What's your most original and innovative Veeky Forums-related theory or idea?
What's your most original and innovative Veeky Forums-related theory or idea?
All LARPers should be executed
The only sensible way to lead a country is with an iron fist.
Governments are bullshit.
Specifically the idea that nations should exist along cultural lines or that X group is better suited or has some kind of right to govern X area by virtue of being from that area is complete garbage.
If they make the nation wealthy and the people happy they should rule otherwise their authority is forfeit.
Yes I am advocating every 3rd world government should be overthrown.
There's literally nothing wrong with LARPing
People don't deserve power. An autocracy is the only proper way to govern a country.
Stop denying Kurds of their ancient homeland.
It's all fun and games until the insane run a country.
In my defense, I never said it should be a one man show.
That happens in all countries
Less so in working democracies and when it does their impact is acceptably mild.
>working democracies
Name 1(one) working democracy
Meat-filled donuts.
Damn, that's amazing
The entire point of a democracy is to keep insane retards from doing lasting damage by virtue of the special hat they wear. Autocratic rule's main problem is that one guy basically does whatever stupid shit he wants until he is removed by death or force based solely on having been competent enough to merely attain the position.
Its a stupid concept and has led to idiotic moves and generally very bad times.
No, i think the system we have in the states is much better if less efficient than an autocracy on a good day.
The only people who should be allowed to vote are net tax contributor men with children.
Motherfuckering America bitch
>inb4 its an oligarchic republic becaus dictionaries
Get with modernity and ditch the archaic greek definitions gaiboi.
I think the Khazars invented stirrups and came from Mars.
How is your system better? Look at the 2016 elections. Olny 58% of americans bothered to show up. Those 58% had to choose between a 70 y/o lunatic millionaire and 70 y/o woman who can't walk on her own. The only reason why they ran for persident is because they are both powerful. The US is a fucking oligarchy.
>Motherfuckering America
Choosing between two 70 y/o retards is really hard, isn't it?
Because even though Trump (there, I said it, I hope 1,000,000 /pol/shits descend on this thread) is a complete retard, the maximum allotted time he can remain in power is 8 years. If he really sucks, it will be even less than that. Meanwhile in an autocracy, a complete retard can rule for 10, 20, 30, 50 years as long as he has enough weaponry to enforce his will. Then when he dies, there will be half a decade of revolutionary bloodbath because he forgot to appoint a worthy successor.
We have more options to vote for. We don't only have to vote for Democrats or Republicans. The vast majority just do. But this recent year was a big surge in 3rd party votes, so that unofficial two party system may start to break down over time.
> a complete retard can rule for 10, 20, 30, 50 years as long as he has enough weaponry to enforce his will
And how many times has that happened?
>How is your system better?
Because neither would have gotten to do whatever the fuck they wanted becausr it isn't an autocracy.
Furthermore your compkaints are calid only against a first past the post voting system not the concept of democracy.
I mean to all your complaints and criticisms of the two candidates i can name a host of autocrats that plunged their country to utter ruin through their absolute rule or worse yet, drove it into nonexistence.
In history? Countless times. Or are you on a history board and never even bothered opening even a basic history book?
And what's stopping the president of the US from runing the country?
>Countless times
Name 5(five) times that happened
>And how many times has that happened?
In the entire history of mankind? Lots.
Assuming retard was used in the pejorative term not the literal.
Checks and balances on top of popular will. The executive branch is not a king for four years type deal.
Fidel Castro
Mao Tse-Tung
Hitler would have if he'd avoided the world war stuff
most of the Byzantine emperors
most of the Russian czars
Take your shitty ruler of choice; the only way a shitty ruler can stay in power is by fear or by bribes.
North Korea
Industrially and developmentally wise Stalin was actually good for the USSR. He was a complete psychopath but he did lead the USSR into superpower status. Can't deny that.
>The only reason why they ran for persident is because they are both powerful
Wasn't an inexperienced cloutless populist nigger that sidestepped one of the most powerful women in the world the last president?
>Fidel Castro
>Mao Tse-Tung
Laid the foundation for China's development
Did more for Russia in 30 years than the Tsars in 200 years
>most of the Byzantine emperors
>most of the Russian czars
No. Obama was a senator before that.
>Laid the foundation for China's development
Nigger he fucked china harder than japan did. They had to undo most of his retarded bullshit.
It was inevitable with or without him. The USSR could actually rival the US economically instead of being a modern-day Ottoman Empire if only he'd been replaced with someone competent with competent staff.
Senators don't have to be experienced or brimming with political clout.
He was a no name before he started speakinh.
Cities are the intelligence-sinks of populations, as more intelligent individuals will tend to gravitate there and the fertility rates in cities have always been relatively lower than the general fertility rate.
Urban centres are where good genes go to die and their emergence may have been one of the major limiting factors of the immediately prehistorical, most recent period of the evolution of human intelligence.
t. PhD student in human paleogenomics