>Be Western European race scientist in the 19th and 20th centuries
>Fap over Mysticism and ancient Aryanism, proclaim yourself and your people pure Aryans whilst considering Eastern Europeans sub-human
>Genetic science comes along
>Turns out you're a filthy Iberian and Eastern Europeans are the true descendants of ancient Aryans
Really makes you think.
Be Western European race scientist in the 19th and 20th centuries
Other urls found in this thread:
>I2a: South Slavic, Sardinian
>what are haplo subclades
Slavs don't belong to the same subclade as the Indo-Aryans, you dumb nigger. It says right in your pic that are several groups inside R1a.
Yes, it's high in those populations
l2a isn't Slavic at all despite the misleading name there. It was already in Europe before the Indo-European migrations.
Learn what haplo subclades are pls people. R1b is not all Celtic either. Italics and Germanics belong to a different branch of it than the native Celts of Britain.
Nevertheless, R1a dominant European populations are objectively more Aryan than R1berians because the common ancestry they share is a lot more recent.
Neolithic farmers mixed with indigenous bulls in the Balkans who were good and strong farm workers so they were allowed their slice of the neolithic farmer pussy of Anatolian origin.
This mixed group settled both far western Ukraine and Italy.
Sardinians avoided rape by Indo-Europeans thanks to geography so they are genomically distinct from I2 Slavs.
No. R1b and it's subclades comes directly from the Yamna, Proto-Indo-Europeans. In fact, it's much rarer to find R1a than R1b among them. R1a is associated with a later migration wave limited to Eastern Europe mostly.
This is pure conjecture. Yamna were swarthy with dark eyes, hence their R1b, whereas R1a populations were usually light with blonde hair and blue eyes. R1a also generally correlates better with IE expansion, making it a much more viable candidate for original PIE lineage.
The expansion of R1a into Europe happens later than the expansion of R1b.
r1b exists in Sardinia too
Yes. Swarthy R1birids were eager to try out their newly discovered Aryan technology and proceeded to genocide Paleo-European savages, effectively replacing most of their paternal lines. After mingling in the East setting the basis for civilizations like Persia and China, Aryans settled in Europe replacing most the R1b settlers in the Eastern half of it, penetrating as deep as Scandinavia.
The only subhuman here is you, the Slavic subclades have inherently derived from their Corded-Ware progenitor. Besides, blondness correlates the strongest with the distribution of the haplogroup in question, its greatest distributors in Europe are the Slavs, hence why house the largest population of blonde-haired individuals in Europe, some estimated 139 million.
There were very little R1b people that settled in Eastern Europe in the first place. It is known that R1b is an extremely old lineage. It can be dated as far as 20k years ago in Iran and it's major expansions happened before the R1a expansions. There were also R1b people who settled in the Tarim basin (Western China) much earlier than the R1a carriers: eupedia.com
There were no Slavs in Europe at the time of the R1a expansions. They're a distinct group that formed later and have their own subclades.
>here were also R1b people who settled in the Tarim basin (Western China) much earlier than the R1a carriers
No proof of this, most Tarim mummies were R1a1.
The Uyghur (Turkified descendants of them) carry a decent amount of R1b.
>Poland is more Aryan than Germany
what was Hitler hiding?
The development of Proto-Balto-Slavic predates the rise of Proto-Germanic for nearly 1800 years.
>They're a distinct group that formed later and have their own subclades
Yes, two that've inherently derived from the subclade of the Corded-ware culture.
I've specifically said the "largest population" of blonde-haired individuals, not the most concentrated in a spectrum that only covers the phenomenon of blondness among adult males of a certain age. This map also includes light brown and red, in case you've missed that.
> After mingling in the East setting the basis for civilizations like Persia and China
Equating the bronze age steppe package with Sinitic civilization is ludicrous.
Unlike the Persians the Chinese don't have Yamna related steppe admixture.
>Them R1b in the middle of Africa.
Did they get Yamnayed?
Yes, the Indo-Europeans that settled in the Tarim Basin were very isolated from the Chinese civilization that flourished in Eastern China. I don't believe they had anything to do with it. Western China is extremely unpopulated to this day.
More like IRANED. That happened 15k years ago:
>we found evidence of early Eurasian backflow to Africa in people speaking the unclassified isolate Laal language in southern Chad and estimate from linkage-disequilibrium decay that this occurred 4,750–7,200 years ago. It brought to Africa a Y chromosome lineage (R1b-V88) whose closest relatives are widespread in present-day Eurasia; we estimate from sequence data that the Chad R1b-V88 Y chromosomes coalesced 5,700–7,300 years ago. This migration could thus have originated among Near Eastern farmers during the African Humid Period.
African and Near Eastern pussy belongs to Mammoth hunter cock. Roll over E1bs.
>Did they get Yamnayed?
R1b as a whole predates the formation of proto Indo Europeans.
Eurasian backmigration led to the introgression of R V88.
Is there a more metal family of haplogroups than the R? Hunting mammoths, horse nomads, conquerors, voyagers...
Probably a later addition.
D gave us anime
From where? There were no later R1b migrations to that area.
From their Western cousins, obviously.
Fucking how? People couldn't even sail to Sardinia until recent times.
Roman colonization obviously. It does exist, but it's a smaller amount than in the peninsula.
It's not from Roman colonization, it's from the bell beaker culture (Indoeuropean), so from people who came around 2100-1800 bc
J invented civilization
But Sardinians didn't speak an Indo-European language before the Romans, did they?
Hard to tell considering by the time of Cicero theyall spoke Phoenician, he said "una vox" when describing them and saying they descended from Phoenicians
Only some Bell Beakers were R1b and Indo-European.
Iberian Bell Beakers were I2 and good candidates of Sardinian's I2 ancestors.
>There were very little R1b people that settled in Eastern Europe in the first place.
Really? R1b is pretty common in Eastern Europe especially V4 countries.
All of them? But only a small part of the island was under their control, not all of it.
That map is lacking some areas like Olbia, Sardinia is the place where the most tophets were found, more than the rest of the Mediterranean sea, so it's safe to say they had a huge influence on it, the oldest Phoenician inscription in the Western Med was also found in Sardinia
This. It's absolute horseshit to say I2 is Slavic.