Bulgaria should have been divided long ago

Bulgaria should have been divided long ago.

North of the Balkan Mountains should be Wallachian territory.

South of the Balkan Mountains should be annex to Turkey.

What other retarded borders make you upset?

How do any of the Balkan countries even exist?

Not how it works, bud.

Russia and Austria disrespected the TURKS and made a crucial mistake of creating more independent slav polities.

Give it all back to the turks along with the Arab World, I say.

we have made better borders for worse reasons before. What's stopping us?

Bulgaria existed as an independent state before any current European country unless you want to argue if the Franks are synonymous with France

It has more right to existence than anyone else.

send the back to Bulghar I say.

their state does not make aesthetic sense

redpill me on thracians

>Giving turkey more land that isn't theirs.


Waste of dubs, Bulgaria is aesthetic. What isn't aesthetic at all is Serbia, either let them annex the rest of West Balkans or just abolish this shit.

t. neutral observer

Current Bulgarians and Turkic Bulgars are very different people.

>North of the Balkan Mountains should be Wallachian territory

I know this is a shitpost, but that would be retarded for taking in so many foreign people, plus the current border is one the most elegant ones in Europe.

I always get triggered by the fact that Sophia is the capital and its location. Like, it's not organic or something.

T. Mehmet Ataturk

Why? It seems well protected by the mountains.

Sofia is the most defensible city in the country doe

No-no, I get that. It's that the shape of the country feels lopsided. Like the coast doesn't have presence it should have or it should be under the influence of another coastal power entirely.

It feels like an administrative province not a formed nation.

>Current Bulgarians and Turkic Bulgars are very different people.

Do you have any fact to back that up?
>m-m-muh wiki
Does Wikipedia have any facts to back that up?
>m-m-muh book sources
Do these books have any facts to back that up?

Seriously, this is a claim, unproven and unfounded in reality, that has been parroted and repeated for a century.
What makes anyone think that the "old bulgarians" and the "new bulgarians" are more different than the populations of any other country in the same period? In fact it would appear they are less different, since there is no colonization (including internal, like the one of Ukraine by the Russians), no ethnic conflict or any such thing.

Romania is more fucked up, honestly.
It has the bigger Carpathian mountains in the middle of it, separating it in two. It also has the huge Danube river separating it from its coast, as well as having Ukraine cuck it out of a more natural looking coast for no reason.

If natural and sensible borders were observed, Transylvania would be part of Hungary (as it used to be) and the land south of Danube would be part of Bulgaria. Instead, Romania would get Moldova and the Ukrainian coast south of it.

I really wish rivers and mountains were used to draw borders, rather than autistic "muh minorities!!", especially since when the maps were drawn those minorities were literally 40% of a 200 people village or something.

>Half the world.

I know, right? It was more like 85% of the world.

Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out faggot.

Romanias worst but close at least you tried bartkun. But that's the point isn't it. Divide and conquer by unified external centralisations.

Fixed your map. People always forget Russia's colonies, simply because she is still keeping them.

Also you can argue the Ottomans colonized the Balkans.
>came with a superior tech (gunpowder arms and artillery)
>fucked the locals in a few quick wars
>moved their own people and culture in
>spend the next few centuries heavily taxing and exploiting
>suppressed local culture every chance they got
>casual genocide every now and then to thin the herd

And its an easy argument to make that Russia colonized Ukraine, taking it away from the cossacks.
It was effectively an anarchist khaganate, then russians moved in with their dudes, culture, architecture, state law, etc.

Ottoman empire lives on my friend its just now labelled the OIC

>Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
>Russia is in
>Syria is banned


>Ottomans colonized the balkans

you are a retarded shitposter.

Ottomans colonized the balkans the same as the Habsburgs colonized Bohemia.

>Bulgaria should have been divided long ago.
It was.

i crie everytym

Jesus Christ what is this monstrosity

The Maritsa valley is surrounded by mountainous terrain while the Balkan mountains command the region south of the Danube, itself a barrier to supply lines and maneuvering armies.

It makes sense for those north and south of the Balkan mountains to support each other.

Stupid buthurt serbshits

Other way around, Macedonia and Odrin need to be reintegrated into Bulgaria to restore historic justice.

Its literally mostly natural bordsrs, 90% of it in fact. The danube in the north, the sea to the east, and the south and western borders are mountain ranges.

The location was chosen with macedonian unification in mind, it would have been in the middle. See

>their state does not make aesthetic sense
It's literally shaped like a lion. How the fuck is that not aesthetic?

>giving land to a country whose people has proven to be able to lead and conquer other peoples

I really want to live long enough to see arabs run out of oil and starve to death (:

This looks like a fucking lion??

South Africa, look at this shit
>2 countries inside of one giant country


REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Bulgatia faces Macedonia not the sea

looks more like a penis

>Bulgaria existed as an independent state before any current European country

Macedonia and Serbia are kissing Bulgaria's butt up until the next border changes.

I see your border clusterfucks and I raise you Bosnia and Republika Srpska.

How the fuck do you look at a map and think Bulgaria is facing the sea?

Any counter argument or...?

Slavic tribes invading the weakened Roman Empire and seizing the lands south of the Danube which was previously Greek, Illyrian, Thracian etc.

No I just wanted to laugh at that.


Excellent as I was just laughing at your post as well. Nice to share the good vibes.

looks like a bulldog running with Sofia as its butthole

they are albanians

Everyone is equal, but some are more equal.

Kys, albanians are the cumrag of the ottomans.