF and reap higher profits

>i missed the ico so i make daily threads FUDing

why dont you just start tripfagging aswell for all the juicy screencaps :)

I have a reserve of around $20,000 just waiting to snap up extra Bancor once it hits exchanges.