Don't worry French anons you're being included in the 14th
Don't worry French anons you're being included in the 14th
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Is there a Somme or Passchendaele level in the main game? Thinking about buying this desu senpai
>Cover art shows a white man
>French were the only power to use african troops in continental Europe
>they're the ones who get a white guy on the cover
Hon hon anglos and allemands, la patrie wins again! Vivre le France!
The upcoming Russian Army expansion DLC looks really neat.
I'd be interested in playing it, I think. Haven't seriously played a battlefield game since 2. I'm a bit wary about the DLC gravy train though.
Sale ricain, dehors!
>core factions of WWI as DLC after-thoughts
>Turks are white
>Germans are black
God damn, what a lcd shit-fest.
I don't understand gaming studios.
Why do they bother SJWing? Don't they realize their core demographic is a bunch of white dudes?
>Still no president Truman campaign where you play as him leading his battalion
Its doesn't matter anyway does it. They couldn't do Truman justice.
Sorry but i only play grand strategy games.
Post liquor factories
Are you saying a bunch of gay Arabic Muslim women didn't buy this game when they heard about their inclusion?
I don't know but I'm buying those sweet Quints right now lad
>most important Entente nation is added as DLC a year after the release
Top kek
Imagine if they made a game about the Pacific War with Australia as base-game Allied faction and America as DLC
France used far more white troops than Britain did overall (for roughly the same amount of soldiers in total)
Obviously, because nearly the entire Western Front was on French soil.
What I don't understand about those figures is why were the Indian casualties comparatively so low? Did they not see my much front line action?
Indians were mostly used within their field of specialization (aka digging latrines)
why ? its all free
>a year
came out in October
>gay Arabic Muslim women
t-they might have to prove they're gay so they can be included... it needs to be public record, for science :-|
quints demands the sehaqiyyat to show themselves
Most of the indian forces would have been in the middle east campaigning against the ottomans which apart from Gallipoli was a pretty tame theatre of a war as far as the western allied forces were concerned.
Not that there weren't indian forces on the western front though.
Good to see revisionism is still alive and well.
I don't get this, at the time most people would have been horrifically racist, why wouldn't Britain just conscript a few million non whites from their colonies and use them as cannon fodder once they realised how bloody the fighting was? They could have easily gotten 10 million Indians if they wanted and overwhelmed Germany by sheer numbers.
It's not as easy as you would think to convince people to die for you.
If they surrender, or just run away then what?
They didn't want to provoke a rebellion. Even in ww2 India was an all volunteer army. In addition, many indians (with the exception of "martial races") were seen as effeminate and weak and could not withstand European warfare.
It offends my autism that he's holding a chauchat.
>digging toilets
I admit I'm ignorant of the British empire but most Indians (I assume) were poor as fuck and there were over 200 million of them, Britain could have offered them a British soldier's wage to fight which could have attract them, once they knew the war was basically a war of attrition it just seems insane that Britain didn't use it's massive asset of it's non white colonies more.
>I don't get this, at the time most people would have been horrifically racist, why wouldn't Britain just conscript a few million non whites from their colonies and use them as cannon fodder once they realised how bloody the fighting was?
Because part of that racism was not trusting 'inferior' races to be good soldiers, and not trusting them with the power granted by giving millions of them guns. You see the same shit in the American army, where black soldiers disproportionately got non-combat roles. And most extremely in the Ottoman Army, where Christians were literally allowed no combat roles at all.
Also, no, they couldn't have just drowned Germans in Indians. You still need to transport, equip, and feed these men. The Brits were having enough problems just supplying sufficient artillery (and medicine) to British troops.
because even horrifically racist people aren't monsters
I don't even see race desu
>Britain could have offered them a British soldier's wage to fight
You are just going to wind up with the Iraqi army. First sign of trouble they will either surrender or run. If you want people to fight and die for you they have to be morally or ethically motivated. Money is never worth more than your life. Your respect, honor, homeland and principals are all worth dying for in many cultures.
Yes they are.
In what way?
Half French classes are black, and two are arabs (despite the fact non-whites made less than 10% of French forces in WW1)
But I think it's a German on the pic
Somme is in the dlc
It's hilarious, that whole game is a disgrace to the people who actually fought. I'd say most video games fail to portray historical warfare in a respectable manner though. Can't expect much from a AAA title I guess.
It's a multiplayer focus game what do you expect?
>Don't they realize their core demographic is a bunch of white dudes?
They do realize it they're just extremely idealistic.
I don't think they made a big deal about it when they were marketing it.
Indians are a noble warrior race.
The people of the past weren't fucking cartoon villains.
They should have just fucking included character customization.
>be britain
>flat out genocide natives on two continents to make way for british settlers
>too nice to pay indians to do the thing they make millions of their own people do
>go to island full of tribes who have been killing, raping, and pillaging eachother for thousands of years over land.
>join in
>you do a better job
>this makes you the bad guy
They should've implemented that for Rust but nah we gotta fuck up people's times
>two small boys fighting each other
>you as an adult join in and kill them
>they were punching each other why shouldn't I be allowed to punch them?
It was perfectly adequate, with a few clear deficiencies. It wasn't until the burgs fucked it with their thurdy ought six autism that the memes kicked in.
>Non white people are children
Pretty racist.
what a dumb analogy.
more like two drunk idiots slashing each other with knives and then someone shows up with a gun and shoots them.
You're both wrong. It's more like two people were having a violent dispute, then another guy comes along and shoots one of them so he steal their shit, and then gets the surviving guy to load the crap into his truck.
Buy Verdun instead, much-much better game. Currently bundled with a bunch of other Veeky Forums vidya.
no its not
Ottomans, such as history will prove, are based af in this game.
Because diversity is fun?
Verdun is awful, it is not a fun video game.
No, not in DLC either.
There are no trench warfare maps. None. There are some token trenches and thats it, not even well formed trenches that you can defend.
>Half French classes are black, and two are arabs
Completely false
The Assault class is the only non-white on the French team
Two are black actually
But there wouldnt be enough non-whites, and that'd be WASSIS
>la yo we wuz la french n sheit
>No, not in DLC either.
The Apocalypse DLC will most likely focus on trench warfare
>There are no trench warfare maps.
St. Quentin scar on operations
Nope. Out of the main classes only the assault is black. The rest are french.
t. American who thinks Arabs are white
Look closer at those you call "white", you'll see
>Nope. Out of the main classes only the assault is black. The rest are french.
Nigga im in the fucking CTE, the medic is an arab or something
>t. American who thinks Arabs are white
Look closer at those you call "white", you'll see
What classes are you referring to exactly?
Do you think the Russian DLC will have Black troops?
That will be hilarious.
This is why DICE will never be able to make a WW2 game again, they can't do black Nazis.
Thats the support twit
The medic is an arab
It will have central asians instead of blacks
You're fucking retarded
The medic, support, and scout are all white.
Arabs from French colonies (berberes) can be very light skinned
You can only differenciate them from whites through their disgusting facial features
Sounds like the smart move. Use the people from the colonies instead of your own
Bullshit, you can't compare them just like you can't compare Insurgency with BF3/4.
>Senegalese tirailleur
It actually makes sense in this case, since BF1 is basically WW1 Spec-Ops (like based Stormtroopers) battling it out and many of those derived from light/skirmishing infantry.
Well then don't seek to play ww1 vidiyas or stop bitching about them not being realistic enough.
if I were French I would probably still be extremely butthurt about being edged out by nigs and Ottomans and not even bother with it
this was basically France's war
You're colour-blind, he's clearly arab
They've been slowly infiltrated by SJW's who aren't really on the dev side but have a huge influence over the weak willed cuck devs
that and gaming journalists basically being the epitome of it
Even without the caring about the color (which can be affected by light or dirtiness), his facial features are clearly arabic
I'd be much more angered by the fact France was evicted from the base game so much less relevant Britain could get the spotlight (particularly in the campaign) than by the fact some nigs and muslims are in the French army
>much less relevant Britain
Ah yes because if anyone is too irrelevant for the main game it is Britain and not the USA
I dont mind though, they had a lot of north african and arabic soldiers, and blacks. The French are the only ones who should have ethnic fighters other than the sikh medic on the UK team
Every time i consider buying premium i see that big box art nigger staring and me and i refuse
Although we came late, we were the decisive push that crushed Germany
Meanwhile, what did Britain do?
>so much less relevant Britain
Britain was as much if not more relevant than France in WW1, perhaps not in manpower but in ideas and inventions and politics. Do you think the USA, with its huge German popular would have joined if it was just France fighting Germany and not Britain?
>I dont mind though, they had a lot of north african and arabic soldiers, and blacks. The French are the only ones who should have ethnic fighters other than the sikh medic on the UK team
See France had much less non-whites than Britain
>Meanwhile, what did Britain do?
Fought half the war?
Here's what they look like in-game
>Naval Blockade on Germany, crippling it
>Lost 75% of the troops France did, 4x as many as the USA
>Defeated turks in the Levant and Mesopotomia
Germany was already beat by the time the US joined by getting their men killed by Britain and having half a million of their civilians starved to death by Britain and having their Ottoman allies shattered by Britain, America's dough boys were irrelevant.
>France had much less non-whites than Britain
Theirs fought on the western front more though. It's not just a numbers thing.
jhahahaha they changed the support to a brownie at the last minute, couldnt have a blonde white guy!
That's what I was getting at. The Ottomans are a faction while France isn't, France was easily the 2nd most relevant factor of WW1 after Germany.
It proves DiCE truly had no fucking idea what they were doing handling a WW1 game.
medic just looks like your typical hon hon swarthy Gaul
They probably just wanted more diverse environments.
>by getting their men killed by Britain
You mean by France, and to a lesser extend, Britain
I'm an American and I personally see it as very disrespectful to a country that sacrificed a ton for that war
basically turning it into a memery