Are you going to leave your bags on exchanges during armagedon at august or transfer all of it into wallets?
it's fucking pain in the ass for me, installing like 10 fucking diffrent wallets, keeping this keys, paying facking fees and shit
Are you going to leave your bags on exchanges during armagedon at august or transfer all of it into wallets?
it's fucking pain in the ass for me, installing like 10 fucking diffrent wallets, keeping this keys, paying facking fees and shit
Fuck it, you know polo is gonna support this shit anyway.
There will probably be no fork though lol..Its just fud and PR as people are making money on all falls and rises of the btc price.
Its gonna be just fine.
cashout and leave fiat in exchanges. when storm is over buy back in maybe wire more moeny
Im not far gone down the crypto hole but i dont leave much on exchanges anyways, usually a wallet on the old handy
>trusting polo
>trusting polo during armagedon fork
yeah, that was my plan too, also leve 3 currenies on wallets becouse i think they may survive and rise from the bitcoin ashes
why not pc?
Just never set one up on Pc, but i might. recommendations?
how fucking hard is it?
Just put it in your wallets, use a wallet that suppoerts several shitcoins, like MEW
Better yet buy a Ledger Nano
Originally the plan was to get a ledger when I got to 4 figures, but I got slack on my weekly buying after some car bills in April. Still, I could be at 4 figures come Aug 1 so maybe its worth a thought
wont that cashing out crash everything like a bankrun?
nothing will happen in august 1, i checked
The only reason for waiting is if you are a poorfag who is literally investing all excess cash into crypto.
sure thing big guy
Yah, that's exactly what I'm doing.
Nice digits.
yeah, and get hacked like Jaxx lately
checked where? mate if even nothing happens to bitcoin afterall, all peaople will do some diffrent kind of crazy shits, before and after, crash is inevitable
That's the most retarded idea, but if you only having one chain worth of BTC when the fork happens be my guest.
idk why you'd need 10 wallets. The only thing you need to pull off exchanges is BTC, because that's the only thing forking.
>trusting an exchange during an event that could make them go out of business if risk is improperly mitigated
>That's the most retarded idea,
aslo when the fork happens he still can buy whatever chain he want for that fiat, and yeah, thought the same thing about pulling only btc, but a lot of peaople say to pull it all
What's happening August 1st?
it's when we're planning to gangbang your mom atop your coffin after you kys
Chill lad.
All cryptocurrencies are tied to BTC. There's no avoiding the crash without converting it to fiat.
Usdt. Buy back in after the dust settles