So devs have confirmed MYST is heading to Bittrex soon. Why have you not bought in yet? This will 5x so fucking fast.
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Cause i have no money. Seriously its already $2 how much high you think this will go.
BTC, ETH, and XMR were all $2 at one point
Fair enough. whats your target for myst?
proofs, OP?
Go into their slack
$10 by the end of the month
Modest project with very real chance of actually going somewhere. Good coin to hodl.
Because the project is dumb.
It's an entirely fucking reasonable project which is more than can be said for most.
Pretty much this
Not overly complacaited, a good idea just about everyone in the crypto world wants, and doesn't have any retarded fuck ups (yet)
ok im newfag
how the fuck do i get this off an exchange and onto a wallet
where do i download a wallet
do i need to get an ether wallet or something
what exchange
Yes ETH wallet, NOT exchange ETH wallet
How many in circulation?
liqui now, confirmed for bittrex soon
19 million
oh shit, i'm going in
Go to
Generate a new wallet. Click Add Custom Token.
Enter this:
Address: 0xa645264c5603e96c3b0b078cdab68733794b0a71
Token symbol: MYST
Decimals: 8
Now send your MYST to your eth address.
I like the idea. the chart doesn't lie its gone crazy whats up with that?
The project is fucking retarded. Why do people think putting "decentralized" on something suddenly makes it good? The reason VPNs can be dangerous is because you're trusting a company to not tell the feds when you download Game of Thrones. That problem doesn't go away just because you make it decentralized
It makes it worse actually. Instead of trusting a known company with your connection you're trusting random, anonymous people. RETARDED.
so when is it dropping on bittrex?
Obvious sarcasm, spell it out for the lurking normies
its not encrypted at the exit.
but assuming youve got a dog in the race you already know that.
Normie here with (probably retarded) question, but is it too late to buy tokens? Site says 'Mysterium Network Token Sale is successful!' and can't seem to find any details about buying tokens.
I kind of assume this means it's all over for the moment, but I can't see why OP would be shilling right now if it was.
You can buy it at or etherscan.
So what if my known company ran a node? is HORRIBLE
they have 100 times higher withraw fee for coins.
whole coin for 1st blood and for QRL
whole fucking coin!
on bitrex its 0.01 fee for coins i mentioned.
ok how much mysteries u guys got
just bought 16 ready for moon
if i take my mystery's off the exchange, and I have 0 ether
does that mean I have to get ether in order to send out my mystery's again
you bought them at liqui or whatever it's called? you're aware it's not the real tokens but some IOU shit you bought, right?
^ Explain yourself what you mean by IOU
I want in. Where do I buy?
for future reference just go to coinmarketcap, find the coin, and click on the markets tab
for mysterium:
what u mean
its not listed as iou
user is retarded don't listen to him
Just for my sanity's sale, was it added to coinmarketcap just recently? I tried to look it up a few days ago when I bought in at liqui but couldn't find it.
it is but they dont have the cap listed
this is literally just false wtf are you talking about lmao
Meme development team
Founder has little technical background.
How do I send coins from Etherscan to I cant find a place to trade coins anywhere on etherscan
redpill me on myst, what makes it not a shitcoin?
>"There are directly risks by running exit node and you should take care of it. Mysterium Network does not take any risks regarding to running exit node. You accept to take all responsibility for running exit node on your IP address."
sorry, already burned myself once on this