Lets talk about executioners. Why the mask? Was it a family trade, passed from father to son? Was it just a side job for a prison guard? Did they get paid more?
Lets talk about executioners. Why the mask? Was it a family trade, passed from father to son...
If I take that mask off will you die?
haha it will be extremely painful lol :)
you're a big guy kek
for you ;P
It was a family trade and executioners were discriminated against. In taverns the plates executioners ate from were smashed right afterwards, they couldn't touch any blade that wasn't their own or else it would be considered tainted and they lived away from regular population.
Seems pretty metal desu.
Foucault mentioned that people would like demonize the executioner even though they thought of it as necessary or whatever. Is that true?
how did they recognize them without the mask?
>Tell me about the exocutioner! Why does he wear the mask!
>How'd they recognize them without the mask
>middle ages
>living in same 500 yards your entire life
>gee JimBob isnt at the execution
>but that executioner sure does walk like him and is wearing jim bob's pleb shirt
ITT: plebs who think medieval executioners wore masks at all
Because masks are a meme or at least weren't as widespread as people think.
Executioners were thinked by the mob as the worst degenerates, so they had to hide their identity to not get killed in revenge etc
Fun fact: Because they had their image already destroyed by their jobs, executioners often became brothel pimps
funfact: The job of an executioner was actually quiet frowned upon by the people.
in other words nobody liked the town executioner.
It probably wasn't the same everywhere. In Sweden, the executioner was a criminal who had been pardoned on the condition that he becomes an executioner (since noone would voluntarily work as one) and he had an assistant called the Rackare (Scoundrel).
No one gives a fuck what happened in memeden that country has no history.
It was just to give an example, since some other user said that it was a family trade, and I pointed out that it wasn't like that everywhere.
Now kys
Being executioner was a bad job and ``shamefull``
>Ablooblooo look at me I'm Sven I look like a fucking barbie doll and could get decked by a 6yo but I'm so tough nordic pride world wide except when I'm watching Helga and Berhilda get fucked by Jamal and Mahmed ibn Binladenin
listen up scrub I like animals so I won't slap you yet but know your place
>So much projection
>so much buttthurt over nothing
That girl you like just told you to fuck off didn't she?
>I wish I was Swedish so I'm going to take it out on Swedes online
Mask was to stop moralfags from harassing the executioner when they are on the days off.
I'm gonna translate some dope shit about them in poland in a sec
dont bully him :(
Why are medieval people in your story American rednecks?
>projecting this much
>someone makes a comment about swedish history
>he HAS to be swedish.
Wow i never knew people can only discuss the history of their native country.
Around 1475, a merchant arrived in Płock, named Rintfleich, hailing from Breslau. As the story tells, he was considered a lawful and pious man, with clean reputation.
Said Rintfleich had his money stolen from the owner of an inn he had stopped in. Naturally, he accused the tief before the City Court, who found him guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. Rintfleich considered the judgement to be too harsh and proposed to settle the case just by being paid back the money from the innkeeper. The court refused to allow that. Moreover, as Płock did not have an executioner at the time, it was decided that he victim himself would stand in for him, mostly due to financial factor and the fact, that it would conserve much time, opposed to bringing one from Warsaw.
Rintfleich was terrified and tried once again to declare the case void and retract his accusations. His appeal was denied and moreover, he was instructed, that had he denied to stand in for an executioner, he would stand in for the criminal, about to be hanged. Of course, he had to comply.
As he returned to Breslau, it was already known what happened and soon he was considered an untouchable, due to the infamy following executioner's profession. Quickly he descended in deep depression and sent a letter to king Kazimierz Jagiellończyk, explaining the situation, the "barbarous ritual", begging to be granted mercy and cleansed of his infamy. King was surprised and did in fact clean him, yet it did not help much with his opinion in eyes of the citizens of Breslau.
His son, Kristof Rintfleich, after the death of his father, to be elected as the city counselour, yet even after showing the opinion of the current Bohemian king Vladislav and the explanation of the whole situation by the mayor of Płock, he wasn't allowed to take office. He was considered to be a son of executioner and therefore unworthy of holding such a post.
>no merchants in poland
oy vey
well Poles later killed them in Polish Death Camps
thanks for posting that
>Nazis virtually wiped out Polish Jews
This is unforgivable.
On the social ladder executioners were below people that collected people's shit at night
It paid very well but you can forget about ever having friends.
>Times were hard for him, after the king's kinder brother assumed the throne.
>attempting to reinvent himself as the local "fish monger" he soon came to realize that the brutish nature of his job still involved severing heads...of a different kind
Your pic indicates they actually done us a favor.
>but you can forget about ever having friends.
Oh so not much would change
There were rednecks in Middle Ages Europe. They lived in large covered wagons without the wheels, drank watered-down beer and watched cart races around a circular track all day.
When Columbus discovered America, the rest of Europe put them in inflatable pools and pushed them toward the New World.
JimBob's true name is Jean Bobeau
Society back then was pretty fucked up. Executions where considered family friendly events for women and children and only the prison guard of the month would of had the honour of chopping necks.
Would you do it?
I would. Someone will if you don't.
I like the tradition of tipping your executioner, in hopes he will be grateful and make your end as quick and painless as possible.
>Executed with a sword,
that is only one step up from being hanged, since at least you were put in a graveyard but it usually took more chops than with an ax.
>listen up scrub I like animals so I won't slap you yet but know your place
Wow, internet tough guy, what happened, did you get turkey slapped by your uncle one to many times?
Why do you think an axeman needs a block, while the swordsman has his victims knee with their head up?
Fuck no, forever tainted.
Maybe a hangman, but most likely not an executioner that actually chops heads off. Don't think I could live wit that.
>job is literally killing people
>people stay away from you because they think you're cursed or some shit
>always alone, live far away from everyone
>get to wear cool mask
tbqh this job sounds perfect for an autist like me.
Do Americans tip their executioners?
executioners also inflicted the non lethal body mutilations if so the law said to be punished a crime
and you also get to travel a lot
Lol did you get cucked by Sven or something?
t. thirld world subhuman
On the contrary it was often the exclusive right of nobles and was preferred (by the victims) because it was so quick.
There is zero chance an autist could actually behead someone. Certainly, if he somehow managed it once, the emotional collapse he suffered afterwards would keep him from doing it again.
Autists have an extremely hard time connecting to people, thus feeling empathy.
Autists are actually the perfect murderers.
IMO, one of the main purposes of the mask was to help the executioner deal with the reality of his work, by providing a psychological distancing mechanism. Anyone who has been to a masked ball will know the marvellously liberating feeling of wearing a mask, the feeling of being someone else. I'm sure many non-psychopathic executioners thought of "the headsman" as a kind of character they "play", and a mask would be a huge help with this.
Completely wrong, that's psychopaths. Austists HAVE normal human emotion, they just don't understand emotions in themselves or others, and so can be triggered to absolute fuck by seemingly trivial setbacks.
Autist in Veeky Forums-speak is just a codeword for a sociopath who hates being around people.
No, it's a codeward for autists and aspergers, who are extremely common here as elsewhere on the internet.
Many autists think they are sociopaths, because sociopaths do not feel emotions and since autsts don't understand emotions, including their own, they often believe they have none, or are "above" them.
However, sociopaths DO understand emotion, despite not feeling many or any themselves, and have no trouble getting along with people on a superficial "social" level. They might "hate people" in a general kind of sense, but they don;t hate being AROUND people, since they enjoy manipulating them.
I do. I care about most countries.
This. My sister and her boyfriend both have light-autism and both are fucking terrible with emotions. The moment they are sad they crop it up untill it explodes.
They are fucking annoying.
Jesus Christ, that guy got fucking screwed for no good reason.
>On the social ladder executioners were below people that collected people's shit at night
Not necessarily. In places like Medieval Europe and Feudal Japan, it was.
Then there are places like Imperial China, where either a soldier or (in terms of state crimes) one of the officials- a member of the scholar-bureaucrat elite- does the deed. These people do not talk much about their roles as executioners though.
>Anyone who has been to a masked ball
Kids don't watch Eyes wide shut, it is a horrible movie.
Man why were people back then such cunts?
lol that guy that has to hold the head in place
>now don't move your hand this time you pussy!
Can any Arab bros tell us about their executioner?
Reminder for those who think they could have done the job, that execution by beheading was pretty much reserved for nobility as pointed out by .
The majority of people executed were broken on the wheel (systematically having their limbs broken with sledgehammers and either bludgeoned to death or left to die of exposure), with the occasional set-piece dismemberment/mutilation/torture/execution spectacle event for captured rebels.
I for one don't have the stones to cut out a man's tongue with a pair of red-hot scissors and twist breasts off with red-hot pincers.
You can go to Saudi Arabia and witness public executions today if you wish
Samurai executioner is pretty good manga about Edo period ronin who executes commoners for the state. Warning: contains mad katana skilz.
Thanks for sharing, very interesting. Can you tell me the source?
Bullshit the whole point of wearing the mask was so that they wouldn't be discriminated against because no one would know who they are.
What the fuck
>why did medieval people do this thing perpetuated in hollywood media which has literally no basis in medieval times.
Literally, 2 seconds after google you find out they began to wear the masks when the public perception of executioners shifted and they were seen as a necessary evil.
If anyone is interested, The Faithful Executioner by Joel F. Harrington tells the story of Meister Franz, executioner of Nuremberg in the 16th century, complete with fancy executions methods, amputations, brandings, floggins and torture interogations. It tells about the 16th century HRE capital punishments and traditions regarding executioners. Good read if you are into the subject.
>my feet hurt
>this fire is hot
>I'm starting to sweat between my legs again
>tfw not at home plowing the potato fields
tried to find a pdf to download but only found it in german, anyone got a link?
You are not supposed to say everything in one post, just the "it would be extremely painful" part. Then your partner will say the next sentence and then you finish it off with "for you".
Fuck off Jamal
10/10 shitpost. Are you Australian by any chance?
Was shitposting part of your plan?
Yes. But that's a De Maistre thesis.
found the hothead