...why did he have that same golf ball size bulge in so many pictures? I used to think that was his 1 ball when I was 12 but am now thinking it was something different.
If he only had 1 ball
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Jesus Christ stop focusing so much on the fuhrers junk so much user
Its the head of his circumcised DICK
You see it here too. I can remember this picture, or one like it, from our old set of World Book encyclopedias.
I kek'ed
Here's something to help clear the gutter out for the heteros among us
I've often wondered if Adolf Hitler's endowment, as a grown man called the Führer, was at least as big as this blond version of the baby in the manger?
His parents cut his dick in 19th century Germany?
Suddenly everything he did makes sense lel
I've often wondered, by what age of the lifespan does the average male penis size exceed the size he was by 1933?
His middle name was Jacob, which he hated because it was Hebrew, so maybe he had some Jewish heritage he didn't want anyone to know about?
By what age does the average boy have a bulge this? About 13 or 14 would be my guess.
Do you think these are bigger than what he had? I'm sure the ball part is.
I wonder if he was more or less endowed than this statue guy?
I once drew a picture of him and made him no more endowed than this boy and with a lopsided scrotum. I'm glad I deleted that file long ago.
This is probably the closest you'll ever get to seeing his dick.
Jesus christ dude stop making those threads. I know it was you who made the thread with a cropped pic of hitlers crotch some time ago
his grandma was a jew
You mean this? And btw, I'm female.
There's a HUGE difference between a Neo Nazi, which I'm not, and a girl who has merely been fascinated, ever since she discovered Hitler, with his unusual genitalia.
Why would a child be given a name like Adolf in 1889 barring some resemblance of a penis and scrotum?
Why don't you just fuck hitler if you love his dick so much?
Fair enough, Lemmy from Motörhead collected Nazi memorabilia and he was far from a neo Nazi.
this is the first thread about Hitler's cock I found on Veeky Forums. is it a thing or am I witnessing history?
also related
That's just a silly song! Lol.
>tfw exgf thought Nazi uniforms were sexy and now current GF gets triggered if something looks remotely like an Iron Cross or eagle
The Nazi uniforms were more interesting than the ones the Allies wore, but sexy? Idk.
I wonder how his endowment compared to this?
And why did it look slightly different from one picture to another? Like, sometimes it was bigger or more pronounced?
And why was his complexion a little darker than this clearly tanned little girl? Please explain why he allowed himself enough sun exposure to get darker than a vampire?
Wasn't Hitler's skin supposed to be the best example in History of a 0 or 1 on the Fitzpatrick skin tone scale? He looks more like a 2 or 3 in colored film.
I wonder what those children in all those pictures though about his uncontrollable flatulence?
>posting a screenshot of an image from a phone on an imageboard
will you fuck off
>first hitler's bowel movement
>now this
He was an unusual guy. Will people still be debating the size of your junk when you've been dead way longer than you lived?
How did he manage to pee standing up in the mountains with Heinz Linge if he didn't have a big or normal enough dick to whip it out without removing his pants? Heinz said he never saw him fully unclothed in his book, With Hitler to the End, but they often peed outside together. I've never done that in my entire 33 years of life! He also liked to have sex fully clothed, which is extremely hard for a Lesbian/FtM or a guy with a micro penis. So I'm guessing he had at least 3-4 inches down there.
It's also hard to imagine a gay prostitute like he was when he was young having a micro penis.
People like to say Trump has a micro, which I also doubt, and they can't both be micro guys. One of the two would have to have been normal sized.
And with the average German dick being bigger than the average American, I'm going with both being average/above.
Why did he have a phucking cotton ball in his ear? What kind of superman wears that?
Why did he get sick so often if he was a superhero?
What kind of super human catches so many colds that he even went into bronchitis?
Why would a cold virus want to live inside of Hitler?
Can someone please explain why he is so tanned and ruddy looking instead of white faced like a vampire?
Why did the melanin collect aound the other side of his fingertips leading up to his nails like a person with ethnic DNA? I thought he was the whitest man in history?
Even my own hands are paler and I'm 25% Hispanic with brown hair and eyes. (I'm American.)
I've been living in fear of Mr. Sun, a condition called heliophobia,
Ever since I learned about him at age 12 in 1995.
Why did Hitler change his underwear multiple times a day if it wasn't his meteorism making him poop himself?
He liked to bathe multiple times a day, too, and with disgusting teeth like his, I highly doubt it was merely an obsession with good hygiene. I bathe once a day or less and am clean as can be.
He liked to joke about his visitors having dirty underwear, but somehow I'll bet he was projecting that onto them because he often did.
He would have been a good DL had disposable diapers been invented.
He may not have done the baby role play (AB), but some diapers would have allowed him to fart more freely!
Then they could have gone, "Heil Shitler!!!"
Why did he think so highly of himself if he pooped his pants as an adult?
He should have been made to drop his drawers and prove his dick to have been normal, then pass a lie detector with questions about him pooping himself, before he could be made chancellor of Germany.
Seek help, dude. It's the third or fourth day you've been bumping this thread writing stupid stuff. And it's not the first thread with stuff like this.