Just a quick heads up. /Pol/ is about to colonise your board.
Just a quick heads up. /Pol/ is about to colonise your board
The non-retarded parts of /pol/ is already here faggot.
lmao they've been trying since it was first created
This. The board was infested after three days.
Those first three days were actually pretty good.
>The non-retarded parts of /pol/
Why don't /pol/acks celebrate Easter?
fuckking faggot im a polack myself but leave these commies alone or they will sperg out on our board ,given we are actually capable of banter
Well it was about time. SS Veeky Forums division reporting in!
>given we are actually capable of banter
/pol/ is the least banter friendly board on Veeky Forums and is arguably the least funny board on one of the most original and creative sites on the internet. The quality of discussions and content on /pol/ resembles reddit more than Veeky Forums which isn't surprising considering the amount of cross posters between /pol/ and /r/The_Donald.
>polacks handling banter
Bullshit, why do all my Easter posts keep getting deleted then?
>given we are actually capable of banter
That's a cute word for 'brainless shitposting'.
I support you, though I hate the fuck out of /pol/ Veeky Forums is currently infiltrated by literal tumblrinas
please drive these faggots away
While we do have a big problem with fucking faggots on Veeky Forums we still don't want you here. Fuck off.
You won't know about the non-retarded people from /pol/ because they can use other boards without posting /pol/ content on it and won't call themselves for "/pol/acks".
Only board that can handle banter is /int/
t. /leftypol/
>the non-retarded people from /pol/
pick one desu
speaking of COLONIZED...
Don't ever talk to me or my husband's daughter again.
Please don't.