Vikings were the best warriors in the world prove me wrong
>sacked Rome
>conquered Russia
>conquered England
>conquered France
>berserkers were the most feared warriors in Europe
Proud to be Nordic
Vikings were the best warriors in the world prove me wrong
>sacked Rome
>conquered Russia
>conquered England
>conquered France
>berserkers were the most feared warriors in Europe
Proud to be Nordic
Other urls found in this thread:
>sacked Rome
thx 4 the spoiler dick
But, user. Everyone knows the IRA are Europe's greatest warriors.
That's like saying ISIS are the most feared warriors because no one else stoops to their level of batshit insanity. Just because French or German levies didn't routinely burn down Irish churches and run away like little bitches doesn't mean vikings were some elite infantry force. Vikings were just snowniggers who needed to be civilized.
>Vikings were the best warriors in the world prove me wrong
>>sacked Rome
>>conquered Russia
>>conquered England
>>conquered France
>>berserkers were the most feared warriors in Europe
>Proud to be Nordic
The Christian Irish literally destroyed the pagan norsemen in battle. First at the Battle of Tara and again at the Battle of Clontarf.
The battle of Tara 980 went so badly for the norsemen it was entered into annals as 'a red day' because so many of them were killed.
>vikings got rekt ONCE
>dude they sucked lmao
if they were so bad why they are praised in so many movies and videogames? Bad warriors don't have a good reputation.
The only respectable kind of """"Vikings"""" were the French speaking Christian Normans who drove out the mudslimes from Southern Italy.
Christians were weak kike worshippers that's why they were afraid and conquered by vikngs.
The vikings were good at slave raids. They fared badly in battle against equal sized armies. They were the engine of the white slave trade in Europe until the civilizing influence of Roman Catholicism eradicated it. The Irish Christians wrecked them in open battle, so badly in fact that the leader of the norsemen converted to Christianity and retired to live the rest of his life in an isolated monastery in penance.
Khazars were the best, but everyone falls eventually.
>conquer Ireland, England, Northern France, Russia
>vikings were shit lmao
I'm not saying they were the best warriors ever but they definitely did something right.
>>vikings got rekt ONCE
>>dude they sucked lmao
>if they were so bad why they are praised in so many movies and videogames? Bad warriors don't have a good reputation.
They did not have a good reputation. They were notorious for killing wantonly, in particular the elderly and children when on slave raids as they were only concerned in capturing people in the age bracket that could be marketed as slaves.
Their reputation for savagery was due to this, not their capability in battle, which as history shows was poor.
As regards videogames. They are fantasy not histroy.
>Christians were weak kike worshippers that's why they were afraid and conquered by vikngs.
Actually the Christian Irish devastated the pagan norsemen 'in defense of their altars'.
They never conquered Russia, they were invited.
The Battle of Tara was fought between the Gaelic Irish of Meath, led by Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill, and the Norse Vikings of Dublin, led by Amlaíb Cuarán. It took place near the Hill of Tara in Ireland in the year 980. The battle was a devastating defeat for the Vikings and led to the Irish regaining control of Dublin.
Also the sequel
Which the norsemen also lost
They conquered subhuman Slavs.
No they didn't.
let's invite these cowards who cant fight to be our leaders
They got btfo'd by bunch of finnic tribals.
Speech from Irish High King before destroying the norsemen at Clontarf
"Oppression now attempts to bend you down to servility; will you burst its chains and rise to the independence of Irish freemen?
Your cause is one approved by Heaven. You seek not the oppression of others; you fight for your country and sacred altars.
It is a cause that claims heavenly protection. In this day’s battle the interposition of that God who can give victory will be singly manifested in your favor.
Let every heart, then, be the throne of confidence and courage. You know that the Danes are strangers to religion and humanity; they are inflamed with the desire of violating the fairest daughters of this land of beauty, and enriching themselves with the spoils of sacrilege and plunder.
The barbarians have impiously fixed for their struggle, to enslave us, upon the very day on which the Redeemer of the world was crucified.
Victory they shall not have! From such brave soldiers as you they can never wrest it; for you fight in defense of honor, liberty and religion – in defense of the sacred temples of the true God, and of your sisters, wives and daughters.
Such a holy cause must be the cause of God, who will deliver your enemies this day into your hands.
Onward, then, for your country and your sacred altars!”
Yes they did Slavs never won against Germanics.
I'm in favour of the idea that they just conquered a Slavic tribe or two. The Rus definitely had their origins in Scandinavia.
They were good at raids against weak and divided areas. When those areas became more stable they wrecked the vikings
The way he describes them sounds like he talks about niggers.
That's maybe correct, but Slavs literally never lived in Russia before Russia partitioned Poland in the 18th century. So it's irrelevant to the discussion.
>that's maybe correct
except for when Poles rekt Teutons or Russians rekt Nazis right?
No Viking of rank present on the battlefield was left alive at the end of the day.
>Christian Normans btfo mudslimes
>Pagan Vikings become buttbuddies with them and even sell other Europeans as slaves to them
really made me think:
Dude we are talking about Russians, not about Slavs. Russians were never Slavic, start a new thread about Slavs if you want to talk about them.
they didn't sack Rome. Hastein and Björn Ragnarsson got to Luni and thought it was Rome.
>not Slavs
Veeky Forums was a mistake
>conquered France
They didnt
They raided Paris once and that's it
England is the only country they really conquered
Vikings were lower than pirates.
They picked only the most vulnerable targets because their numbers were so few, and were only ever concerned with personal enrichment. The Celts repeatedly BTFO Dane scum.
>The way he describes them sounds like he talks about niggers.
The Vikings were slavery primarily. The first act of the Irish on conquering the norse colony at Dublin was to free all Irish captives who had been enslaved.
The reputation of the norse or savegry was well founded but their military prowess is unfounded.
The Irish defeated them by the use of phalanx like formations and formed their strategy to outflank on both sides and deny a line of retreat to their fleet so they could kill as many of them as possible.
Since when are Mongols, Finns and Tatars Slavic?
They raided Paris several times, along with other French cities, and there's a reason it's called Normandy.
They conquered and settled Northern France though. Also founded Ireland's largest city and capital.
>no Slavs among all these ethnicities at all! Pure Mongol blood
Ivan stop wewuzing you are so slavic you are pretty much the poster boy of Slavs to the point westernets think all Slavs are Russian
They founded most of the cities in Ireland. The english founded the rest
Yeah, they Normans were cool, but they weren't uncivilized Pagan savages like their snownigger cousins.
Oh wow.
They didn't do any of those things except conquer England, only to get btfo by the Normans (who are not vikings).
>Normans are Vikings
Kill yourself
>They conquered and settled Northern France though. Also founded Ireland's largest city and capital.
They were conquered there. They settled on Dublin initially because it was a chain of Islands in swampland that they could use as slave holding pens that had sea access.
The Dublin norsemen were defeated in 1014 and
Dublin was entirely an Irish vassal/town from 1052 onwards. The norsemen descendants who stayed converted to Irish Christianity.
>They founded most of the cities in Ireland. The english founded the rest
LOL A few slave pens in a swamp and a jetty you mean because that is really all the nosemens Dublin was.
>The norsemen descendants who stayed converted to Irish Christianity.
You talk as if that is an important factor. They didn't stop being Norsemen after this.
>and there's a reason it's called Normandy
Normandy wasn't a conquest
It was a land offered to the Rollo's viking AFTER A VIKING DEFEAT by the French king in exchange for vassalage and protecting the entrance of the Seine river from other vikings
Here's the battle that earned the Vikings Normandy, hardly an epic conquest
>They conquered and settled Northern France though
Are you talking about Normandy?
It was a tiny swamp offered to the vikings in exchange for service after a battle they lost
Also, way to exaggerate things, why not call Normandy "Western Europe" while you're at it?
Pic related, the size of Normandy in 911
You're right. I guess the English truly made Dublin what it is today.
>sources don't count if they are from a site I don't like
>we wuz Khans and shiet nigga
>we wuz
I'm not a Russian. Why the fuck would anyone consider being a Mongol to be a good thing?
>It was a land offered to the Rollo's viking AFTER A VIKING DEFEAT by the French king in exchange for vassalage and protecting the entrance of the Seine river from other vikings
And then Rollo proceeded to let the Vikings have access to the Seine.
>and there's a reason it's called Normandy
Normandy wasn't a conquest
It was a land offered to the Rollo's viking AFTER A VIKING DEFEAT by the French king in exchange for vassalage and protecting the entrance of the Seine river from other vikings
Here's the battle that earned the Vikings Normandy, hardly an epic conquest
>They conquered and settled Northern France though
Are you talking about Normandy?
It was a tiny swamp offered to the vikings in exchange for service after a battle they lost
Also, way to exaggerate things, why not call Normandy "Western Europe" while you're at it?
Pic related, the size of Normandy in 911
Anglo-Saxons got btfo by the Normans, and after that they begged the Danes for help, and when they came the Normans paid them to leave.
They had already de facto conquered Normandy decades before the siege of chartres, the French king just came to a compromise after the battle.
> that's why they were afraid and conquered by vikngs.
You do realize the Christian Scandinavians later exterminated the pagan nobles in their lands?
That's false, huge faggot
Did you see that in your Vikings TV serie?
Rollo was faithful to his pledge after receiving Normandy, and no further viking attacks happened (vikings were already in decline anyway)
>>The norsemen descendants who stayed converted to Irish Christianity.
>You talk as if that is an important factor. They didn't stop being Norsemen after this.
None of their decsendents are in Ireland today calling themselves norsemen. What remained of them were conquered, civilized and assimilated. More credit goes to the Irish population of the time for not killing all of them rather than the remaining norsemen for anything. They had been a scourge on the Irish monastic centers of learning and a detriment to civilization, leaning and humanity. The vikings were slavers and plunderers, but could not stand in battle and did not..
>You're right. I guess the English truly made Dublin what it is today.
The capital of an independent nation that does not recognize the British monarch?
Don't think so.
Why the fuck would anyone consider being related to warriors who shitstomped everything in their path a bad thing? I've seen Russians wewuzing as Mongols.
They were traitors of their people and puppets of jews.
The capital of a now recently independent nation that chafed under the English for centuries. Cromwell says hello.
Probably because they actually are Mongols.
>Why the fuck would anyone consider being related to warriors who shitstomped everything in their path a bad thing
Because they are genetically Asian and thus have no right to live.
They got the brute part right but little else.
Don't mind him, he's probably a Ukrainian or a Pole.
>The capital of a now recently independent nation that chafed under the English for centuries. Cromwell says hello.
Cromwell, the dead man remembered partly for banning dancing and Christmas and here in Ireland for killing unarmed civilians?
He's dead. Ireland is alive.
>being Asian is bad
>hating on based Jackie Chan
If he was alive today he would be in ISIS executing someone for celebrating Christmas.
He banned a lot of sports to and had all theatres closed.
He banned dancing because he thought it was immoral.
Nasty vicious little idiot.
>implying Vikings weren't metrosexual prettyboys just like modern Scandinavians
One of Cromwell laws was punishment by whipping for boys that were caught playing football on a Sunday.
Literally ISIS tier as must of english Protestantism was at the time. What he did in Ireland was no different to what ISIS do to non muslim civilians.
It is amazing how brainwashed British people are about him. He was a nasty piece of work.
This is what Wikipedia says about Dublin
Dublin was established as a Viking settlement in the 10th century and, despite a number of rebellions by the native Irish, it remained largely under Viking control until the Norman invasion of Ireland was launched from Wales in 1169.[17] It was upon the death of Muirchertach Mac Lochlainn in early 1166 that Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair, King of Connacht, proceeded to Dublin and was inaugurated King of Ireland without opposition. Arguably, he was the primitive undebated full king of Ireland and also the only Gaelic one.
"The harsh treatment accorded slaves is amply recorded both in the archaeological and historical record. On the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, a wealthy male Viking’s tomb includes the remains of a young female killed by a ferocious blow to the top of her head and mixed in with the ashes of cremated animals. Other such examples can be found across northern Europe."
Okay, so maybe they were a bit violent, but not "brutes". I can't picture a bunch of dudes obsessed with their appearance and wearing flamboyant colorful clothes being "brutes":
It's wrong. 1014 was the end of the line. 1052 it was vassal.
You may not realize it but Dublin is not a norse or viking word. It is an anglicisation of Dubh Linn (literally, black pool)
They were iirst there about 850 and following 1052 the last norse name Echmarcach mac Ragnaill that headed their Dublin colony was gone.
>brits don't know the puritans were puritanical
Well, yeah, but only because they don't know anything at all. It's not like they're giving Cromwell a clean slate on purpose. The real clean slate is in the inside of their heads
One of the Uí Briain the clan of the high king that defeated the norse in 1014 was the ruler of Dublin in 1072.
They also had a thing for little boys so they were also pedos a lot like the monks they raided.
vikangz were homosexual cucks
irish monks >>>>>>>>>>> snowniggers
First the intended victim would be restrained, face down; next, the shape of an eagle with outstretched wings would be cut into his back. After that, his ribs would be hacked from his spine with an ax, one by one, and the bones and skin on both sides pulled outward to create a pair of “wings” from the man’s back. The victim, it is said, would still be alive at this point to experience the agony of what Turner terms “saline stimulant”—having salt rubbed, quite literally, into his vast wound. After that, his exposed lungs would be pulled out of his body and spread over his “wings,” offering witnesses the sight of a final bird-like “fluttering” as he died.
Method of execution of Irish King Maelgualai of Munster by 'Ivan the boneless'. I presume Ivan is your idea of a viking nu-male?
They were slavers. Brutality was their coin.
They were shit in battle though.
Years 800-950:
>Badass Vikings
Years 950-2000:
>Devout Catholics
Years 2000-2050:
>Biggest Cucks in global history
Year 2050 ad infinitum:
>Based Muslim bros.
>Shit armor (and only the elites had the best of the shitty armors anyway)
>Sacked unprepared churches
>Ready to betray each other for gold and land
>Ready to abandon their Vikings ways for land and riches (Normans)
>Can't battle properly
>No cavalry
>Their only advantage is their long boats
>They're famous for being brutish and culture destroyers
How are Vikings any different from ISIS, Al Qaeda, or Taliban? At least those three would die for their purposes and would never betray each other.
Blame the nazis who started glorifying them and LARPing.
Get rekt you Hibernian paedos
Ireland is rightfully British clay
>a bunch of icefucking hobos keep trying to steal your shit
>kick them out constantly
>they keep coming back and start squatting on unused land
>"ok, how about we let you live here cause we feel bad that your highest technological achievement is eating rocks while we have huge amounts of grain since we are not mentally retarded"
>"y-yes my french master, i will be a good doggy"
>1000 years pass
literally a whole haplogroup of genetic waste
stop watch vikings
More like 950-1550, when they wanted to out-jew the pope and seize all the riches owned by the church.
Vikings fuck women, irish monks fuck boys
Then why are the specific subclades of haploshits that the vikangz had, extinct now?
>sacked Rome
>conquered Russia
Ruled over a few Balto-Slavic and finnic tribes
>conquered England
For only a few years
>conquered France
Normandy is not France
>berserkers were the most feared warriors in Europe
Jomsvikings are better.
There are viking genes in scotland and england
Could you say they were a civilizing force then?
>Shit armor (and only the elites had the best of the shitty armors anyway)
Everyone used shit armors back then
>Sacked unprepared churches
easy targets lol
>Can't battle properly
what is skjaldborg and svinfylking?
>No cavalry
viking age cavalry equipment have been found in scandinavia.
>Their only advantage is their long boats
What adantages did the saxons and geals have?
>everyone used shit armors
Byzantines didn't
t. snownigger
The Goths:
>Rome's ass
How does Muslim cock taste like?
and then, they were cucked by Christianity and transformed into modern day Sweden.
Who's laughing now?
>15 greek ships defeat 1000 ships