Why the fuck did Amazon buy Whole Foods?
Why the fuck did Amazon buy Whole Foods?
Strong brand, appeals to a large key demographic and it's an area that they are looking to expand into. They already deliver everything else, why not groceries?
So it could run walmart out of business?
They are going to automize the grocery industry by combining it with amazon fresh
all grocery store workers will lose their job to flying drones that deliver groceries
thank fuck
fuck those wallyworld douchebags dude theyre gonna burn for eternity
I'm not sure amazon are paragons of philanthropy themselves desu senpai senpai
Check out amazon go
It wont run Walmart out of business
Walmart's been anticipating this and you can already order your grocery online from them. Pick up or delivery
Also, Walmart is for the poor people. Lower income maybe up to middle class.
Whole foods is for fucking hipsters or upper middle class who want specific non GMO gluten grass fed free range bread.
Different target demographic
I dont care lol at least they spend money making their stores nice and care about aesthetics and quality. have you ever been inside of a walmart? its a dated, old company. time to be replaced
What's actually dumb is their thought of buying Slack for 9 mother fucking billions. A fucking IRC clone with fancy UI that doesn't even cash in half a million a year!!!