This series helped me immensely in understanding the Bible, it cleared up so many questions I've had. It's amazing how the Old Testament covers creation all the way to the Persian empire, and even then the Greeks and Romans are mentioned in prophecy.
@2474412 >reddit spacing >reddit typing >reddit topic just fuck off
Hudson Myers
>reddit quoting you're no better, faggot
Jacob Baker
>you're no better, faggot
Owen Anderson
>a high level of discourse is expected.
Asher Kelly
>>a high level of discourse is expected.
Camden Adams
get gud fag crash course is highschool teir t b h f a m. Here is a yale college class on the OT I think there was one on the NT also I forgot.
Benjamin Torres
I prefer the Brick Testament desu. The images are good if you want to visualize biblical events, but I would not take the author seriously because he paints God to be bad and exaggerates everything (author is obviously not christian). Does not include the prophetical books or post-exile.
Logan Bennett
the only problem i have with them is they take the "replacement theory" and dont believe Daniel applies to the future and how there will be a physical rebuilding of Israel
Kevin Nelson
Chuck Missler's "learn the bible in 24 hours" is better, academically speaking.
These liberal/post-modern videos just pander to millenials with ADHD who are satisfied with imagery instead of actual substance.
Robert Miller
Parker Lee
Then into the trash it goes.
Joshua Evans
chuck's a good man
Bentley Lee
Doesnt he believe in pre-trib rapture?
Elijah Evans
Why don't you?
Brody Stewart
Because its false. The Bible clearly tells us that we will go through tribulation.
Hunter Turner
Its a good starting point.
Elijah Wood
The bible clearly tells us that we will endure tribulations. As in, "I never promised you a rose garden" and "upon every life a little rain must fall".
The bible clearly tells us that we will not be here for the Great Tribulation, the Troubles of Jacob, the Wrath of God, because we are not appointed to wrath, and wrath begins not with the bowl judgments but with the 7 seals.
Look at what happens to people on earth during the first half of the Tribulation. The Antichrist, War, Pestilence, Famine.
Does that sound like "we are not appointed to wrath" for you?
Do you "take comfort" knowing that you will have to go through that?
No, stop flagellating yourself. You will not go through the 70th week of Daniel if you are a born again Christian. Even if you for some reason want to.
Christopher Anderson
Tribulation is what the world does to us. Wrath is what God does to the world.
We are going through the tribulation. We are not going through wrath.
Pain and suffering makes you a stronger person. Just like lifting weights makes you physically strong, or how blacksmiths put swords in fire to make them stronger. We will face persecution from the Antichrist, it is Satans final desperate act during the culmination of history. We will not face Gods wrath (thank God) but we will go through what the world can throw at us, whether imprisonment or death.
Pre-Trib Rapture encourages lazy behavior. Your life is not going to be a cake walk, as you yourself said. What worries me most is that you pre tribbers will be devastated once you find out that its not true. You might think you are not saved, or you were not prepared for imprisonment, death or torture. A Christian should be prepared for these things.
Brayden Lee
You can have your view, and it will simply be proven wrong by God. You don't have to believe in the pre-trib rapture to be caught up in it.
You keep conflating "tribulations and trials" with the Great Tribulation, and it has produced error in your eschatology.
Further, Christians will not be on earth when the Antichrist is revealed, and finally, you thinking you're going to grow stronger during the Tribulation is absurd.
Have a blessed day.
Colton Morris
>We are going through the tribulation. We are not going through wrath.
Maybe this will help clear up your understanding.
The angel Gabriel gave Daniel similar information, saying, “I am going to tell you what will happen later in the time of wrath, because the vision concerns the appointed time of the end” (Daniel 8:19). Starting with an overview of the kings of Medo-Persia and Greece the angel quickly focused in on the days of the anti-Christ during the time of wrath at the end of the age (Daniel 8:19-25).
These passages identify a specific period of time at the end of the age when God will visit His wrath upon the unbelieving world.
In the past many commentators have identified this period as being the time of the bowl judgments of Rev. 15-16. That’s because in Rev. 16:1 these judgments are called “the seven bowls of God’s Wrath.” But the Bible does not say the time of God’s Wrath begins with these judgments. In fact in Rev. 15:1 we’re told that with the bowl judgments God’s wrath will end. If that gives us the ending point then where do they begin?
The answer can be found in Rev. 6:16-17 where the kings of the earth realize that with the seal judgments the great day of God’s wrath has begun.
They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”
Mason Stewart
Antichrist is going to persecute the saints.
Who are the saints? According to you, there will be no more Christians on earth.
Grayson Gonzalez
The Tribulation Saints, yes.
Not the Church.
The Tribulation Saints are people who are saved after the Rapture and before the second coming.
I am not a Tribulation Saint. I was saved between Pentecost and the Rapture.
There will be people who realize after the Christians all disappear that the Christians were telling them the truth the whole time.
There will be people who hear the 144,000 elect preach and believe.
There will be people who hear Moses and Elijah preach and believe.
These are the tribulation saints, the ones who do not take the mark of the beast, and they will be slaughtered en masse.
If they survive the Tribulation, they will be the sheep in the sheep and goat judgment and go on to repopulate the new earth.
Ayden Edwards
>he fell for the Futurism meme
Revelation is gradual history. the antichrist has always been the Papacy/Roman Catholic church aka Mystery Babylon. this is what all the protestant reformers believed. shit like the locusts or armies of the east refer to the Muslims.
there is no future antichrist, he already exists and is sitting on the throne in Rome. has for centuries.
the mortal head wound was when Napoleon deposed the pope for a while.
James Adams
The False Prophet is the pope. Rome is Babylon. Roman Catholicism is Mystery Babylon.
The locust army is supernatural and demonic.
There is a real Antichrist, and he is alive today. He is not the pope. The pope is the False Prophet.
One head wound was the French apparently killing the Whore.
There will be a literal head wounded Antichrist per Zechariah, gimp in one arm and blind in one eye.
James Carter
i once heard some idiot saying that luther and calvin were the elijah and moses
Brandon Gonzalez
I go with Moses and Elijah because I do not thing the Transfiguration was a random event, and I see the Law and the Prophets embodied by Moses and Elijah.
Plus, the miracles they perform are in line with what they did here the first time.
I don't really like the Enoch view because if Enoch didn't die, but was raptured, then everyone raptured didn't die and is equally qualified as Enoch to be the Witness.
Jayden Bennett
Cooper Turner
The proof is far easier than that.
Vicar of Christ is latin for Antichrist in Greek.
Both vicarious and anti-mean in place of, in stead of, etc.
Jason Gomez
Then the Pope(s) is the Antichrist.
The false prophet can be fulfilled through the Muslim Mahdi, Buddhist Meitreya or ``World Teacher´´ that New Agers are anticipating.
Josiah Cook
The pope is antichrist, yes. Not The Antichrist.
As John said, there are many antichrists, all beginning with their separation from the apostles. They all operate in the spirit of antichrist.
Both the False Prophet and the Antichrist operate out of the power of the antichrist, the power of the devil himself.
By your definition, you would be hard pressed to name the one world religious leader that passes the world off into the Antichrist's hand, and is then betrayed and murdered by the Antichrist.
You wouldn't have a candidate for the False Prophet.
Benjamin Clark
Revelation 19:20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.
The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are.
Note the two humans, the false prophet and the antichrist, are still in the lake of fire, not were in the lake of fire. This is 1000 years later.
James Myers
There is no pre tribulation rapture. you are deceived.
Austin Harris
Put it that way it does make sense.
Andrew Foster
A site that teaches only what Peter wrote would not have what Paul wrote. And yet, here is what Peter said about Paul:
2 Peter 3 Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
And here's what Paul said about the Rapture, aka the Harpazo in Greek:
1 Thessalonians 4 The Comfort of Christ’s Coming But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Tell me honestly: Do you feel "comforted" knowing that you're going to have to be here on earth to be murdered by the beast's followers?
Is that "comforting" to you?
Gabriel James
>which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction
user, I had meant to emphasize this as your website is nothing if not twisting and unstable.
Brayden Hill
However, I avoid using the word "rapture" because that particular word for the living resurrection has come to be associated with the (false) teaching of the pre-Tribulation resurrection or "pre-Trib rapture". In fact, the resurrection of the Church occurs not before the Tribulation nor any time within it, but at the Tribulation's end when our Lord returns (i.e., the second advent). So I am definitely "pre-Mill" but not "pre-Trib" or "mid-Trib" (to use the standard terminology).
Your guy is a U Turn guy; the Rapture of the Saints coincides with the Second Coming of Christ, unnecessarily.
And leaving zero event space for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb.
I'm pretty comfortable labeling "Bob" a false teacher based on this alone.
Bentley Reed
2) "sheep and goats": Mr. T seems to think that Matthew 25:31 takes place at the moment of Christ's return, whereas in fact it happens at the end of the Millennium (see the link). But again, this is not proof of anything even falsely interpreted – where is the pre-Trib rapture here?
I am now comfortable saying "Bob" is a false teacher.
Jackson Ramirez
Not him but its better to be prepared just in case than be totally unprepared when shit hits the fan and it turns out you are here for the tribulation.
Hunter Collins
There is no preparation possible for such an event.
Luckily there is no need to prepare for the Rapture. The only preparation necessary is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
Sounds like you're more a prepper than a Christian, t b h
Jordan Brown
That's just fear talking. Love drives out fear.
Do you really think Jesus is going to have his bride walk down a dark alley to be mugged raped and pillaged on the way to the altar?
David Collins
I mean spiritual and mental preparation. Are you willing to die for your beliefs? If someone pointed a gun at your head and told you to renounce Jesus or die, what would you do?
Christians in Syria, Iraq and Africa have been beheaded for their faith in Christ. Christians in China and India have been suppressed for centuries. The early Christians faced persecution from the Roman state and were used as scapegoats. Untold amount of Christians died at the hands of the Papacy. Christians were purged by Communist Russia.
I dont think you should be talking about comfort. We are not of this world. We are soldiers behind enemy lines.
Easton Long
who cares? your view on eschatology does not affect your salvation.
Adrian Harris
I already died, in Christ, which is kind of the point. No, I would not denounce my savior. And have not.
You keep thinking there is some sort of preparation possible for being beheaded. You just kind of kneel down and it's over. You don't have to practice kneeling.
Paul says comfort each other with the fact that Jesus is going to harpazo/snatch away the living believers and resurrect the dead prior to the Tribulation.
So Paul says to comfort one another.
You? You say don't.
Whom do you think I will listen to? Paul, who is clear and direct and on point, or you, who keep conflating issues even after it is clearly pointed out that you are conflating issues?
Going through suffering and pain and tribulations is NOT going through the Great Tribulation, the 70th week of Daniel, and you keep saying that it is.
Without any bible verses to back you up, only a "scholar" whose salvation is at least questionable, and whose teachings are clearly false. The sheep and goat judgment is NOT at the end of the millennium; it is at the beginning.
Nicholas Cox
Fair enough.
Noah Barnes
I would offer you living god ministries dot net and gracethrufaith dot com as men I trust to teach the bible properly. The former also has an archive of thousands of hours of radio shows, all available for free.
Carter Russell
I´ll check them out, thanks.
James Gonzalez
Lucas Barnes
Crash courses on biblical history are basically meme tier level of understanding the biblical text. The bible and it's opinions about it are vast and never always in agreement with one another. It's much better to do the biblical research yourself by reading scholarly books and reading the bible in general. No crash course will ever give you multiple opinions and argumentations as introductions to OT and NT and commentaries do. It may be a long and tedious task (at some point) but overall you get a better understanding.
Tyler Collins
>It's amazing how the Old Testament covers creation all the way to the Persian empire, and even then the Greeks and Romans are mentioned in prophecy.