My name is John Tritor, and I am from the future. I am typing this from my IBM5100 hacked to send data into the past. If you can read this then it's your lucky day. I am currently in the year 2053. Today is still remembered as The Giga Pump anniversary. This is because today, the greatest pump in history propelled Ethereum to an absurd price instantly creating a huge amount of millionaires in a single day. Literally a "glitch" in the history of finance.
My name is John Tritor, and I am from the future. I am typing this from my IBM5100 hacked to send data into the past...
time travel is impossible faggot
John I've seen this post before I'm starting to think you're a lying faggot.
Let's see it then, you got twenty four hours
It's possible even now you dumb fuck. You probably never heard of time dilation.
>IBM still existing in 2053
kek, they don't even make products anymore today
The past and future only exist as abstract concepts in the present.
There's no past to go back to.
IBM 5100 is an old computer fucking idiot
The same is true from Johns perspective though, they exist simultaneously. it's not that you don't understand so it cant exist, don't be deluded by your ego
John is probably a hipster and everything he says should therefore be disregarded on principle. Why else would he be using a decades old computer ?
"Today"??? As In 2017 today or 2053 today? Explain.
That makes no sense.
Time as a linear function is created by the mind as a way to order information, there is no evidence of a past to go back to.
You can see the past, but not travel there.
You can travel to the future but can not see there.
I believed everything until this
you're right, he should have said BITBEAN
Really gets the noggin joggin
>It's possible even now
The only possible time travel is forward
>He doesn't have a secret failsafe box just in case things go wrong
post timestamp and something from the future
Fuck off weebs
I'm your dad Daru.
The sad part is the cucks here haven't yet figured this out. If they each out thousands into ETH simultaneously, it would pump to absurd heights.
>artistic works of fiction and falsehood
It's the story from a Japanese anime called steins gate
OP faggy unoriginal
John Titor didn't originate from Steinsgate you dumbfuck
Juan Tito here. John Tritor is an imposter. I am from the future and Ethereum is shit. There will be no pump. Bitcoin will take over the world. Also, USA was annexed by Mexico.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Trips gets dubs
Share next week's winning lottery numbers for all us lotteries.
John, I just bought 20 eth. Wish my luck my grandgramdgrandgrandrandgrandgrandson!
$7 per eth next year
You mean QRL faggot
Kys faggot.
My name is John Tritor.
Don't steal other people's identities.
As if fiat will be worth anything in 2053.