>everyone who disagrees with me is /pol/, because I said so
Typical braindead millennial kike cuck response. Go back to /utg/.
>everyone who disagrees with me is /pol/, because I said so
Typical braindead millennial kike cuck response. Go back to /utg/.
Other urls found in this thread:
/pol/ posters, ladies and gentlemen.
do you actually hate jews or is jew just another word for greedy people
Kill yourself, millennial, and then go back to /utg/.
Veeky Forums should be renamed to /leftypol/
The amount of shills and underaged commie apologist is pathetic
Yes, we are all cultural Marxists here.
>he can't spell "enlightened"
gas yourself
What do you believe user?
meant 4 u
not sure if Lain or loli Stirner is a better Veeky Forums waifu
No u
>The cuck in that thread who thought roman citizenship should be given out like candy
It's no coincidence that America started to go to shit after we gave away the right to vote everyone. Especially women
>implying America wasn't always shit
Whats your ideal state?
What the fuck is /utg/?
>Especially women
t. degenerate homo nazi
t. "homophobia is an anti-white, jewish invention"
t. milo
t. "we wuz romans and greek gods having man boy love n shieeet"
Kill yourself, you evolutionary dead-end. You millennial cuck brainslave to the (((depopulation agenda))). Go back to /utg/.
>Having the common sense that women shouldn't be allowed to vote means I'm a homosexual
t. "rabbi goldstein told me i should blame all the world's problems on women instead of jews"
t. "rabbi goldstein told me we need to kill all the white women and stop having any white children"
t. "rabbi goldstein would never lie to me, right?"
t. (((/utg/ homo nazi)))
Your not even being subtle with your pathetic attempts at d&c schlomo
Fuck off back to /utg/, (((millennial homo nazi))).
Why the fuck did you make a new thread for this?
What exactly is this thread about? Must be some inside joke im not getting the point.