We were so close to a resurrected Rome...
Why is fate so cruel?
We were so close to a resurrected Rome...
Why is fate so cruel?
Because ebil nazis xDDDD
>Ruling anything
We are talking about people who cant even manage basic garbage disposal.
i thought this was meant to be the history board
>we wuz romans n shiet
Ah the "the Italian peninsula was completely ethnically cleansed of its original inhabitants sometime around the 6th century AD" meme
There is a thread about this.
it bears repeating
>So close
Italy was almost knocked out the war until Germany started helping. It amazing they even dragged North Africa out for that long.
Don't cry young Roman. What happened in WW2 was all engineered by great Imperator Mussolini. He saw the Germanic tribes to the north unifying and knew that no matter what they would eclipse Roma. So he allied with them and drew them into a conflict that would destroy them. Imperator Mussolini sacrificed himself so that the Germanics would get fucked over by Celts and Scythians with Italia and her people coming off relatively unscathed. With the Germanics soon to be out of the way for good, the world will soon be ripe for Nova Roma.
Why was Italy so obsessed with beating Ethiopians?
Because the Italians were hilariously under equipped and incompetent.
Is this real?
>roman empire
>subsaharan africa
pick one OP
Ah yes the Roman Empire of Somaliaxum.
The 3rd Rome (Ottomans) operated in those areas. The new 4th Rome is just picking up where they left off
>losing so hard to africans your government collapses
4th is USA, china can be 5th, IF they become 1nr military
You don't have enough provinces to reform the Roman Empire my dude. You need all of the Hispanic, Gallic, English, Iraqi, Turkish, Balkan, Algerian, and Egyptian provinces cored.
Mussolini shouldn't have sided with that jackass Hitler.
>Leading to German intervention
Well, I guess even in the old Romans let the Germanics fight their wars while they were enjoying sweet boipussy.
Cheeky bastards.
>Hitler shouldn't have sided with that jackass Mussolini.
fixed that for you
>We were so close to snatching even more coastline and ancient structures so as to jew everybody via tourismbux
Forget the bloated empire. Bring back the coherent Republic with people like Cincinnatus.
>those borders
>resembling anything close to the borders of the Roman Empire
>Slavnigger thinking isn't and Dalmatia wasn't built by Venetians
*Istria and Dalmatia
>We were so close to a resurrected Rome...
>Post italian shit colonialism
Or how the mafia is in fucking everything.
Even in agriculture and Olive oil for Christs' sake.
Oh the tales of Italian incomptency in the colonies are a riot.
I'm talking ordering so much shit for the colony's soldiers then dumping stuff like clothing and tanks (was it tanks not 100% sure but it was like military equipment) in the sea.
If Italians actually built Pula, then I want you to know that apart from the amphitheatre, it is one of the worst cities I ever been to.
Why did they ever include Iraq as a necessary condition.
Mussolini ruined any goodwill with the Entente by his invasion of abyssinia. He shouldve just compromised so he could stay in their good graces
>italian shit colonialism
>produced the best post-colonies
I mean Libya and Eritrea are some of the best countries to live in if you're african
We were so close to a resurrected Rome...
Why is fate so cruel?
We were so close to a resurrected Rome...
Why is Allah (pbuh) so cruel?
I feel like this demonstrates Italian incompetence pretty well
When Ethiopia started rebelling against their occupation their strategy to placate the rebel leaders was to GIVE THEM WEAPONS AMMUNINITION AND ARMORED VEHICLES AS A SHOW OF GOOD FAITH
What is with everyone and resurrecting old empires that are mostly just in name?
0/10, faggot.
>have ten russian engineers manning field guns during a single battle
>have a dozen or so officers trained at a russian military academy
>/pol/acks take this to mean that Russia basically fought the war for them
hmmmmm rly makes u think
>200k nogs vs 20k Italians
>100k of them with firearms and supported by Russian generals
>higher number of casualties despite massive advantage
It was trained soldiers versus a force largely made up of peasant militias.
This only makes it worse. What kind of a moronic failure attacks 200k nogs with 20k italians?
Italians suck on the field, AND apparently on the map, starting stupid wars like that.
U dumb fuck
THEY INVADED they should have taken that into account
Do you seriously think the romans always had the superior number of soldiers?
The invading army is almost always outnumbered thats why you have to be smart
They had the MASSIVE tech advantage and invaded from a already colonized area
> supported by Russian generals
Read the fucking story it was mostly the Russian red cross no fucking generals
Italy got beaten so bad by Africans their entire government collapsed end of story
the "italians" were also mostly africans, no?
i remember reading they were the colonial army
>Heavily outnumbered, Baratieri refused to engage, knowing that due to their lack of infrastructure the Ethiopians could not keep large numbers of troops in the field much longer. However, Baratieri also never knew about the true numerical strength of the Ethiopian army that was to face his army, so he rather further fortified his positions in the Tigray. But the Italian government of Francesco Crispi was unable to accept being stymied by non-Europeans. The prime minister specifically ordered Baratieri to advance deep into enemy territory and bring about a battle.
>The decisive battle of the war was the Battle of Adwa on March 1, 1896, which took place in mountainous country north of the actual town of Adwa (or Adowa). The Italian army comprised four brigades totalling approximately 17,700 men, with fifty-six artillery pieces; the Ethiopian army comprised several brigades numbering between 73,000 and 120,000 men (80–100,000 with firearms: according to Pankhurst, the Ethiopians were armed with approximately 100,000 rifles of which about half were quick-firing),[4] with almost fifty artillery pieces.
>The Italians suffered about 7,000 killed and 1,500 wounded in the battle and subsequent retreat back into Eritrea, with 3,000 taken prisoner; Ethiopian losses have been estimated around 4,000 killed and 8,000 wounded.[35][36] In addition, 2,000 Eritrean askaris were killed or captured. Italian prisoners were treated as well as possible under difficult circumstances, but 800 captured askaris, regarded as traitors by the Ethiopians, had their right hands and left feet amputated
>While Menelik's victory was in a large part due to sheer force of numbers, his troops were well-armed because of his careful preparations. The Ethiopian army only had a feudal system of organization, but proved capable of properly executing the strategic plan drawn up in Menelik's headquarters. However, the Ethiopian army also had its problems. The first was the quality of its arms, as the Italian and British colonial authorities could sabotage the transportation of 30,000–60,000 modern Mosin–Nagant rifles and Berdan rifles from Russia into landlocked Ethiopia.[citation needed] Secondly, the Ethiopian army's feudal organization meant that nearly the entire force was composed of peasant militia. Russian military experts advising Menelik II suggested a full contact battle with Italians, to neutralize the Italian fire superiority, instead of engaging in a campaign of harassment designed to nullify problems with arms, training, and organization.
>Some Russian councilors of Menelik II and a team of fifty Russian volunteers participated in the battle, among them Nikolay Leontiev, an officer of the Kuban Cossack army.[33] Russian support for Ethiopia also led to a Russian Red Cross mission, which arrived in Addis Ababa some three months after Menelik's Adwa victory.
Italians hate him!
No they were mostly Italian which is why the Italians rioted and overthrew the government because so many of them died in Adwa
Really shows the Italian incompetence. Germans, Brits, and French would have had it done by noon
They actually lost to tribal spearchuckers, not people armed with rifles and artillery pieces and supported by Russia and France: en.wikipedia.org
May I remind that East Africa is the only part of Sub-Saharan Africa that developed a civilization as well? It's not like they were fighting mudhut savages like the Zulus en.wikipedia.org
Losing a battle to some spearchuckers is fine
A war not so much
The ashanti vs the Brits is a much better example.
It took them 4 wars to fully conquer them. The Ashanti had adopted fire arms and good military techniques along with a decent system for subjugating the masses into action.
I'm aware that Somalia and Ethiopia had governments and ancient civs which is why they gave the Italians so much trouble until airplanes were invented.
Still they made political decisions for war. Deciding not to tread carefully because "LOL THEY NIGGURZ" is so stupid and they payed the price for it. Crispi still does live in infamy for his idiocy.
>Russian military experts advising Menelik II suggested a full contact battle with Italians
Ha even when advising Ethiopian Russians prove that human wave is not just a meme.