do i sell now or hold for further mooning Veeky Forums
Do i sell now or hold for further mooning Veeky Forums
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I'm holding until after v2.0
Also holding to see what they do with bancor.
Release is June 22, so I would hold until then at least. Even better to hold long term, this could be huge, the ETH of China. Good hedge against ETH also.
What is the connection between antshares and bancor? I have 5 ANT and want a lambo btw
The hell does this antshares do
Maybe one day you'll be able to afford a track day.
Sorry 5 ANS*
smart tokens and shit like ETH
its basically ETH 2.0
marketed towards chinks
i'm balls deep
Thank you. Im thinking about buying moar tomorrow but it seems like a bubble today!
same, waiting for a drop before buying back in
I wouldn't call a couple whales putting out sell orders to temporarily halt progress crashing. They probably wanna stabilize it for a bit (or just accumulate more) before letting it go again
you got guts kid, too bad I'm gonna rip em out of ya...
goys it keeps mooning i cant iron hands this like i do with ETH
i keep asking myself what would a jew do in this situation and i dont know. i need (((advice)))
lol, I bought back in at 10
So when do we buy back in?
This baby is going to 50$ at least.
Ethereum for Chinks, and there are a billion of them.
This is a rough fuckin dip bruv, hard to have iron hands
You're oppurtunity to buy more. This isnt a pump and dump, this is a long term coin