Why the fuck did Amazon buy Whole Foods?
Why the fuck did Amazon buy Whole Foods?
Strong brand, appeals to a large key demographic and it's an area that they are looking to expand into. They already deliver everything else, why not groceries?
So it could run walmart out of business?
They are going to automize the grocery industry by combining it with amazon fresh
all grocery store workers will lose their job to flying drones that deliver groceries
thank fuck
fuck those wallyworld douchebags dude theyre gonna burn for eternity
I'm not sure amazon are paragons of philanthropy themselves desu senpai senpai
Check out amazon go
It wont run Walmart out of business
Walmart's been anticipating this and you can already order your grocery online from them. Pick up or delivery
Also, Walmart is for the poor people. Lower income maybe up to middle class.
Whole foods is for fucking hipsters or upper middle class who want specific non GMO gluten grass fed free range bread.
Different target demographic
I dont care lol at least they spend money making their stores nice and care about aesthetics and quality. have you ever been inside of a walmart? its a dated, old company. time to be replaced
What's actually dumb is their thought of buying Slack for 9 mother fucking billions. A fucking IRC clone with fancy UI that doesn't even cash in half a million a year!!!
Because housewives and fags have won our entire planet.
Day of rope is a comin.
trader joes must be shitting bricks
They want to deliver fresh food obviously
However this is likely to be a loss making venture for several years.
Its owned by aldi
Aldi is not shitting bricks
Amazon said they wanted into the grocery business. This is their in. You saw the concept video of the Amazon employee-less grocery store, right? Well, now they can make that a reality with their own nationwide chain of preexisting stores.
not far from reality, they are going to use their logistics and advanced tracking to the regular retail food buyers. automated, self paid and stocked on demand.
they looker to pair up a joint venture or merging a sub company, but US chain markets looked at them with despise. only walmart was betting on auto and similar shit used in germany. but now that they have a retail chain nothing is going to stop them from innovating.
Like usual, Veeky Forums and everybody else thinks is about groceries and misses the big picture.
Someone else smarter than myself said this on twitter, and he's not wrong:
"Amazon did not just buy Whole Foods grocery stores. It bought 431 upper-income, prime-location distribution nodes for everything it does."
They now have 400+ brick and mortar stores in upscale neighborhood's.
anyone with a brain could see why this was a good idea. They've wanted physical stores for a long time, and now they have it.
Bingo,came here to post this, Veeky Forums is retarded as usual
Whole Foods owns one of the largest distribution space in downtown LA, for example
>appeals to a large key demographic
this is the most important thing. It appeals to people that isn't poor as fuck and that isn't stupid rich. It's mid tier of people that get by comfortably and has shitloads of money to constantly buy stupid stuff
>not realizing Whole Foods is the Apple of grocery
how fucking stupid are you
Amazon pantry plus
Now onsite pick up
Plus, hipsters with trust funds shop there
Slowly monopolizing the market one step at a time.
As someone who works in a Wholefoods in a semi-management position I'm moderately concerned about what the fuck is going to happen to my store now.
they are about to change the way we get our food in the next years to come, they also bought 400+ new warehouse hubs in prime locations, this is game changing for humanity
Aldi might not be shitting bricks but Trader Joes probably is
Start looking for the exit, Amazon works their peons to the bone.
How easy is it to shoplift at a worker-less store?
Literally of you are wrong. They are preparing for the tech bubble? Why else would they be diversifying their assets? Why the fuck do you think Apple has saved up 300 billion? Because they are preparing for the collapse. They saw what Apple was doing and shit their pants. Now they are scrambling to secure themselves.
Every other week Veeky Forums talks about the collapse or this or that, "something" bubble is almost a meme by this point.
Do you have anything to sustain your comment?
Amazon Pantry has been a thing for a while now. They're probably looking to step up their grocery game.
1. It is easier to automate shop for rich obedient people than for plebs.
2. Tesla example, first make product for rich, make it desirable, then lower standards, never other way!
It means what a lot of people had already been warning about for years. Whole Foods is not profitable, no one wants to spend more money on groceries than they have to, the grocery business does not rely on the product sales anyway it relies on slotting fees and volume, if you can't compete on that you may as well not exist. But whole foods came out and fooled a bunch of investors into thinking "oh fuck no we're different and smarter than all those idiots out there in the grocery business". They have been losing money for years, the entire store concept is unsustainable from a economic point of view.
Amazon is looking for a way to shut up its shareholders who want more dividends and more profits. Buying out a physical retailer gives amazon several advantages. Physical locations that can become hubs of local delivery of amazon purchases, since most of their customers don't give a shit they're buying things at triple or double the price. It will also trick investors into thinking "they're just getting started in the grocery business give them more time to make an actual profit".
Keep in mind amazon does not make a fucking penny of profit for twenty years, other than on their web services side. They just want to shut up the shareholders.
All this shit JUST to shut up shareholders? There must be more to it, right?
Yeah... With fucking coins. Google tech bubble. Tech stocks are overvalued. This is exactly why people were scrambling last week thinking there would be a flash crash. It was exactly Amazon's stock that caused the majority of that panic. Surprise suprise that they are now reacting!
1984 has begun lads
They figured it was more efficient to turn Whole Foods into Amazon Go (google it) instead of building their own stores.
One of the first deathblows to retail employment and the societal upheaval that will follow. Late Roman Republic to follow. Exciting stuff.