It's really a shame how the West is the only civilization that is completely lacking in a spiritual landscape.
No shrines. No sacred groves or spots marked along the road where 'spirits' of any sort live.
Maybe Catholic countries, but even then the population largely ignores the chapels their presence.
It's really a shame how the West is the only civilization that is completely lacking in a spiritual landscape
sexy landscape > 'spiritual' landscape
you have things like stonehenge, sacred moutains, and other such sites
there are no other civilizations than the western one
and japan has become part of the west
Mainland China also? Destroyed all of its shit because stupid fucking commies, now China has less culture than the U.S.
Midtown is pretty nice to live in desu
Obviously this.
OP, would you also happen to think that the west is the worst in terms of infringing on basic human rights?
Some have such landscapes, others complete desolate. You'd have to break down the categorization of the West into countries or regions, then compare by giving consideration for their respective histories, their religious and/or social policies, etc, since the variance derived form these is much too big to generalize.
Ive been living here in Asia for 20 years
I can say that Shrines in Japan are kinda comfy.
But its not all of Asia. China doesnt really have these.
Also Shinto shrines and other polytheist/animist temples have a different vibe to temples or organized religion like Buddhism. Theres a real nature feel.
Europe has its long barrows and North America has its burial mounds.
What are you talking about? Roadside shrines and crosses are everywhere. There's a church on every second block. Just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they're not there.
>lacking in a spiritual landscape
Ground Zero is the Mecca of America.
Get a grip, you dickhead.
>thinks all the West is America episode
Have you ever been to Catholic or Orthodox Europe? You can't go 5 feet without running into a Saint's Shrine. I know America only has KFC's but Europe isn't at all like that.
Joking aside, even where I live in America you have churches all over he place. Granted they are oftentimes Protestant and drab looking but in their own they represents a form a spirituality as well.
>Protestant spirituality
When will this meme die?
>mistakes my throwing the dog a bone as being pro-Protestant
I'm really not. I simply (accurately) saying that baptist churches on every block and Freemason temples are in their own (imo misguided) way part of a spiritual landscape
But you're completely wrong you retard. There are chapels and crosses every few miles here.
Not my fault you live in heretical proddieland
>Gingers ever considered sexy
i sliced my hand pretty deep on this post
>He doesn't know about mothman
1. The Cultural Revolution only destroyed maybe 10% of the temples.
2. These temples were then rebuilt.
3. Practically nothing that couldn't be remade was destroyed.
Culture doesn't just stop existing.
You kill culture by killing the people or occupying them for centuries. Not by breaking a pagoda.
White people don't believe in ooga booga shit.
hello zhang
Fuck off CCP shill.
>peasant culture put on a pedestal
>peasants shit in the street everywhere
>"tu tan" was commonplace up until at least 2008, people just fucking spitting on the street
>culture of nihilism and tribalism and mistrust in everything utterly prevalent
>Killing baby girls because dude peasants lmao + one child policy
Much if not all of this could be traced to the Cultural Revolution. The peasants should all be fucking murdered. Stalin did NOTHING wrong.
>uneducated starving peasants didn't spit and act like uneducated peasants before 1966 because my deluded autism brain cannot comprehend that culture doesn't completely change because of one event
Honestly as bad as the cultural revolution was, it served mostly to hinder and delay China's cultural restoration by a couple decades. In terms of permanent damage it's way less than almost 3 centuries of Manchu nigger censorship/forced change of fashion
>Dude the CR didn't change anything lmao
Not to mention 15 straight years of getting JAPD.
Or the autism attacks of the Taiping, the literal genocide by the Mongols, the edgefag Buddhist slaughter of the 800's, the fucking Three Kingdoms civil war where China lost more than half its people, or the Qing Emperor beheading all the non-cult of personality non-legalist cultures and burning all the "bad" books.
The Cultural Revolution is just the autistic commie version of Chinese historical cultural change.
Kill yourself my friendo
>strawmanning this hard
>hurdur all bad things started after [insert event/political party I don't like]
>Maybe Catholic countries, but even then the population largely ignores the chapels their presence.
Quite often calvaries are the Western equivalent of sacred spots along the roads. Back when there were no cars, they were important to guide people and doubled as little shrines for people on the road. Some are huge, some are just crosses near intersections. But I guess it's true that spirits where mostly replaced by Christian myths. However the only difference is that before christianisation peasants believed there was a dragon in the cave on the nearest hill, but after christianisation they believed there used to be a dragon in that cave, but that he was slain by a local saint. And then that cave was turned into a popular local pilgrimage spot.
I don't think people really ignore chapels and local spiritual places around them. Older people certainly don't. But the "broadening" of culture certainly changed a lot: people identify less with their local heritage, and more with their national heritage, so local traditions sometimes die slowly.
There's a reason why everyone hate mainlanders user
you could be like Japan, south Korea, or Taiwan, but no, you and north Korea choose commiecrap instead
He is still fucking right.
Niggers tend to forget there is more than one side to the cultural revolution: the plebs doing the rioting, Maoists urging them on, and the rest of the party- who are composed of intellectuals & Chinese nationalists- frowning upon the whole fucking thing.
Take for example what happened to the Forbidden City: the Red Guards wanted to turn it into "a palace of the people" where shitty revolutionary art ought to be in display instead of Imperial things. Zhou Enlai preempted the plebs by having the whole thing surrounded by the PLA who blocked the peasant cunts off for weeks. Zhou then hung a portrait of Mao, a communist slogan, and a veiled threat and the Red Guards left it off.
There's a reason why Post-Mao, Deng period and beyond modern Chinese rhetoric paints the cultural revolution in a negative light.
>Finally, I don't want someone to misunderstand me. I didn't say all the 800 million are not well educated. I didn't say all the people lost their morality. please consider it as a percentage. because we have so many people here in China. if 0.01% of people do bad things, you will feel it as "common".
>if 0.01% of people do bad things, you will feel it as "common".
Maybe you should read your "source" next time.
I kinda wish pagan tradition stuck around better in Europe, imagine the comfiness of having shrines and stuff around sacred groves and stuff.
Point me to a study about open defecation before and after the Cultural Revolution then you can post your reaction faces.
Doesn't disprove my point, only explains why it feels "commonplace". No shit China is a huge country.
>Second, my parents once described the good manner of people around 1950s. But things changed after the 10 years Cultural revolution in China. People decried, defamed, abused and even fought with each other. No one trusted any people even their own family at that time. Morality was totally torn down. People became selfish and myopic. Some people won't care about the public environment because it's not their home. Their home could be very clean but they would spit on street, drop garbage and etc.
Maybe you should stop being selective, Chang and Li.
Oh we still have that it's called Roman Catholicism
All the shrines and holy gardens you could want desu
It's there you idiot. Do some basic research.
>There's a reason why everyone hate mainlanders user
Not everyone is John-Hsien from Kowloon.
Great meme though!
>Point me to a study about open defecation before and after the Cultural Revolution
You are the one that made the initial claim dumbfuck. You find the source to back it up, and a post by ONE individual about his GRANDPARENTS experience in the 1950's isn't a credible source.
Sorry to burst your bubble you motherfucking retarded faggot.
This, the Church adapted local beliefs into Christian traditions. Most of the major holidays are just rebranded pagan holidays.
>The peasants should all be fucking murdered.
Before holding this point of view I highly, HIGHLY suggest you watch West of the Tracks. I don't think you understand the Chinese and how hard it actually is for them.
It is commonplace for highly skilled individuals (doctors, engineers) that have to leave their small village because there is simply no work to take a job and usually massive pay cuts to go and work in the city, as a janitor.
When does this happen in America? How often are highly skilled individuals forced to take a very far below them in terms of skill, simply because they have to in order to survive, it barely happens.
West of the Tracks will completely COMPLETELY change the way you view Chinese peasants, even "tu tan".
Tu Tan is a thing literally, because they are all sick. Spitting out shit from your lungs is simply better for you than not doing so, but of course, "it's disgusting", so therefore they should just get sicker.
Seriously, watch west of the tracks, all 9 hours of that hell. Pic related, in the early 2000's these people worked for literally nothing at factories as the factory was collapsing and they didn't want to pay out pension they just hoped everyone left, but these people hung on. The Chinese govt then comes in and pays shit all for their homes in pic.
Like, here you sit shitposting about the Chinese yet, the Chinese who you are angry out is probably right now working for his severely underpaid job. These people live on $30-$40 A MONTH. And they are technically above the poverty line.
>When does this happen in America? How often are highly skilled individuals forced to take a very far below them in terms of skill, simply because they have to in order to survive, it barely happens.
To be fair this is literally the immigrant story for alot of immigrants to the west. Here in Australia its not uncommon to talk to your Pakistani taxi driver and find out he used to be doctor in Pakistan but he's driving a cab and getting a return of about 10 dollars an hour because the government is selling him a cab license for a shitload of money and then allowing Uber to operate anyway.
Commie blocks aren't sexy
What is that? Never heard of calvaries before.
I took a tour of Roman Catholicism last year, it was pretty based.
Did the rite of Lent fully, got the palm fronds sprinkled with holy water to hang up in the house, then burned them for Ash Wednesday and got my mark.
Reading up on all the Saints is really cool history too.
Got to see a room full of relics which was wild. A whole room full of knucklebones and backbones and fingers of saints.
Everyone passing their beaded crucifix over them for more holy power.
Pretty pagan stuff
I am Australian, and yes it's commonplace for immigrants, of course it is. But Chinese are not immigrants in their own nation.
There is actually a term (cannot think of it now) for the wave of highly skilled Chinese that were forced to leave their homes as doctors, engineers, to work in say Shanghai or Beijing as literal janitors.
This. Would love to deface monuments to false Gods while drinking and smoking and fucking all round it with me mates
Just because you finally watched a 2002 movie (actually is from 97-2000) for the first time doesn't make you an expert on China.
The deindustrialization of the Northeast is the result of the free market at work.
And when you overeducate yourself, it's your own fault for having a skills mismatch.
>And when you overeducate yourself
>over-education is a doctor working as a doctor in his own village
>The deindustrialization of the Northeast is the result of the free market at work.
Literally wrong, I mean, you would know why all these factories were failing if you had actually watched West of the Tracks. It's actually a huge part of the first episodes. Unless of course you call mismanagement "free market at work".
>Just because you finally watched a 2002 movie (actually is from 97-2000) for the first time doesn't make you an expert on China.
You've literally not made one singular point. I think you are just a pessimistic cunt.
Are you actually going to make a point that isn't factually incorrect?
True but with the hukou system they might as well be lol.
The difference is that immigrants who come here come to a society that is already developed and has a relatively functioning legal system which offers them some protections.
Hukou workers basically go to Industrial Britain but 10 times worse.
Ignore him he's the CCP shill who comes to every China thread to deflect blame from the Party.
t. admin of Traditionalist Western Art
As I've said, it's shrines found at crossroads. There are tons of them in Brittany and the north of France in general, Belgium, Galicia, and most Catholic countries. Some are huge.
Ever hear of lordes? Sacred Grottos still exist in Europe.
>any modernist building = commieblock
Wanting efficiency at all cost is a clear sign of autism, user. Or of Germanism.
Yes, it is fair in a time when overpopulation is becoming a thing for rich individuals to occupy many thousands of square meters of inhabitable and arable land simply because.
Land which they do not even use to it's fullest extent, land which the individuals who own it DO NOT NEED. Whereas these people living in commie blocks need this land for survival. They WANT it cause it looks nice as opposed to needing it as they have no other choice.
But yes, I am the autist.
i'd take a well constructed commie block over being bombarded with advertising like in that pic
clearly OP means spiritual landscape it in an aesthetic sense, not some tilt-wall constructed methodist church
It wasn't peasants doing the destruction during the Cultural Revolution. It was the sons and daughters of the Chinese intellectual and political elite.
The Red Guards were the SJWs of their times.
>mfw a marxist apologist tries to deny allegations of genocide or cultural destruction
>having good architecture is inefficient goy
I guess that's why we've been doing it all these past years. Even simple buildings can be beautiful, but no Jewish brutalism wants to create soulless boxes to kill your spirit and induce a sense of dullness and decay.
>commie block HAVE to be ugly
See how green texting works? All you are saying, essentially, amounts to "no".
Show me a commie block that isn't ugly
It appears the Chinese parties involved have reached an impasse. As a White Westerner with no skin in the game heres my two cents. Just as the communism ironically conserved traditional European culture, the Chinese communist probably indirectly ended up preserving Chinese civilization. The nationalist party, like modern day Taiwan, was destined to end up in the liberal camp. Had they actually won the civil war at best China would have ended up like India. At worse it would have been Balkanized. I say this not as a pro-commie (I'm anti-communist) but as someone who sees how it ended up being the former commie nations of Europe which have a drive to preserve their identity.
>fixing stuff by adding useless captions
>show me something subjective, objectively
>the only thing which stops total inefficient use of space and resources is literally
>it looks ugly
You realize you called me autistic, right?
You know it's quite easy to make these buildings look nice, but you are probably opposed to that as well.
>I need statues and idols to be spiritual!
OP you dumb shit, spirituality is something within. The Puritan, KJV, missionary movement and revival of Christianity in the 16~18th centuries following the Reformation was of great spiritual nature. America was founded on Biblical principles.
If you're talking about old culture, you're thinking of Saintly relics, Cathedrals, locations of pilgrimage and Monasteries. If you're talking about new culture, you're living in our world.
that's fucking aesthetic. Traditionalist BTFO
>the former commie nations of Europe which have a drive to preserve their identity
wow its almost as if the poorer you are, the less liberal you are
Graffiti and (((modern art)))
Thanks for proving my point
Maybe a few years world war 2 bombing had a thing or two with that?
Tacky garbage that sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn't fit in aesthetically with everything around it. You have shit taste
i love spirits
Thank you for proving my point.
those things looks like ghetto garbage that even brutalism is preferable to that
real brutalism hasn't been tried
>I do not like the life of peasants so I will civilize
you are the worst
>Ground Zero is just the Kaaba split in half and buried
What did the USA mean by this?
It's not like europe is completely without mysticism. There are fairy tales and shit, the more local and interesting of which have been lost because people stopped passing them on verbally and there wasn't the academic interest in it.
It would have been interesting to see what polytheistic, spiritualist Europe would have been like but we got dull monotheism instead.