explain this ETH shills
Explain this ETH shills
ETH is literally better
are you really that retarded?
cuz its fucking better
who gives a shit about gigabytes dude we're in the time of terabytes fuck gigabytes nice fud pajeet
>doesn't have at least 2Tb storage on mining rig
Gtfo faggot
mETH heads ladies and gentlemen.
ETH shills kindly explain what will happen when people actually start using smart contracts
are you going to store 10TB - 100TB of data?
i will bet you that there will be dedicated eth offline hardware wallets (online through a cord only, transactions can even be signed on a separate offline setup so the private key never sees online) that will be able to do EVERYTHING a desktop wallet can do, not just cold storage.
185gb is more than 151gg, that makes erytheum better.
people are already using smart contracts, dumbfuck
I don't think the size is a problem in itself, but that's a lot of redundancy and also very cumbersome to synchronize. It will probably be inevitable to have centralized or decentralized hardware banks specifically build to hold the chain once it hits the 500+GB range.
>ETH is literally Hitler
So... ETH is literally the best?
going to buy more eth then
Damn, ETH has made a lot of transactions in a short time! It's really gonna pass bitcoin soon
Whyes blockchain size matter when any good crypto has a light wallet and terabytes of storage is cheap AF nowadays
but its hitler. wont someone think of the j00s
who does this fag think he is
LTC blockchain size: 8 GB
ETH blockchain size: 185 GB
BTC blockchain size: 151 GB
LTC's the winner?
it's a flat out lie, ETH blockchain is 64GB, I just posted a screenshot of the directory
I think sharding is supposed to solve this in the future.
um, buy a bigger hard drive?
It's 71.51 GB according to:
BTC is 142.16 GB
is that windows 98?
Wrong. Hard drive space will always out scale the size of the b chain.
close enough
ssh'd into my linux server. my shit is secure. the bland GUIs keep the normies out.
>the bland GUIs keep the normies out.
Where the hell is he getting these numbers? Isn't eth blockchain only like 7-8 gb?
Here is the actual data
So let me guess, another nocoiner/ buttdummy is mad Ethereum is destroying buttcoin
What I don't understand is why we have to download the whole goddamned thing. Why cant we just start on the chain back to when we first started using it and not 7 years ago?
Like tell it to start downloading from block 234534 and forget all the crap before it.
>tfw Monero fluffyblocks can solve all this shit
You're a fucking idiot.
If you forget all the crap before it, how can you verify block 234534 is legit?
You connect to me as a peer, and I send you block 234534. In my version of block 234534, all your coins are on my address because they were "sent" to me previously.
This shit isn't as simple that any brainlet can grasp it.
Yeah...please read that again, the size is not a problem in itself. But synchronization is going to become more and more cumbersome, and the redundancy stops being a positive tradeoff between transactions once it goes past a certain range, because hard drive size is irrelevant, memory transfer speeds are the stake here; and they are not growing as fast as blockchain size.
don't be so sure, you are not running full node
Ethereum's wallet is pure crap. Slow as fuck wtf. Why does it take hours to sync a few hours worth of transactions?
DONT GO THERE if you dont want to compromise your wallets
just about nobody in this thread actually understands what that means, let alone its implications
just keep on shilling whatever you want, nobody actually uses any crypto besides btc (and barely that at all) for anything
because past your initial fast sync, every new block is verified. Else you'd get this:
You can delete your nodedata folder and it will do a fast synch all over again. Don't turn off your computer till it synchs completely, or do manual fast synch using geth (google it)
Because you verify it against the other nodes. Isn't that why we confirm things already?
But you're not connected to thousands of peers to have a real verification across all of them (imagine the time that computation would take as well). You'd be connected to say 20 of your "closest" peers. What if all of those are controlled by the attacker?
Store it on Sia
I get it. Its just that if I fall 20 hours behind, it takes a day and a half to catch up.