Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.
Don't cry because it's over
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Fuck you, I'll cry as much as I want. German culture is based, and it could've been the global hegemony if it wasn't for fucking England.
Why would I ever be sad about a bunch of retards ruining their own country and whole europe not just one but FUCKING TWICE?
if i was churchill, i would make sure that germans ceased to exist after ww2
Alsace-Lorraine is rightful French clay
Germany is awesome.
>German """culture""""
remind me what that is again?
all i can come up with is autism, meat and potato-based dishes, and megalomania
Pork consumption.
Attention to detail.
Callous indifference to the suffering of lesser """" humans"""".
also a certain raunchy "je ne c'est quoi".
how many fucking threads do we need about this jesus christ
>be Second Reich
>go to war for shitty allies
>too pussy to invade france directly
>invade Belgium and involve England
>never win a major engagement in the sea again
>watch your ally get fucked by italians and slav shits
>involve USA
>Don't cry because it happened, smile because it's over
>15% of Americans have German heritage, the largest of any other group
Explains the Wehrboos.
>German culture is based
No it's not
>and it could've been the global hegemony
God spare us the thought.
It is inded still better than England, though.
Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.
>ww1 was germany's fault
I want this meme to end
>escalating a regional conflict in the backwaters of europe into a world wide conflict that destroyed half of the great world powers at the time and left the atmosphere ripe for an even worse conflict afterwards
>no, they dindu nuffin
why the fuck is everyone so artistically obsessed with the german empire on this board
>not alowing austria-hungary to investigate murder of key goverment offical, to the point that an ultimatum has to be made
>not responding to said ultimatum knowning fully it would mean war and that this would drag in all allies
>start war over a terrorist act that wasn't even endorsed by your countrt
But no Germany is the sole reason world war one happened kids, not Serbia. It was those evil germans that where just like the rest of europe acting on defensive pacts made years earlier.
>some Serbian dude kills and Austrian prince
>as retaliation Germany must invade France through neutral Belgium
Yes clearly self-defence.
Serbia started the conflict, Germany made it a world war.
>Austria-hungary declares war on serbia because of ultimatu denial.
>France must declare war on austria hungary
it where the declaration of war against austria-hungary that caused for the german-french conflict in the first place. Had no one declared war on austria it would've just been a local conflict between serbia and austria
Premptive war is self-defence.Specially if France is allied with Russia and Britain just to fuck over Germany
But France didn't declare war on Austria or anyone you brainwashed naziboo /pol/tard.
I think we should preemtively nuke Germany, it would be self-defence.
>waaaaahhhhh it's everyone's fault for declaring war on Austria
>it's not Austria's fault for declaring war on a country with powerful allies
That just means that
a) Germany failed on the diplomacy department even before the war
b) Germany shouldn't have entered the AH-Serbia-Russia conflict.
In fact, AH only proceeded because Germany gave them the fucking blank check confirming they'd handle Russia. They knew what they were getting into and chose to do it.
Russia and France were open treaty-fied allies, just like Austro-Hungary and Germany.
Biggest shame is allowing for France to even have allies to begin with.
>ww1 germany = nazi
these are some mental gymnastics right there
it's Serbia's fault for not allowing a proper investigation of a terrorist act, no matter how you look at it.
Princip was an Austro-Hungarian citizen working with other Austro-Hungarian citizens in an Austria-Hungary-based cell. Don't see what Serbia had to do with anything.
France was under no obligation to go to war, and neither was Germany. This had nothing to do with either country. Except that Germany was looking for any random excuse to invade France.
First of all no, the only difference is the Holocaust. And second of all you're literally parroting Nazi propaganda lies about how WW1 wasn't Germany's fault at all.
>Serbian ethnicity, Serbian independance terrorist cell, killed in name of Serbia
>what has Serbia got to do with it ?
I'm saying germany didn't start the war, and the war is as much germany's fault as it is french, english, austrian, etc. Unlike ww2 which was soley started and caused by germany.
and there is a huge difference between nazi germany and old german empire, in principle alone.
Didn't one of the ultimatum's demands - and the only one the Serbians refused if I'm remembering correctly - involved letting Austro-Hungarians police on Serbian ground?
Doesn't seem to be all Serbia's fault on that one.
>Germany gives the blank check to Austria, emboldening them to proceed with the war in full knowledge that Russia will defend Serbia
>Germany unilaterally tries to invade France (who it had made an enemy to itself a few decades earlier) through Belgium, a neutral country.
>Germany is as responsible as France/UK/AH.
It's always blown out of proportions. It just involved Austrian officials getting involved in the investigation on Young Bosnia.
Dude they were pretty much forced to invade. They were left with no other options.
world war 1 was a shitfest of defensive pacts and alliences jumping into action at the same time.
they have themselves to blame for wanting more
>France does everything it can to deescalate the crisis
>Germany invades France anyway
lol yeah, "it was everyone's fault"
If anything German invasion of Poland in WW2 was less unjustified than the shit Germany pulled in WW1. And what's that supposed huge difference between Germany in WW1 and WW2 according to you?
Man who started ww1 is like saying video games aren't art on /v/ it just blows up
>Germany did everything wrong
They could have
1) Pressed AH to not declare war
2) Sent envoys to France to try for a truce
3) Sent envoys to Russia to find a diplomatic solution
4) Fortify the frontier with France so France would be the aggressor if it tried to attack
Instead, they let AH decide whether to start the conflict or not, and then dragged France and the UK into it without a moment's hesitation.
>tens of hundred of French patriotic threads posted on this board
>Nothing out of order
>Some madlad makes a thread that defies the frenchposter consensus
>things that never happened
Prosecutions complexes aren't healthy.
>je ne c'est quoi
je ne sais quoi*
German Empire is the very definition of border gore
daily reminder that PM Asquith told the House of Commons on August 4th that there was no obligation towards Belgium at all.
Sorry old chap.
They failed to get organized to colonize the new world.
subhuman g*rms should've been colonized themselves
It's funny, because Italians and Germans form a very large portion of the population of the new world, yet their languages are nowhere to be found.