anyone here trading with Ichimoku clouds?
Pssssst! Hey faggots! Remember how everyone thought the crash was over? It's not...
what is this
Enjoy your bags you fucking faggot
Looks like the image. Only started some minutes ago. As far as I know: above / below cloud, green / red cloud give bullish / bearish signs. Also You should only open a short after the lower bound of a cloud has been pierced. Didn't know that before opening mine, I should have waited longer. Looks kinda chaotic though, especially the other three lines which I can't interpret yet anyway. Would like an option on Kraken to hide those.
So what are you basing this on? Your psychic neet powers?
Give me some recommendations of alts to change to before this happens please.
I didn't buy the dip at $2000 because I got fucking greedy and thought it would hit $1800, now I missed all these easy 25% gains
>meme lines going in every direction
Lel I couldn't even buy the dip if I wanted to. I can only use localbitcoins which has incredibly jewish sellers who wait for the correction. I'm from eastern europe.
What program is that?