Anyone else retired now thanks to crypto?

I quit my job today and it feels amazing. currently holding $200k worth of ETH and planning to live off the gains for the rest of my life. Anyone else?

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In b4 ur a retard

proof of this faggorty or ur just another gay virgin larper

>live off 200k

get a load of this guy

what are we living in the 1920s?

I hope to be there in a year. Enjoy the coinlife.

>enough for the rest of your life

better buy some kneepads

Dude if I had that money I would go to Monaco and buy a bunch of hookers and weed

I would book my flight for tomorrow morning

Hey user here's a way you can actually turn that virtual currency into a long term profit and not worry too much about crash.

Use ETH to invest into physicals. Buy a flat or two in Eastern Europe and popular cities that are cheap. Prague or something. Move to said country, realize that $200,000 will easily allow you to prosper in the fucking Czech Republic.

Stealth money. Still lives in parents basement and still doesn't pay for groceries/phone/car insurance/obamacare. That money could last a while.

kek. i like biz. biz is a nice board.

If he lives in his moms basement all he needs to do is make that money last until his parents die, then he can sell the house, rinse and repeat.

Also don't spend more than 10k a year and hope that he doesn't live past 60

There's always suicide booths if he blows it all.

I'm easily worth 200k and am nowhere close to retiring, you're a moron

>$200,000 will easily allow you to prosper in the fucking Czech Republic
TOP FUCKING KEK. You are not going to get a decent flat in Prague for that pocket change. Try half a mill and then come back.

Took a reduced schedule from full time to 3 days. feeling fucking comfy my man.

In my country you could live like a king just with a 8~10% return of that.

>200k to last you literally forever
are you already 75 years old?

I have a Net worth of 490k, I plan on retiring soon also. I live with my parents with zero expenses so it will last me forever. When they die I'll just rent out or sell the house and live off that. There's no reason to work in 2017.

Nice one, how old are you? What industry you in, crypto as well?

I'm 32 and I'm an accountant. And yes crypto and stocks.

nice, got it all set up. Sometimes regret not going the accountancy route, getting chartered and smashing that money game

ETH would have to x5(very possible) for that to be a realistic retiremant stash. it would still be on the low side. You should be actively buying good alts with at least 50k imo

200k is enought if you are confortable living on 600 usd a month if you cash out and buy some renting properties in the third world. Would probably earn more with renting trailers in the usa tho.

t. third world

LOL, 200k? Where are do you live in the 3rd world?

$7 next year

>planning on holding ETH longterm
user, I...

If he moved to Thailand, that amount would let him coast for a long time.


You'd do alright somewhere like Cambodia or Madagascar.

with 200k ud be poor in monaco