as of right now? in your opinion
Who is the greatest living philosopher?
The mighty sniffman!
Facts, logic, statistics and truth.
Dr. Kent Hovind
i would think Kripke has had a greater influence than Zizek
Yes, but he is less entertaining.
who is that
and is he good?
Honest question, why?
If he's so smart then why does he live in Florida?
It's Kripke
even if you arn't into analytical philosophy
he completely revolutionized the way we thought about philosophy of language
he also revolutionized logic when he was like 16 years old or something
Check out his videos on youtube.
He completely BTFOs leftists, commies, sjws.
He is like Milo but not gay and much better.
but Kimberly N. Foster says white males are not intelligent and are always mediocre
Stefan "not an argument" Molyneux
Diego Fusaro
why are you posting a picture of John Von Neumann in a philosophy thread?
>BTFOs leftists, commies, sjws.
I'm sure "philosophers" are tremendously interested in that shit.
Continental philosophers are more political than Analytics
is this guy a meme or really smart
Perhaps that is true.
If so, then that's a shame in some sense and perfectly natural in another.
Shame, because one could envisage politics having an adverse effect on the pursuit of philosophy as a whole, and natural because politics is about everything, so conversely everything has a political aspect to it, even philosophy.
analytics are more closely related to science while continentals are closely more related to the arts/humanities
and unless you are a post-modernist nut, science tends to be more "objective" than the other fields, so it makes sense that analytics avoid politics
Ok, good clarification.
But you never know when a post-modernist nut is just the right kind of nut to be, even though I assume that at least I myself am not one.
I dont know about philsopher, but hes the best debater alive.
>Jordan "I've spent 20 years reading Marx but still think the USSR was a Marxist Utopia" Peterson
Stick to hack subjects like Psychology.
>ACTUALLY UNIRONICALLY saying "not muh real gomunism"
Stalin claims he was a socialist but he held the ideals of communism to create the vision he had. So he does have a point .